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Everything posted by Bek

  1. I like how Dooku is staring directly at Yoda's vessel, while Yoda stares at the wall directly in front of him.
  2. Not just the mask, the robes needs a shader as well.
  3. Way too dark really needs shaders, otherwise you wouldn't be able to pick out the details.
  4. The new animation feature for Sketchfab seems to be really awesome! Just signed up for the beta, can't wait to try it out.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bek


      It allows you to upload animations to your model, which sketchfab will replay on a loop for you.


    3. Cerez


      Ooh, that is nifty!

    4. Bek


      Yeah it is!

  5. "Off in the depths of the Internets, a group of modelers discuss the head proportions of Mandy Amano's head, while she is completely oblivious to the fact that she is being added to a game."
  6. I highly doubt Lucasarts would go through with something like that, (feel free to come back to this thread if I'm wrong), And if they are planning to make kotor hd, I'd have to beat them to the punch. With the Eu turning into legends, I think it's pretty safe to say Disney wouldn't want to make kotor canonical. And it absolutely wouldn't be given a 2016 release.
  7. Lol that'll be the day, I can only hope that Disney would give me any type of attention. An cease and desist would be Heaven. And yes this will be a private project, I hope to( once I have a substantial amount of work done) have a nice forum based website up and running, so I can recruit talented others for this project.
  8. And as an stark contrast to the previous...
  9. Just got the Valve complete pack!

  10. I got a feeling this would happen, I'd love to see a free version. Knowing autodesk though, there'd be a trial with that.
  11. After a long search for people who probably tried re-making the game, I've only found one reddit post mentioning it, but it's from awhile back. https://www.reddit.com/r/kotor/comments/1w003k/interested_in_remaking_kotor_1/ Anywho, since my original post, I've made quite a few remakes of the models from kotor, but nothing too substantial. My plan for this project is to just recreate the Endar Spire, and set that up as an advertising demo. Oh if anyone is wondering, I'll be making all this on the Unity engine.
  12. You'd be amazed at the benefits of taking initiative. Learning how to model may be difficult, but actually giving effort in it's creation would awesome. This is just advice, not finger pointing. If someone really wanted this model in Jka, they'd learn how to make it and import it into the game. Don't bug the popular creators on this site for these models, because 9 times out of 10 they're busy with something else. On a side note, I really have to commend the people who make models for this game. Not only is it a lengthy process, but the payoff doesn't seem to be that much. Seeing as how Jka forces most models to be severely reduced in quality, most models don't reach their full potential. Seriously, props to those who contribute to Jka, just because they feel like it.
  13. Well I was joking, but could you get me the Privateer mod series?
  14. Bek

    TFU Stormie

    Thanks, but I didn't create the model, all that credit goes to DT. I just did a re-skin.
  15. I love it when Jkhub cuts off my sentences, before I ca...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cerez


      Hehehe! Yeah, I'm not even sure why there's a word limit on these comments... I guess it's because we c...

    3. Bek


      I shouldn't complain too much, I love Jkh...

    4. Ping


      The status update section is oftentimes more interesting to me than the actual forum, which is ironic given that its m...

  16. Bek


    This is a very awesome idea, great job! You should ask Circa if you can put this into JK enhanced.
  17. This looks awesome! but I can't help but notice that the eyes are a bit too far up. when I compare the head to the references you have, I notice that the forehead is much larger than what you've modeled. Great work nonetheless!
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