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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. How about Deathstar esque blast doors? Edit: any room? Hide a whirlpool room somewhere
  2. a little too red, I'd recommend changing the blood color in my smart material to a darker red. Should help reduce that effect
  3. that helmet texture needs a lot of work. Did you copy and paste that part on from a TCW screengrab? Try to actually paint the texture and shade the helmet properly. You could get Xnormal and bake a bent normal map from the helmetmesh. Just export the helemt on it'S own as a .obj or .fbx and load that into xnormal for the high and lowpoly mesh. Then under baking options just uncheck all maps except the Bent normal map and let it bake. This will give you a rough base for your shading, the green channel from that bent normal map is essentially a top light, the blue channel a front light and the red channel a light from the right side Just put the green channel on overlay and the blue channel on multiply and tweak the opacity values. Since you're not baking from a proper highpoly mesh, these will be very basic and lack detail but they should be enough to get you a solid base for your own, painted shading.
  4. @@GPChannel moved Thread to Modding Assistance
  5. @@LucyTheAlien JKE is based on OpenJK - you are running OpenJK allready
  6. I do not mean the pelvis,allthough a inverse direction rotation of the pelvis might help too, to his abdomen seems very stiff.
  7. Isn't model_root usually the parent of mesh_ and skeleton_root? Atleast that's what I seem to recall.
  8. That was what I had im mind. The main Problem I have, is that modeling Clones is fairly boring. You keep modeling very similiar shapes over and over again.
  9. That one has the Helmet of an Imperial Scout trooper, right? If the entire body changes I won't commit to that, just as I won't do the Clone Commander from Battlefront 2
  10. while I'm not exactly a fan of that trooper design, I do like it more than the First Order stormtrooper armor - mainly because it doesn't look like it was designed by Apple.
  11. especially in the crouched walk cycle that rotation seems too limtied to the upper half of his upper body, it should start slighly below
  12. Gorcs core seems very stiff during your walk cycles, a slight rotation during each step might fix that. EDIT: I also jsut noticed, that you did not weight the cloth flaps to individual bones, why not do that when you're allready making a custom rig and animations?
  13. @@LucyTheAlien without any mods you get that exact same error as soon as you shoot the at-st?
  14. @@LucyTheAlien I'd expect the combination of Ultimate weapons and @@minilogoguy18's AT-ST to be the cause
  15. if you ever get around to trieing out substance let me know.
  16. Psst! Don't tell anyone, but you can also handpaint PBR maps Unless you use DDO or limit yourself to using premade materials in substance you won't be clicking a lot of boxes. Just instead of painting a diffuse, specular and gloss map, you'd paint a albedo,metal- and roughness map. Albedo is pretty much your Diffuse without light information, Metalness is a metallic mask (white=metal, black=dialectric materials) and Roughness is just inverted gloss. The Problem is that JKA won't offer the required shader support to make that look good, without processing these maps into diffuse and spec maps tailored to idtech3 standards. A process that I partially automated with a custom procedural Material.
  17. Wh not merge efforts with JK: Enhanced? @@redsaurus @@NAB622
  18. @@JAWSFreelao yeah just the model and all the base textures you guys paint over I will make accessories, if you ever took a look at the clone variants in star wars battlefront 2 you know which ones exactly, I might do a few beyond those but I'M really not gonig to model every tiny accessoire seen in the clone wars series.
  19. @@Newmodder First of all: Wlcome to the Hub! The Plan is to finish the clone variants seen in Star Wars Battlefront 2 before pushing for a V2 release, the model was made to look as realistic as possible in JKA and if you think it does indeed look realistic it seems I have achieved what I was going for. Thing is I have to be in the mood to work on models and have to be concentrated to get statisfieing results (I'm very picky about my own work), just thew few new ref pics I collected since I last showed progress made me feel like starting over on the new "Airborne" Helmet variant since I keep discovering more and more inaccuracies the longer I look at it.
  20. That is indeed wierd, can gmax export to any format other than it's own? I'd like to investigate on that mesh.
  21. @@Jolly With the time I put into a model - yes it would be way over 20 dollars
  22. @@Barricade24 this was the only reference for the backside I had
  23. @@JAWSFreelao this is a rather rough draft version of the mesh. I have a lot of finetuning work to do just about everywhere EDIT: gonna leave it at this for a day or two to get some feedback on the shape before I finalise it. I am aware of the bumps in the lower "collar" around the helmet, gonna fix those near the end.
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