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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Right, Inquisitors are mostly just agents of the dark side trained by Vader to stand a chance against any remaining Jedi. They aren't Sith and I think the logic is Vader never allowed them to be more powerful than a certain level, to keep them from attempting to rise against him. They're like Reborn in the Jedi Knight games, dark side soldiers. Some more powerful than others. Their main purpose is to find the remaining Jedi, not necessarily kill them (though some probably did). As long as they were found, Vader was the one that would come in and deal with it.
  2. Watch the new teaser trailer for Obi-Wan Kenobi, and start streaming the limited series May 25 on Disney+. The story begins 10 years after the dramatic events of “Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith” where Obi-Wan Kenobi faced his greatest defeat—the downfall and corruption of his best friend and Jedi apprentice, Anakin Skywalker, who turned to the dark side as evil Sith Lord Darth Vader. The series stars Ewan McGregor, reprising his role as the iconic Jedi Master, and also marks the return of Hayden Christensen in the role of Darth Vader. Joining the cast are Moses Ingram, Joel Edgerton, Bonnie Piesse, Kumail Nanjiani, Indira Varma, Rupert Friend, O’Shea Jackson Jr., Sung Kang, Simone Kessell and Benny Safdie. “Obi-Wan Kenobi” is directed by Deborah Chow and executive-produced by Kathleen Kennedy, Michelle Rejwan, Deborah Chow, Ewan McGregor and Joby Harold ---------------- So hyped for this! Haven't been this excited since 2005. My favorite character finally returns.
  3. Hmm. Dark theme was a plugin I installed assuming it was going to work out of the box but apparently not. I've disabled it for now. I believe MediaWiki is implementing it themselves soon so I may just wait for that instead of relying on a plugin. As far as admin rights go, I'll leave that decision to @afi as he is kind of in charge of the wiki. Looks like you have contributed a lot, which is a good start. @afi the admin list hasn't been pruned in...well probably since it started. I'm going to remove some of the people that haven't been around in years like Azatha, CrimsonStrife, etc.
  4. OpenJK still doesn't have an official JK2 support out there yet. Are you trying to use the normal Jedi Academy OpenJK with JK2 or did you find someone's compiled OpenJO? Where'd you download from?
  5. Yep, GIMP is probably the best free one. Basically a free version of Photoshop. https://www.gimp.org
  6. I’m pretty sure they just have to be added to the sabers.cfg file rather than have seperate .sab files for each. In SP you’d have to replace Kyle’s saber. It’s been awhile though, I could be wrong. Maybe there’s more you need to do.
  7. Sorry for the super long downtime today. On the bright side we should be running faster and not have the file upload -200 error anymore. If you run into that, let me know.

  8. It's the same old argument that ends up in the same place. Part of what made Jedi Academy and Outcast so special is the era it came out in, and games have evolved immensely since then. Nothing is going to be quite like it by all official standards, and I don't think it should be. I think the combat could still be similar enough while also feeling more modern, but a lot of this community would automatically hate it because it's not exactly the same. There's also the big problem of Luke's academy and students getting slaughtered by Ben Solo in canon not too many years after starting it. It would mean whatever character we'd play as has a relatively short lifespan, unless they claim you survive that purge while being offworld but I don't think the students he had were any older than Ben was at the time, which was late teens. They could always go the non-canon route of course, which they aren't opposed to as seen from various recent projects (Lego Star Wars, Star Wars Visions anime, etc.) but I doubt they do it. They are more likely to make a series on Disney+ about the academy and Luke, maybe even make it animated for kids. That's the only thing I really see happening with that story any time soon. Their Jedi focused games are the Jedi series (Fallen Order being the first) and we're getting a sequel to that very soon. I think it's more likely the High Republic era will get a Jedi Academy RPG inspired game, where Jedi are actually around and thriving, leading up to the prequels. We're already getting one from Quantum Dream (assuming the drama gets worked out). And honestly that's the era I'd rather play as a Jedi in anyway. I like the New Republic but even in Legends it felt like they were just Jedi-wannabes compared to the prequel Jedi, besides Luke. Same with the dark siders.
  9. If you can help all these people with their requests, it's best to post your results publicly on here for everyone to see and download. No need to make it private on Discord.
  10. Also for distance rendering, I believe. Farther away NPCs would use the lower LOD, although I could be wrong. That's how it is in most engines, I assume Q3 would work the same.
  11. Are you wanting to just change your playermodel in SP to also work in cutscenes? Try this:
  12. Sounds like some driver issue. I assume it was that OpenGL "fix" you installed. Was it an official driver or a random script made by someone?
  13. Correct, it's made by a few people that used to frequent JKHub actually. Their goal is to keep as much of the JKA combat in tact while still running on a newer engine, and obviously use nothing of the Star Wars IP. Their work has come along pretty nicely, I just wonder if the combat alone will bring people to play it. The main reason JKA was so popular and loved was because it was Star Wars.
  14. Why are you deleting files? I'm not aware JA+ deletes files when you install it. Did you download japlus from our files section?
  15. I seem to recall a lot of people thinking that would be a feature, definitely. Luckily with PC you can bind that function to kind of work but it definitely would be cool if it were a feature. I wonder if any major mod as done that yet as part of the staff style.
  16. Same here. I think Fallen Order had a really good saber building feature but it didn't feel as special because it wasn't YOUR saber. It was Cal's. Can't wait for a game to eventually have those elements to create your character and saber from top to bottom like I imagined JKA and even KOTOR to be when I read the ads and the saw the back of the CD case way back when.
  17. Love this. There was an official wallpaper similar to this too I think that Lucasarts put out. I always loved the sandstone and carved letter look of JKA's marketing material.
  18. Definitely was the worst part of it. They should have had reflections from the devs that worked on it talking about their experience making the game, rather than random “game journalists” Sad part is I know a lot of those devs would have gladly written something, they all are proud of both games and the work they put into them. A couple used to lurk around the community in the past and still might from time to time.
  19. Getting controllers to work in these games on PC is a big hassle but I recommend getting something like reWASD to map functions to the controller rather than just trying to do it in-game. Steam also has a nice remapping feature if you run it through that.
    Wow this is amazing. Bummer about the dice and credits but everything else is extremely well done. I love the Jedi Knight theme and locations! It makes me really want to try it out on a server with a group sometime!
  20. Original replies to this tutorial can be found at the original thread here.
  21. My first two paragraphs would still apply to those. I personally think they'd need more than just one flagship to have any chance though. I think 3 would be the minimum for a non-resistive Earth-sized planet with a super low and sparse population.
  22. The example is in your screenshots, it shows his bangs without transparency. They're supposed to look like in the original:
  23. Looks like you forgot to edit the shader file, so the front of the hair doesn't have an alpha channel and shows the black background.
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