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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. Okay, double posting here on purpose to share what my experiemnts while working at the turntable taught me about tags: The direction from vertex 2->0 equals +X direction, 2->1 equals +Y and normal direction equals -Z. Angles withing the triangle are completely ignored, the only thing that matters are vertex indices and their relative positions to each other. Depending on your software the indices might be different in your software. 3ds Max ,for example ,starts counting from 1 instead of 0 while softimage seems to have reversed vertex indices.
  2. @@minilogoguy18 can I get a plain front view and a side view? a orthogonal shot is not much help
  3. @@minilogoguy18 show a screenshot of the tag + the at-st foot, I have a theory
  4. pm me a screenshot and I'll try to figure out whats going on EDIT: going by the resolution of your screenshots for the starkilelr file you are palying the game in a very low resolution (800x600) you should use the regular hud.pk3 with that as it fits the 4:3 aspect ratio. the fact that it appears to be lowres on your screen might be linked to the low resolution you're playing in.
  5. https://jkhub.org/files/file/2956-ashuras-simplified-hud/ there you go, a beta version as requested @@ensiform
  6. Version BETA


    A simplified version of the base JKA HUD that has yet to be completed - nuff said! use the hud_wide.pk3 if you play in a widescreen resolution and your mod does not correct the aspect ratio automatically.
  7. Very good! This looked promising, I might update the cliff texture I made for you as I learned a lot since I made that.
  8. spent too much time playing games @ no progress has been made
  9. @@minilogoguy18 - I'd rather have it split up as you have it in softimage EDIT: the mesh you pm'd me has a hole in the back: https://gyazo.com/577f187dd0bfbbe826f4bed44207a9ba EDIT: lookig at some ref pics from therebels show it appears that the topmost leg joints are spherical http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/starwarsrebels/images/f/fd/Rebel_resolve_58.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/640?cb=20150218091841 http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/starwarsrebels/images/e/e7/AT-DP-6.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/640?cb=20141014122036
  10. I can automate 90'% of the process so it's not a huge deal I will also take my time texturing this - so feel free to start animating beforehand I plan to make a proper(ish) highpoly for this, I have a few ideas for things I'd like to try out
  11. @@minilogoguy18 let me uv unwrap it - that way I can save you time and save me time adjusting stuff to my preference
  12. @@Langerd that's what I'd do in max aswell, or I'd use a bend modifier+ffd
  13. @@minilogoguy18 give me the lowpoly and I'll see what I can do. take these for further reference: http://starwarsrebels.wikia.com/wiki/All_Terrain_Defense_Pod/Gallery
  14. @@Psyk0Sith theres a shader option that offsets each surface slightly, it's used for decals in maps. Maybe check that out, could be the key to fix the z-fighting.
  15. submit it here, probably add different color skin options - I'm sure more people will have a use for this. also: why did you make your own color texture? The game has 6 flat color textures in assets1.pk3/textures/colors/ models/players/greenscreen/diffuse { q3map_nolightmap { map textures/colors/green rgbGen identity } }
  16. alternately try @@Archangel35757's .xsi importer I think I included my root.xsi aswell
  17. @@Psyk0Sith get my turntable model, and use the skeleton from the included max scene, then export& compile it against my turntable.gla that' should be better suited than the default humanoid.gla
  18. while this is not a bad point at all, it greatly impacts the readabnility of the thread and might siminish the chance that people with a similiar issue will find a fix for their problem here.
  19. I love it! Brilliant work! Especially those eyes, really impressive
  20. can you enable the wireframe overlay/edged faces option? (should look somewhat like this http://i.imgur.com/5RO0hie.png) also show me the UV layout/textures right now it looks like soemthing that could be fairly easy to optimise
  21. show a picture of the model you are trieing to get ingame and I'll tell you weter it'S more time efficiton to try and optimise this thing or start over
  22. those are some damn deep cavities there, I'd suspect that to be a problem with the automatically generated normal map @@Xycaleth maybe you could introduce a 1px blur for the normal generation to avoid these overly sharp details
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