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    Astronomy, computers, games & mods, wine.
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    Texture Artist
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  1. Since I played the Gamecube version of Outcast before the PC version back in the day I realize there was some visual differences such as shiny doors and weapons, also there was a lights effect on the trip mines not present in the PC version, I managed to extract it from the Dolphin emulator but it's not the best quality texture and I still don't know how to get that outways pulsing texture effect.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. minilogoguy18


      I think I remember the console JA had volumetric shadows and dynamic light/glow on by default. Also, anyone able to extract the video that plays when the game is left idle in JA? It was a really cool montage of gameplay.

    3. Numfast


      Cool. But there are also some cuts in console version if you compare it to PC. cairn_dock1 cut on two levels and has differences. Also some textures has smaller size and cutscenes are recorded from PC.

    4. Smoo


      dynamicglow is on by default on pc jamp too

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