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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. an update, click image for the full album did some optimization to reduce the vert&tri count aswell as started on new effects, looking for good blaster sounds atm so if you have something, let me know!
  2. @ Scerendo not saying anything is "wrong" with it, I just realised that I can use it way more flexible in painter than you could use it in player - and decided I'd add a feature to give you more flexibility too
  3. that could have happened while chopping down the models geometrical detail (both versions are a reduced version of the model I worked with while texturing) EDIT: @@Some I just moved the clone blaster model we're hosting to your account, are there toher files on JKHub you made? if so I'll move them from the JKHub account
  4. should just have used Girs spec map isntead of making a new one
  5. @@Scerendo I think you mgiht want to go in and edit the levels on the AO for her body scarf thing you have some insanely strong, deep shadows there that one wouldn't expect on a piece of cloth like this in Substance Painter I could mask the scarf to a sepperate instance of the smart material, I might go ahead and create a improved graph version with 3 maskable instances of the material for you
  6. @@Some this helmet is final I do plan to add alternate helmets in the future
  7. time to redo the currently converted skins, eh?
  8. ...NO just NO do this instead: pen the minecraft skin then in photoshop go to "image>image size..." and a window like this will pop up: set it to nearest neighbor/preserve hard egdes and then resize the skin to your desired resolution also interesting for you @, don't do it as @@Zappa_0 suggested
  9. there's an optino to preserve pixel borders while resizing images in photoshop and I'M sure gimp has something similiar then you set r_texturemdoe to GL_NEAREST ingame to avoid the games texture filtering from blurring the skins slightly
  10. it even has a sombrero! (don't ask me why, DVG94 requested it)
  11. there is, the uv coordinates are similiar to those from older minecraft versions - skins for Minecraft 1.8 and past are not supported this is the layout my model uses: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-GU5DI222uYs/TnRzeBVQbFI/AAAAAAAAAEM/CNnJ1OeBF9s/s1600/skin_standart.png +armor parts and cape EDIT: here's a example shader: models/players/mcraft/char { q3map_nolightmap { map models/players/mcraft/char alphaFunc GE128 blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO rgbGen lightingDiffuse } }just edit this to match each of your textures and copy/paste them all into a new .txt file and name that *******.shader @@Zappa_0, @@Langerd you also want to type this into the console when using any of these: "r_textureMode GL_NEAREST" this will prevent the games texture filtering from "blurring" th textures, this will degrade the look of non-minecrafty stuff though
  12. the nintendo DS version of lego star wars 2 had them as playable characters but I think they only had generic lego sounds
  13. @@Sovietskiy Partizan let me see the bump and the converted normal map - maybe they can be improved
  14. @@Xycaleth the grid I'm seeing there reminds me of mudbox, @@Sovietskiy Partizan I guess you loaded the model into mudbox and started painting in the bump channel and let mudbox export that as a normal map?
  15. @@DT85 well by chopping the tricount down by about 30% I did exactly that
  16. I messed around with dirt while texturing but in the end decided to remove it, @@Archangel35757's post is pretty much what I thought
  17. ingame, time for effects
  18. yup have to scale it up slightly, have some trouble with getting the darn viewmodel working atm
  19. the size looks good to me, any objections?
  20. comparison between view and world model http://imgur.com/a/jcpQ7
  21. a clonetrooper needs some weaponry:
  22. there are 2 arm textures: arms_legs and arms_legs2 one for each side, you could just open the skinfile and replace arms_legs2.tga with arms_legs.tga
  23. scaling them up while keeping pixel borders is the only reliable way - JKAs texture filtering blurs them unless you use the GL_NEAREST filter option
  24. did you make the skins yourself or were they taken from a minecraft skin site? nice to someone using my model
  25. @@JAWSFreelao that helmet geometry is different and I will model that soon as it's my favorite clone helmet, because it merges the phase 2 clonetrooper and stormtrooper helmets. Also: who said it was untextured? it's not !
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