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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. That's not correct either, not having any sort of hard edges or additional geoemtry in your mesh produces a wild amnout of gradients in your output normal maps, which tend to be more difficult to get rendered properly in different Engines.
  2. You do not want to have no smoothing groups on your low poly mesh. That'd essentially make every edge on the mesh a hard edge, and to bake proper normal maps without artifacts you have to sepperate UV shells along hard edges on the mesh.
  3. I used .obj! Had some trouble with getting .fbx loaded properly in Substance before, so at some point I just switched to .obj.
  4. Why. Push your boundaries, read, watch and learn. Some Roadblocks we're afraid to hit are just speed bumps in reality.
  5. @@Scoopers exporter has other flaws that need to be fixed first. Like the Lack of LOD Exporting and randomly split edges across the mesh, if I recall correctly. It's been a while since I used it. EDIT: here's something I prepared for @@SomaZ yesterday: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9oy1fxh00s3zxh3/JKA_GL2_TestMats.rar?dl=0 These are 10 Sample Materials from Substance Designer 5.6 exported for GL2 and my fanned cobblestone Material: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9ygrfzaqme430xd/cobble_GL2.zip?dl=0 All of these are setup with a heightmap in the normalmap alphachannel for parallax mapping.
  6. I for one don't even use Xnormal. I like to keep everything nice and tidy in one software. I bake and texture in Substance Painter and if required I transport those baked maps into Substance Designer to process them, which I usually only do when I used a skewmesh for baking. I guess could move my worldspace normal maps into Xnormal and convert them to tangentspace maps there - which should get my work in sync, unless I'm missing something, right @@Almightygir? @@minilogoguy18 It's not just a matter of reexporting. I have to retexture your ST entirely. I might create a proper Highpoly this time and update the UVs for the lowpoly.
  7. @@minilogoguy18 because I allready have more than enough WIPS running. I also have offered to help with some textures in the past.
  8. If you intend to use GL2 as your main Renderer, you will have to redo all of your Materials for everything. You also will have to think about replacing all base JKA models with models made to support PBR. Updating base JKA models with proper normal maps will be just as much work as making new models. Keep this in mind when making that decision.
  9. I will try to write up something useful and provide the exporter preset I created for Substance Painter. But besides of that - any tutorial on PBR texturing in general will work for JKA too.
  10. That has been ported before, iirc
  11. Yes. The Mesh Was baked with 1 smoothing group. And that's how it was exported for the game. The mesh is also triangulated the same way as it was when it was baked and it appears to have the same vertex normals, judging by a comparison between modviews normal display and 3ds max. And the normal map issues are not visible on the Screenshots of the static md3 version @@DT85 created from my GLM, so it really shouldn't be a mesh problem. EDIT: Reimported the GLM into 3ds max, exported as .obj and loaded that in Marmoset. here's a comparison with the previous mesh I used for previewing, the imported GLM is the larger model on the left - added untextured versions of both meshes for further comparison as you can see, there are no differences in the shading of both models.
  12. well, those will be required in a few cases.
  13. Inverting channels is something you won't get around in the testing phase. Depending on the shader the definition for white on the normal maps green channel can be +y or -y. Your normal map has to match what the shader expects. Most dedicated render engines have a switch for this, so you can use both types of maps. I'm sure your Softimage shader has that option too. A switch like this could probably be added to the .mtr files. Here are the normal map settings on sketchfab: Same with a roughness/gloss map. A roughness map is created with the logic that white is rough and therefore not shiny. A gloss map does the inverse, white is smooth and shiny. Until we got this figured out, theres a bit of inverting to do. Once everything is figured out, we can write a guide on this. The main Problem with PBR will be, that barely any of our models for this game support it. And a conversion is not an easy, 1-click process, there are tools to convert Photographs to full PBR materials that could be tested on jka map textures - but it won't yield decent results on playermodels or weapons. Theoretically everything would have to be remodeled and retextured following the modern pipeline. @@DT85 I allready advised @@SomaZ to invert the normal maps green channel, and he did that. The screenshot was taken after the inversion, this is allready the better of 2 results he got. But he used the GLM version, maybe something about the normals on glm meshes ingame is screwed up. okay, invert the red channel again please. this made the cloth parts even more shiny. Also: I allready put the AO map in the specular maps blue channel. The Diffuse alpha channel is the Material alpha - used to define transparency.
  14. can we get a further zoomed out shot @@DT85? Somaz Tests showed some very wonky normals on the body. EDIT: Here are some pictures: From @@SomaZ test Video From Marmoset EDIT2: Could you also do me the favor and try inverting the red channel of the specular map?
  15. 128 according to the error he quoted, and Scerendos Finn is way over 32 surfaces (56 if I recall correctly) and it works just fine.
  16. Yes. Reduce the amount of surfaces in the model. I never before heard of anyone hitting that limit, but you did it.
  17. I do make use of floaters, some areas on the clone wouldn't have been fun to model without them. My main struglles lie in hard, angular shapes flowing into rounded areas without getting bumps or pinching. The usual answer to that on Polycount seems to be "add more Geo" which can be a pain as you know.
  18. @@Jeff, @@Kualan we all made fugly gargoyles at some point. Showing those to people who can give you good advice is key for improvement - just look at @@ChalklYnes stuff.
  19. Why I cry everytime I come to this thread: where's dat original stuff ? All I see recently is more ports.
  20. @@SomaZ That gloss definition is not defined by the material per surface but globally by a console command?
  21. I'll see what I can do, I have a static version of my updated clone ingame for use on my turntable if that's enough for now. Otherwise I could weight it and skip LODs for now to get you a quick test mesh. @@minilogoguy18 Everything looks like a glazed Donut there because it lacks a roughness/gloss map. @@SomaZ which maps does the shader require/support? Does it use metal/roughness or spec/gloss?
  22. Are the creases Floaters? I'd love to take a look at your mesh topology. Or is this Zbrush and not doen in 3ds max at all?
  23. I was joking. But I'll explain it anyway, Lego Star Wars 2 had a secret room wwith a big Whirlpool hidden in one of the Death Star Missions. This Room was populated by Beach Troopers. I thought it'd be funny if you hid something similiar somewhere on this map. I know you like placing secrets around your maps
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