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Everything posted by Bek

  1. Will this work with all weapon models?
  2. Hey guys, I recently made a model of a (makeshift) prosthetic arm for school's robotics team. Since I'm primarily a Modeler and not a texture artist, I can't really dedicate too much time for textures. I was hoping if anyone is a texture artist out there, would be so humble to try to work with my model. I have tons of reference photos of the arm, so don't worry about that. I'll upload the model as an .obj file and .blend file if anyone wants to try a stab at it. -Here's a link to the model and reference pics. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B6SNmRAqpEKrfjJCdS1rR3UwS3NzV3l0U3oyT3VOdGFvSzYzZVAxSXNGcEpGSWpxTl9ZTXc&usp=sharing
  3. I made one a little while ago, but it's real high poly. Not sure about making it jka compatible.
  4. Any more work on this @@Jeff? You could kitbrush the ears to give them a more elfish look to them.
  5. @@IrocJeff I'm not sure if you are modeling the A-295 just to model it, but the Jkgalaxies team modeled this in Blender too. You can find the .blend model on the their site.
  6. I guess Boba would be among the victims now.
  7. I wonder if the destruction of the Death Star had any real side effect on the planet's atmosphere it was orbiting?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bek


      Interesting, here I assumed I had an original thought.

    3. Daedra


      Original thinking would be assuming that the Death Star plans still exist, as the second Death Star was destroyed whilst still being built, yet the first Death Star was destroyed near completion yet they till had the plans to make the second one. So the plans must be there for a third Death Star, right? And since the new Star Wars Rogue One movie is ENTIRELY about obtaining the Death Star plans.. I think we have not seen the last of that Space Station.

    4. IrocJeff


      Bek, I found that years ago when I wondered if chunks of DS2 fell to Endor. I searched and found that. Went crosseyed reading it but it was a fun read.

  8. Rebels Season 2 trailer:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. z3filus


      Why is everyone so focused on Ahsoka?


    3. z3filus


      a character that has no importance at all..

    4. Lamented



      no importance

      very funni

  9. Looks like Luke is just the right height to be a stormtrooper now.
  10. http://jkhub.org/files/file/2018-npcsp/
  11. Amazing work@@Rooxon, I know the texture work for the saber isn't complete, but its looking awesome already. The only thing I can think of doing would be to discolor the bottom hilt part and give the hilt more ware in general. Also I think that the shiny shader should be toned down a bit for various parts of the hilt. For the exposed metal interior, at the top, I wouldn't have any shader on it whatsoever, actually I think it'll might be best to make that specific part of the metal to be a more cheaper, processed metal. Almost like this, just not as dirty: *You almost have the texture looking like this already actually. Also I feel the ingame model should be a little bit more longer.
  12. That old Kyle skin could use a little more work..
  13. I love the guitar in this one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viqd5m7EACM
  14. That is the weirdest album they ever did since Kid A imo.
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