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Everything posted by Ramikad

  1. You have two options here: if you want to take screenshots in MP you can simply open the console and enter /devmapall <mapname> - you won't be able to play with anyone else than bots, but that way the camera console commands won't be protected anymore. I think you'll have to type the same command in SP to unlock the camera commands, so either devmapall <mapname> (without the "/" key, console commands won't work in SP if preceded by that key unlike MP) or, when already in a map, helpusobi 1. To change player model in SP you'll have to enter the console command playermodel <modelname> <skin> <skin> <skin> (perhaps playermodel <modelname> <skin> would suffice, but I'm not sure), respectively the .skin files for head, torso and legs. For example: playermodel kyle model_default model_default model_default.
  2. You can actually fly an X-Wing using a console command in Jedi Outcast. I think that was fly_xwing, or something similar. Though I never managed to get that thing to work properly, also because of the maps not large enough for starfighters.
  3. What have I unleashed with a single, swift comment...
  4. Do you happen to have any other mods installed? If another mod changes something about the weapons it might conflict with the infinite ammo mod.
  5. Personally, if I may suggest a spherical refraction effect, I'd love it if it could be like the (removed) Hopwire grenade from Half-Life 2: Episode 1: Perhaps not as powerful - it's a Force Push after all, not a microscopical singularity
  6. As far as character in-game screenshots go, you may want to play around with the various cg_thirdperson console commands (to open the console, press Shift + Tilde, the key generally on the left of the 1 key), which allow you to set the distance of the camera from the player (cg_thirdpersonRange <number>), rotate the view angle (cg_thirdpersonAngle <number>), and alter its height (cg_thirdpersonVertOffset <number>). You may also want to disable the HUD, which you can do with the command cg_draw2D 0. When you're satisfied with the camera angles, you can then take a screenshot using the command bind <key> screenshot, and pressing that key.
  7. Yep. At least for the second option you can target the buttons to a target_counter, which in turn will activate the door once the count is reached. Not sure how to go about the first one, though.
  8. Feel free to send them over. I'll take a look, though I can't promise anything.
  9. You can try to use the Decimate modifier. It will reduce the overall vertex count of the mesh, but results can be unsatisfactory.
  10. Tim claims he made that skin, in the credits. Judging from the quality it's hard to tell, and a quick search on JK3Files returns no such skin.
  11. That error means that the UVMap of that specific mesh of the model is composed by one or more "islands", the seams being the contours of those islands. It occurs because the exporter needs the meshes to be split where those seams are. Now, with another model I'd tell you to select that mesh, enter Edit Mode, then switch to the UV/Image Editor, press on the "Keep UV and edit mode mesh selection in sync" button, select all of the seams which contour the islands, switch to 3D View, press Ctrl + E, and then D, which would split the edges as required to export correctly... but in this case I'm not positive that it will export correctly anyway. Not only does the mesh split procedure increase the vertex count a lot, but that model already has 34544 vertexes, which means that it probably won't export. And even if it did export correctly, .glm (and maybe .md3) models in Jedi Academy only work with a limit of 1000 vertexes per mesh, for a total of 32 meshes, so it would crash the game. And if you actually managed to get that working, you'd probably have to say goodbye to a smooth framerate. So if you really want that model in the game you'll have to consider cutting down the vertex count a lot, either manually or with the Decimate modifier. Be mindful however, because the Decimate modifier doesn't destroy the UVMap anymore, but it will change it, so don't split edges before decimating.
  12. There was a young Boba in the Kamino demo of KOTF. Other than that I don't know.
  13. Yeah, I'm not really satisfied with the textures, but I really suck as a texture artist and just wanted to wrap it up. It's from the Trilogy of Thrawn, by the way - it first appeared in Heir to the Empire as part of Talon Karrde's fleet.
  14. 202 downloads

    This mod adds the GAT-12 Skipray Blastboat to the game as a flyable ship. Overall it is slightly faster than an X-Wing, but a less intense acceleration, a bulkier armor, heavier shields and it is overall more resistant. In an attempt to balance the increased resistance I lowered the damage the Ion Cannons deal. The main pilot can fire the three Ion Cannons, while in theory the other three passengers could control the top Twin Blaster Cannons, the Concussion Missile Launcher and the Proton Torpedo Launcher respectively. I haven't been able to test this feature, however, so it might not work properly. I'm also a terrible texture artist, so the textures for now are a punch in the eyes. Another minor visual bug I couldn't fix is on the left hull wing, which being mirrored from the right wing its normals were messed up, and Blender wasn't being cooperative with this. Lastly the radar icons don't show transparency correctly. To install, unpack the file Skipray.pk3 into your GameData/Base folder. To uninstall, remove the file Skipray.pk3 from the GameData/Base folder.
  15. Nope. It would simply take ovah.
  16. I just move them from GameData/Base to Jedi Knight Galaxies/Base whenever needed. Aside from that, I can tell that system is working fine for me.
  17. Found it here. Love those screenshots...
  18. I've experimented a bit with scaling ships down a lot and fly them in gigantic maps. We're still far away from X-Wing Alliance and Rogue Squadron: in SP (without coding) the ships must mantain a very high speed compared to their size to not fall down, not to mention the culling problems that cause them to disappear when too close, no matter the size. At least their weapons fire OK in OpenJK, but the accuracy doesn't seem really good. On the other hand they fit very well for the dreaded tunnel-flights in Rebel Assault II, it's amazing to fly through like that, always checking the ship's health! Haven't really checked how things do in MP, but as far as I remember you can't just scale the vehicle down from the .npc / .veh files, and that would involve modeling to change the scale. All of this completely leaving aside the fact that you can't directly script vehicles and NPCs so that they fly like fighters - or fight like cruisers. Aside from all this, there was some coder who achieved a proper X-Wing / TIE Fighter like gameplay for Jedi Outcast. There should be a thread somewhere here.
  19. For what it's worth I've never had any single "no assets detected" (or any other) error just after I made a brand new folder elsewhere like this: - Jedi Knight Galaxies - base - assets0-3.pk3 - jkgalaxies - exe + dlls - JKG - assets + dlls - glua - server
  20. This one should do. //(BHVD) set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_NO_ACROBATICS", "TRUE" ); Quoting from BehavED, "Jedi won't jump, roll or cartwheel"
  21. Ramikad

    Secret Santa 2016

    Apparently that's from the 1997 Canadian movie Cube!
  22. Money and other toydarian tricks. Mostly more money. Check out the Wiki for more details.
  23. Ramikad

    Secret Santa 2016

    I got Alderaan. Here's the levelshot: And here's an in-game screenshot: That's Evil Genius level, I was actually amused
  24. Given that the shield is also fully weighted (1.000) to the skeleton_root of the Assassin Droid I think that's not the problem. The hierarchy isn't a problem either. I guess that only really changes the way it's dismembered, but I'm not sure. Does the unweighted vertex error refer to the spherical mesh of force_shield_off_0? In that case, I can only suggest you to put aside vertex painting, which I think might miss some vertexes, and instead select the shield, enter Edit Mode, select all the vertexes (A key), then, under Object Data, Assign all the selected vertexes of the mesh to the Vertex Group Skeleton_Root, with a Weight value of 1.000. More or less the same applies in case the error refers to a different mesh than the shield. The other model_root empty entities are used for LOD (level of detail) support. You'll notice model_root_0, which is the main model, model_root_1, which is the first LOD, up to model_root_3, each tied to a decreased quality version of the model, which is loaded in-game when far away or when forced. They certainly are useful, but not essential to the game.
  25. ... let's not take too much creative freedom now, shall we?
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