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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. AshuraDX

    Test Maps

    there used to be a similiar mod on wonkos mirror, included a few more colors than yours and I've been using them for a while. good to see something similair here though!
  2. The base game model has a small shape to resemble the front end of the folded stock, whoever modeled the guns for jko and jka seems to have had little to no reference material or really wanted to keep the tri count low. I also think the grip could be a little wider now that I see it from the Front with the barrel attached
  3. Discord would definitely replace skype for me if more of my friends started using it. Discord is like Skype and Teamspeak had a baby with fewer nervous ticks
  4. the rails along the sides of the barrel are missng control loops for their caps (the C shaped ends)
  5. @@Ailan does the model appear in some sort of davinci pose isntead of the T-pose you are looking for? That's because this "da vinci pose" is JKAs default root position instead of the common T-pose
  6. @@Langerd sure - you may use my work whenever you find a use for it @@ensiform Not really, as I've spent a lot of time designnig graphics for the enw webshop at work lately and therefore lack the motivation to fire up photoshop at home after work
  7. If it was uploaded around 2012 it was probably SiLink or Caelum who uploaded that file. You moght have gotten an e-mail asking for permission and an invitation to your precreated jkhub account
  8. Did you make custom Animations or are you trieing to use the xwing animations from jka?
  9. you should be able to do that by yourself. It's really just a matter of swapping folder names.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uizNcQcpK-8&feature=youtu.be fuckin lost it
  11. Another nice costume build by Adam savage
    1. Bek


      Rey must have been freezing her ass off on Starkiller Base.

    2. DrXann


      He must have been sweating his butt off in that recreation of Kylo's robes.

    3. Mandalorian


      he has the life. He has a gold coated c3po

  12. I'd rip all of them, drop em in a shared folder, create a few new subfolders and start sorting them by character. If oyu only want a specific char you can just drop everything that's not related to kain in your case into a single "bullshit" folder. It's boring but not very difficult if you do it this way.
  13. so you want a spiraling ramp sort of thing?
  14. but beware - the base game reuses glass shaders all the time so your changes might effect things you don't want to be changed.
  15. it is possible, use the specmap as the alpha channel for your diffuse. then have a 3-4 layer setup in your shader: Optional lightmap stage diffuse with no alpha env map diffuse map with inverted specular map in alpha
  16. correct. Some mods might have code to fix the huds width based on aspect ratio, but base JKA and OpenJK don't.
  17. @@Archangel35757 - that might be, I went by the indices max displayed for my Editable Poly object.
  18. Okay, double posting here on purpose to share what my experiemnts while working at the turntable taught me about tags: The direction from vertex 2->0 equals +X direction, 2->1 equals +Y and normal direction equals -Z. Angles withing the triangle are completely ignored, the only thing that matters are vertex indices and their relative positions to each other. Depending on your software the indices might be different in your software. 3ds Max ,for example ,starts counting from 1 instead of 0 while softimage seems to have reversed vertex indices.
  19. @@minilogoguy18 can I get a plain front view and a side view? a orthogonal shot is not much help
  20. @@minilogoguy18 show a screenshot of the tag + the at-st foot, I have a theory
  21. pm me a screenshot and I'll try to figure out whats going on EDIT: going by the resolution of your screenshots for the starkilelr file you are palying the game in a very low resolution (800x600) you should use the regular hud.pk3 with that as it fits the 4:3 aspect ratio. the fact that it appears to be lowres on your screen might be linked to the low resolution you're playing in.
  22. https://jkhub.org/files/file/2956-ashuras-simplified-hud/ there you go, a beta version as requested @@ensiform
  23. Version BETA


    A simplified version of the base JKA HUD that has yet to be completed - nuff said! use the hud_wide.pk3 if you play in a widescreen resolution and your mod does not correct the aspect ratio automatically.
  24. Very good! This looked promising, I might update the cliff texture I made for you as I learned a lot since I made that.
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