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Everything posted by Bek

  1. Bek

    TFU Stormie

    Edited the file so it now spawns with the line: spawn Tfu_Stormie.
  2. Bek

    TFU Stormie

    "Npc spawn Tfu_Stormie "
  3. Bek

    TFU Stormie

    It seems to be the kashhykk map from Movie Battles.
  4. Bek

    TFU Stormie

    Version version 1


    I can't believe I've never uploaded any of my mods here on Jkhub! I figured I start with this one, this is the 501st stormtrooper from the ps2 version of The Force Unleashed. Not much backstory on this trooper, they're just some of the mindless goons that run around and help Vader capture Galen Mekek's father. Feel free to use on your own accord, you don't need my permission. To Spawn type in the console: Npc spawn Tfu_Stormie
  5. Thanks @@Cerez, ! You're completely right, I hope to, at the very least, get experience from this. @@NumberWan that's interesting, I plan on recreating the troopers using the concept art from the game. However I don't want to do that for every model. I also plan on using the same method Dt uses to create his playermodels. I figure, if I re-create small parts of kotor (like certain parts pf the Endar Spire) I'll be able to gather enough help from other people to create a team, but I'm thinking way too far ahead. I hope to make this on the Unity engine possibly.
  6. If only I was smarter back then, and knew what I was talking about.
  7. This just shows me what I'll have to do. Thanks @@Circa, I'll advertise over there too. I know too well from experience that having the attitude to do something isn't enough.
  8. @@Circa is there anything worth showing from what the students did? I know this recreation will take years to complete, I really want this to be a long term thing. I'll go check Deadly Streaming out, I'll see if I can get any additional help over there. Edit: I'm amazed at the similarities of the site and Jkhub, when it comes to interface.
  9. I've been seriously thinking about trying my hand on a remake of the game. I just have questions on how to get started. I have some of the tools I need to get started, but I lack the knowledge when it comes to mapping and coding for such a complex game. So far this is what I know... - Basic model creation. - some C+ coding skills. - importing models into an engine. - Model Rigging. - Texture creation. I'm not trying to remake the entire game all at once by the way. I hope to make small recreated chapters of the game. Anywho, any advice you guys can supply would be very helpful. negative and positive criticism very much welcomed.
  10. Awesome camera work! It has to take a bit of skill to get these shots, screw luck.
  11. I'm willing to help with any remake of the JK series, on Source 2 or otherwise.
  12. Just started up my free 45 day trial for ZBrush, can't wait to get started!

  13. Dude, that drawing is freaking wicked!
  14. "You'll see that many truths we tell ourselves, depend on our point of view..."
  15. Fathers Day is tomorrow...

    1. Syko


      Luke, I am your father. Buy me a gift.

    2. Ping


      Father's Day was two months ago...

    3. afi


      muricans being late as always

  16. How goes the progress @@Circa? I have a lot of hope for Jk:E
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. IrocJeff


      You do know that it is fake, right? This is just someone's knock off of The Onion.


    3. Bek


      Oh lol, well now I feel stupid, especially with the fact that the Onion is located where I live.

      @Merek - Almost like an anti-hero.

    4. Smoo
  17. Can't wait for this update, I'm totally going to get it when it comes out.
  18. jkhub file section browsing music:

  19. I love this old kotor trailer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qA61YmSRcFQ

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RebelChum


      ..The Force!

    3. Cerez


      Ah! Makes sense. Thanks. ^_^ Superb trailer, and an even better game. ;)

    4. Bek


      It's just awesome seeing these early trailers, back before I knew pretty much nothing about SW.


      ... no power greater than Xbox.

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