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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Circa

    Happy Halloween!

    October 31st marks the holiday called Halloween for many countries around the world. It's a holiday that focuses on spooky and scary things, and that's exactly what people brought with the Halloween mod contest this year. You guys made some great stuff, and it was fun to play around with all of them! This contest was definitely something we've never done before, and looking at past Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy mods, there really weren't that many scary mods at all. Especially not much focused on Halloween. Now we have a few that we can add to the collection! Thanks to all those that participated in both creating submissions, and voting. I'm glad to announce the winner of the Halloween Mod Contest 2016 is... LANGERD Langerd got a whopping 18 votes on his Zombie stormtrooper, giving him a pretty drastic lead. If you didn't get a chance to check out Langerd's mod, here's a quick GIF of it. In my opinion, the animations made this mod what it is. We rarely see animation mods at all anymore, so not only was it refreshing to see new animations, but it was good to see it work so well. (though the NPC didn't work in MP very well, unfortunately). I would love to see a map use these animations for various zombie skins that come in waves. Perhaps next year. I know I mentioned that we may or may not have a prize for the winner. We really don't have anything worthwhile to give, but I made a quick little forum signature, that acts as a plaque for your prize. Hopefully it's better than nothing. Our hope is to have a page that lists the contest winners in the future, and we'll be sure to get you on there. Feel free to use this on your profile or signature: The two runner-up entries were Psky0Sith's Jason model and my own map, Last Night. The Jason model was extremely well done, and I'm actually surprised it didn't get more votes. Psky0Sith is an extremely talented modeler and texture artist, and this model was no exception from his previous works. Very nice work. And since I was the the third place, I'm going to pretend that I didn't get third and actually talk about the fourth place, Ramikad's Great Pumpkin. I think this was my favorite entry, because it was so unique, scary, and hilarious all at the same time. Great job Ramikad! I wish you'd make and release more stuff than you do. Again, great job everyone, and we'll be back with another contest here soon, for Christmas! Happy Halloween!
  2. Circa

    Happy Halloween!

    October 31st marks the holiday called Halloween for many countries around the world. It's a holiday that focuses on spooky and scary things, and that's exactly what people brought with the Halloween mod contest this year. You guys made some great stuff, and it was fun to play around with all of them! This contest was definitely something we've never done before, and looking at past Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy mods, there really weren't that many scary mods at all. Especially not much focused on Halloween. Now we have a few that we can add to the collection! Thanks to all those that participated in both creating submissions, and voting. I'm glad to announce the winner of the Halloween Mod Contest 2016 is... LANGERD Langerd got a whopping 18 votes on his Zombie stormtrooper, giving him a pretty drastic lead. If you didn't get a chance to check out Langerd's mod, here's a quick GIF of it. In my opinion, the animations made this mod what it is. We rarely see animation mods at all anymore, so not only was it refreshing to see new animations, but it was good to see it work so well. (though the NPC didn't work in MP very well, unfortunately). I would love to see a map use these animations for various zombie skins that come in waves. Perhaps next year. https://jkhub.org/files/file/3096-%7B%3F%7D/ I know I mentioned that we may or may not have a prize for the winner. We really don't have anything worthwhile to give, but I made a quick little forum signature, that acts as a plaque for your prize. Hopefully it's better than nothing. Our hope is to have a page that lists the contest winners in the future, and we'll be sure to get you on there. Feel free to use this on your profile or signature: The two runner-up entries were Psky0Sith's Jason model and my own map, Last Night. The Jason model was extremely well done, and I'm actually surprised it didn't get more votes. Psky0Sith is an extremely talented modeler and texture artist, and this model was no exception from his previous works. Very nice work. And since I was the the third place, I'm going to pretend that I didn't get third and actually talk about the fourth place, Ramikad's Great Pumpkin. I think this was my favorite entry, because it was so unique, scary, and hilarious all at the same time. Great job Ramikad! I wish you'd make and release more stuff than you do. Again, great job everyone, and we'll be back with another contest here soon, for Christmas! Happy Halloween!
  3. Might be too big of a map for your PC to handle then? Not sure.
  4. Please don't make your thread obsolete, especially if you're question is answered. It could help others that are having a similar issue.
  5. Works for me fine. Perhaps you have too many things in your base folder?
  6. I skipped over yours as soon as I saw "I don't care who does it, just somebody do it" MagSul's request was much nicer. I made it for him, so I'm not sure if he's going to release his skin or not. If not, I could put it together and release it, I suppose. The horns look strange with the hair heads of jedi_hm, but the bald one looks great.
  7. Can you make it completely customizable? That's the issue with JediTracker for me. You can only change a few colors on it. I want to be able to design it completely for a certain site's theme, including fonts, colors, width (fixed and responsive). I'd prefer no image frame, but that could be removed as a customization as well.
  8. The contest has now closed and voting is now open! We have a good amount of submissions, all of them very unique. Please take your time with voting, make sure to download the mods and check them out in-game before deciding. Usually screenshots don't do a mod justice as well as intended, or even vice versa. Submitters can vote, even if they want to vote for their own. All votes are public, however. Check out the submissions below or at this category. Voting will close on October 30th! Winner will announced on Halloween, the 31st! https://jkhub.org/files/file/3088-animated-bat-chat-icon/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/3082-death-saber-scythe/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/3093-great-pumpkin/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/3101-jason-voorhees/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/3100-last-night/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/3092-lost-graveyard/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/3103-the-grudge-npc/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/3102-vaeyor/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/3096-zombie-stormtrooper/
  9. Version 0.9


