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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Circa

    Saber side hilt return

    Topic moved to JA++ forum.
  2. Just come play on 1.01 for a bit and have some fun. Join my server some time. (/connect so.jk3.in)
  3. One week to go until the Halloween contest is closed and voting begins!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Langerd


      Circa Does my Zombie Stormtrooper is in the contest list? I must upload it first right?

    3. Barricade24


      You need to submit it as an actual file in the contest category for it to be in the contest.

    4. Circa


      It must be a new file, made for the contest.

  4. None of that kind of stuff will be done. I'll ensure any additional content makes sense, is implied by the film, and/or is a minimal addition.
  5. Of course it won't be 100% accurate. simply playing as Leia to choke Jabba and that's it would be silly.
  6. Of course, you shouldn't do it all yourself. You would just need to post what you need from other people. I'm sure we can get some new skiff guards. I think @@JAWSFreelao and @@Jolly had offered skin help previously.
  7. @@Langerd I love you so much. I'm splitting this topic into it's own, since its actually a thing now. I think an encounter with Boba should happen. Maybe we could script him to fly around without shooting, while you fighter other NPCs, and then before you can jump to the barge, he comes down and you have to face him, as a different NPC file (without invincibility/jetpack) and just uses melee. This is all being played as Luke, I'm assuming. We could have a short sequence where you play as Leia in the barge. Are you planning on making a Jabba NPC? @@Langerd
  8. 449 downloads

    This is a mod that updates the voice icon in multiplayer to be of higher quality. The default one is pretty bad, and since I made the chat icon high quality, this needed to be the next step. Thanks to Ensiform for pointing that out.
  9. There are a bunch of good Photoshop brushes that could do this really well. That's what I'll do for my map.
  10. I was referring to my map in this thread. If you want to take a look at what I did, you could improve it greatly I'm sure. It should probably be redone completely. But yes, you have the sarlaac map to do.
  11. You people working on your submissions? I've got a map in the works!
  12. Didn't think people still used RSS
  13. Omg @@Langerd you are amazing at this. I'm not sure I want to even try making anything for this mod now. it won't be nearly as good as what you make. Are you planning on making Jabba's barge too?
  14. Just use Imgur. It's the best image host you'll find. All the other ones people use either cost money, or have an obscene amount of ads.
  15. A file is never deleted without first discussing with the submitter about why. And yes, what Kualan said.
  16. We're hoping to get new ones made that are just as good, for the Star Wars Saga mod. Not sure it'll happen though.
  17. More issues. Importing an md3 that @@Rooxon made me, and it instantly crashes Radiant. Looking at the log gives me this: vfsExtractRelativePath: /Applications/Jedi Academy/base/models/map_objects/shadow/colacan.md3 cleaned path: /applications/jedi academy/base/models/map_objects/shadow/colacan.md3 Matching against /users/me/.ja/base Matching against /applications/jedi academy/base vfsExtractRelativePath: success WARNING: Activate shader failed for Ÿ Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_text_buffer_emit_insert: assertion 'g_utf8_validate (text, len, NULL)' failed Gtk-WARNING **: Invalid text buffer iterator: either the iterator is uninitialized, or the characters/pixbufs/widgets in the buffer have been modified since the iterator was created. You must use marks, character numbers, or line numbers to preserve a position across buffer modifications. You can apply tags and insert marks without invalidating your iterators, but any mutation that affects 'indexable' buffer contents (contents that can be referred to by character offset) will invalidate all outstanding iterators I'm not sure what to make of it. Is it an issue with his model or my radiant?
  18. I'm wondering if the spawn points could change to be in the central training room? Just thinking of how FFA servers work, where either people are dueling privately, or big FFA's are happening. Either spread the spawns out throughout the map or have the throughout that center room. Right now if you're dueling or FFAing, you have to travel quite a ways to get back to where you want to be. (especially if you're planning on making it bigger)
  19. Nice. If you still need help with NPC stuff, read this: [sharedmedia=tutorials:tutorials:146] And be sure to read more tutorials on basic skin making. Removing the cape would have been extremely easy for someone that can already skin.
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