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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. I spent the past few months concepting a new Customiseable saber while working closely with @@redsaurus to introduce a few new features These are mostly based at Hilts from the movies, I'm sure you allready recognised a few of them, while 2 are inspired by TFU and one is a mix of random influences. 2 example sabers: New features will include: -rgb colored ares on the hilts -saber color matching areas -variable dirt ( "all" I need to do is texture these. In order to save some time with that I'll go ahead and produce basic ID masks for each UV layout, these would later allow me to automise msot of the texturing process in substance painter A ID mask is made up of simple colors, each color represents a different material, here are some examples: example example 2 if anyone is feeling up to helping me out with creating these I could spend more time developing the materials that will be applied based on these ID masks. so lemme know if you want to help! I'll create a color key table later so that all ID masks share the same colorMaterial key.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-VVnhwB4Gw
  3. what about your bioshock map?
  4. the mask needs a retexture, the textures are so low-res in comparison to the rest of the model
  5. @@Circa not atm allready have too many projects I want to finish
  6. nobody reads replies properly these days...
  7. I'd assume that means no shaderlights at all?
  8. I prefer shfitees trando over this, the SWTOR heads jsut don't go well with base JKA stuff
  9. @@eiTani good to hear! I highly doubt that you have every model we have on her ein that pk3 (which is what your original request soundend like). there's no way you could fit all 328 models we host in a single 700mb .pk3 And that's what caused people to "exaggerate" as you said.
  10. shoulders are a nightmare in general when it comes to jka
  11. @ there's the current vehicle hud, still have to recreate the map/radar texture @@Archangel35757 needs code work, probably not gonna happen
  12. @@minilogoguy18 fixed the LODS? otherwise I could run it through max really quick and add the last LOD to it
  13. Done allready, will get some screens of that later
  14. Crazy idea: is it 10.00% or 10,00% in the import dialogue? Depending on your OS settings that might cause a problem. Happens to me when I don't change Windows number format and try to compile a model for jka.
  15. Could do it yourself - that ensures everything will be to your preference plus you might learn something about the games systems. If you hit a roadblock you can post here and someone will try to guide you through. Good Luck!
  16. @@Circa, @@eezstreet, @@redsaurus should I redo the menu screen in a similiar style for JK:E? or are you not interested in having this for JK:E?
  17. Yeah, I'll include that aswell no, worries
  18. scaled it to look best with widescreen resolutions for now still have to adjust the 4:3 version
  19. turned out I can not get that to work with what JKA offers me, so they'll be more like the base JKA bars. I will keep the written numbers aswell
  20. interesting idea, maybe soemthing that could be implemented in JKE I'll release my PSD file for this aswell so ayone could go ahead and make changes like this
  21. @ I was toying with the idea to make that circle the saberstyle indicator
  22. @ the grey parts I have here are opaque in the games hud aswell EDIT: I hope to get the bars to gradually fade with some shader work, so ideally it'll look something like this when you took damage: if I can't get it to do that I'll adjust the textures some more
  23. I messed around with the HUD today and made this: Faithful to the old base JKA HUD, but in a higher resolution and reduced to basic shapes and colors - opinions?
  24. @no clue, I'd try editing the shader to disable the glow from the crystal. and see if that changes something. It mgiht happen with the normal version too, but the changed rotation might have altered the view angle on the screen so that it is now far more apparent than before.
  25. @@The Punisher @ the crystal in the hilt is giving off a white glow by itself - so everything that passes throguh it will appear brighter sicne there actually is something that glows white in there. and that might be what you're seeing here.
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