    This is a Halloween-themed map, created for the JKHub Halloween Contest 2016. It's very much incomplete. I didn't have time to spend too much time on it. There are some little secrets that you can find. The Use key is your friend (or enemy). I may actually finish it later on. This does have everything it needs to be playable, and is available for FFA, TFFA, Duel, and Power Duel. It also has bot routes. -===- Known Bugs -===- Lots. Trees can be walked through. Probably some brush glitches here and there. Skybox is crap. Lots to fix. Much love and thanks to Rooxon for creating all the cool models you see in the map, like the pumpkin, shovel, pickaxe, etc. I think his items turned out better than the map itself.
  10. Nobody is disregarding anything. John Williams composed the TFA soundtrack. The trailer you're referring to was his composition, but someone else's arrangement. He still gets credit. With that said, John Williams, though an amazing composer (my favorite, definitely), is getting quite old and won't be able to do every new Star Wars movie. He didn't compose for Rogue One, but he is supposed to compose for Episode 8. I think disregarding the talent of other composers is more of a shame than to limit only John Williams as the sole composer of our lifetime.
  11. Agreed, Blenjeel would have been a better choice. The level you changed is Mos Eisley, and it definitely looks like it. Jakku and Tatooine are both desert planets, but they wouldn't have the same architecture. also, Niima outpost is supposedly the biggest settlement on Jakku. So a city the size of Mos Eisley probably doesn't even exist on Jakku. That's just being picky though, the idea for this mod is actually really clever. Nice job.
  12. Make sure you submit it to the Contest Entries category in the file section so it's entered.
  13. Get your Halloween mods submitted by the end of today!

  14. Entries are due by the end of the day today (23rd). So basically have them in before I wake up on the 24th.
  15. No. .zip files only. That's always been a rule. you don't even need a third party program to make a zip file, so it should be less of a hassle, in my opinion.
  16. Remember, in order for your mod to be entered, you have to submit it like a normal mod in our file section, under the Contest Entries category.
  17. You submitting this? It looks awesome. I wish I had this when making my map, so I could make a proper zombie horde sort of mission.
  18. Really glad to see these submissions come in today! Get your Halloween mods in by tomorrow!

  19. It's pretty much done, aside from a few things, so no, he means beta.
  20. Well, since @@Langerd is working on the Sarlaac level, we'd probably need a white shirt only version for that. So maybe a ROTJ vest version with the ability to turn off the vest?
  21. Would have preferred this released with lighting, but good to see it in the hands of the masses nonetheless.
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