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File Comments posted by AngelModder

  1. I have to disagree Lancelot, I think the original was perfect as it was, now depending one which version you use she either looks like some one else and older, or she looks really suprised O_O <----  The eyes are huge, wide open LOL still the quality of it overall is 10/10

  2. Theirs a few things that really need fixing, the texture of the face and neck doesn't match up with the body, color or overal materail texture wise. The face looks really really off and her eyes look like there about to pop out of her head XD... 

  3. Hahaha, I loved the 8T88 skit... Just like that, his player model has always eluded me in Jedi Academy. But it's a wonderful taste of what is to come. Great atmosphere.

    I know some one made an 8T-88 model a long time ago. However I've never managed to find it! :(

  4. Angel, I gotta say, I love the feel of this map. It's HARD to put NPCs in the bunk beds though cause they're cramped and they ragdoll when you use npc kill all to make them look like they're "sleeping". XD But I love how the map itself feels. It's a...somber and relaxing feeling going around it and the training rooms are PERFECT. Having barriers in training rooms is what I love a lot!

    The ray sheilds in the duel rooms are one way, so when teams need to send new members in they can just jump through it without having to wait for them to shut them down and turn them back on. I am working on a V2 of this. A LOT of fixes and clearing up. But that's to be expected seeing as how fast I had to build it 

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  5. Allow me to be the first review here.


    I was impressed by the amount of detail that you put into this map, and I thought your JAWA Temple map (which I wouldn't mind seeing a V2 of that someday) was good. The WTF moment is when I went into the hangar and big red text told me "You're too late! IG-88 got away!" and then music played. Seriously, wha? XD The only thing I can say is that it's too short, but again this is the V.1.0 DEMO. So anyone hoping for something bigger will be a bit disappointed, but the positive FAR outweighs the negative and makes me look forward to the true V.1.0 later on down the line.


    Five Stars. :D

    I'm a Dark Forces 2 fan what can I say XD! By the way it's 8T-88, he was the droid that stole your fathers disk.

    Onysfx, TheWhitePhoenix and Smoo like this

    Moonbase Labs

       893    11

    Aw come on szico, you gotto finish her! Dont give up man! I always liked where this map was going. Personally Jh3 isn't my preffered mapping style. I prefer some thing more realistic and dramatic. :( I do hope you finish this. I understand atm Rend2 is hard to work with, I'm on the Warzone team and once vanilla of JH3 is done I'll be converting it over and expanding on it for it's gameplay. It can be a real bitc*. Few in the community will understand that, but even just shadowing and lighting is very different in rend2. it takes 4 X the effort and time it takes to build the structures just to get the lighting right. Even then at times it's soo different to what we expect or are use to seeing we often don't even like the result even though it's better. We just don't see it our selves becauseof what we're use to and already know how to do.

    :) Any who, don't give up! JK is at a turning point and needs us old timers to guide these younglings in the right direction LOL!

    yeyo JK likes this
  6. A suggestion involving lighting. Stick to shader lighting, not only does it compile faster, look better, and have a lot more versitility but it also makes you think about your lighting and lightsources as the surface emmision becomes true value. In other words you wont just be placing and orb and even the light fixture it's self end up lit, rather the said surfaces that SHOULD be casting light will correctly do so. 
    Try to avoid the ambient key and value in world spawn, maybe for a little color blending use like ambient 15-25 and then your said color you want the shadow lighting to have, but honestly if your maps coming out too dark, that means you need more lightsources, and try using a bounce of 3 or 5 in your map during light compile. Honestly past 5 it's just not worth the extra time it takes.
    If you have any further questions etc you can always PM me on here and I'll see what I can do to help you! 


    Another thing to really study is your texturing. Base textures can still be very usefull to this day, but only if used correctly. It comes down to application. Scaling for one, most base textures are a bit blurry by our common standards today so scaling them down a bit hides this.

    Tiplee & Tiplar Twins

       1,547    13

    Excuse me ahead a time for saying this.... HOLY FUCK!!! O-o Your models lately look incredible. Request/suggestion I wanna see how you would do a yoda... I know I know every one does him. But mate your models quality wise are 10 steps ahead of what we typically have seen in JKA. Really a step in the direction this game needs to go. Realism. Any who 10/10

    Stoiss and Liam like this
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