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Everything posted by Bek

  1. BAM! http://jkhub.org/files/file/619-ds-troopers-pack/
  2. Bek

    R2-D2 1980 Skin

    *Image courtesy of HelloGreedo.
  3. You can find me at your nearest toy aisle, at Walmart: http://imgur.com/Xe8ikIp

    1. Syko


      Very menacing. I will watch my step next time I'm in the toy aisle at Walmart. Never know when a Jedi Master might come out of nowhere and cut me in two.

    2. Bek
  4. Seems possible, just wish we had so more animators on board for this project.
  5. Your idea sounds awesome, but the applications seem very limited. I can't think of many instances where this would be needed. Not saying this shouldn't be made, like I said, it would be awesome. I wonder if we could edit the maps to add instances where this animation would be utilized. Of course, this should be done after the animation would be added.
  6. Has anybody gotten a job in game dev, based off their skills in modding and/or 3D modeling?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. afi


      Syko is doing an internship at Bethesda afaik

    3. Ping


      Like a boss

    4. Bek


      I need to get a job in game dev one of these days, one of the few skills I have that's marketable.

  7. Sometimes I want to live as an hermit in Siberia.

    1. Sentra


      Was born there. -35 to -40 *C in winter is flawless. But it is kinda boring to live there. Any capital city / Kiev in my example is much better.

    2. Sentra


      But not as a hermit of course :lol:

    3. Bek


      Well living in the city becomes boring after awhile too.

  8. I was subscribed since he was doing his Amnesia playthroughs, I am soo tired of his content, I unsubed about two months ago. I wish all of those luck who wish to make a mod about him in Jka, but I honestly would be sad to see this really come out, not sure why. Also good luck getting him to voice the mod, he doesn't answer PM's anymore.
  9. *Ouch* You might as well lock this thread at this point, I totally believe that this mod can be released with these ideas implemented (to a certain degree) in the final version. All it takes is knowledge, willpower, and time; something which not everybody has. Regardless I always look to the Half-Life 2 Black Mesa mod for inspiration here. Although to a minute degree, it changed some of the flaws the original game had in the first place, while adding new content (ignoring the fact it was a HD remake). Keep faith in your abilities, guys! You're some of the smartest people I know. All these ideas I'm hearing are awesome keep them up.
  10. No idea when this will be done, but when it is, it should be added to the Jk enhanced mod with skin variants.
  11. DT are you using a specific software to photosource, or is this all photoshop work?
  12. I found this about a week ago: http://www.apeirongame.com/ Not sure how I should feel about this, but I'm going to join the dev team and see if I can contribute. I guess I'll donate the models that I've been making for the past two months to them as well.
  13. I'm pretty sure I had a birthday status when I left, but I think it went *poof*.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ping


      Nope, it's called "Ping commented on your status update"

    3. Bek


      Most likely.

    4. Cerez
  14. I really hate EA with a damn passion, I don't know who gave Ea the right to only use the SW ip, but they gave SW to goddamn sh!t-slinging monkeys.
  15. Making a custom .glm is going to be hard for this one.
  16. It's a small problem, but I thought I'd mention it. The models shoulder pads are a bit uneven.
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