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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. you can do that in 3ds max via skinwrapping (Tutorial on using it for JKA by @@Psyk0Sith ), I use skinwrapping all the time on my models - I have a weighted version of my basemesh or a merged copy of the model I'M working on that I use as a skin wrapping target for the final (split) gamemesh. This really helps me to get nice deformation around the dismemberable parts of my models. I'd expect blender to be able to do something similiar EDIT: this seems to be able to do just what you are looking for:
  2. All that's left missing is sounds and maybe a baseball bat or rusty cleaver(short range, ridiculous damage/dismemberment?)
  3. some stills from the final mask shader: http://imgur.com/a/tmJer
  4. Weighting is about done, maybe i'll go over some areas again to reduce clipping issues
  5. first update: splat texture isn ot just solid black anymore!
  6. OH YEAH! time to properly weight him and finish the shaders
  7. I see, I wanted to try Marvelous for a while - I think I may have to find a way to get my hands on it
  8. Damn that scarf is looking sexy, did you use Marvelous Designer to create that? It looks so flawless
  9. so many stitches. Still have a few more to go - hooray for my stitch brush EDIT:
  10. Texture WIP: I need to get some variation in for the cloth textures, dirt and wear have barely been tackled yet - mostly basic colors and my smart material to give some lighting information
  11. So are we gonna do a Pornstar Chainsaw fighting game based at JKA now?
  12. Or you use fancy software, setup a procedural wear effect and have it wear your paint while you're painting, then finetune in a second painting pass Can be doen in gimp and photoshop aswell, just takes a bit more work to setup EDIT: this was produced by applieing various different filters and adjustments to the curvature map of my clone models torso.
  13. while it's not likely to happen they COULD potentially decide to do it
  14. @@Seven slight differences http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/7/7c/Clonearmor_negwt.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20060808183103 the hand plate is different, shoulder pads, upper arm armor, slighty different torso armor but nothing that'd be too much work
  15. putting a link here won't save you from trouble if a any company sues you for violating their EULA/Copyright by spreading their content for free. But JKHub.org remains mostly uneffected in this case since we're not hosting the file.
  16. @@Circa this model will become my "fall back/filler project" for boredom. I have plans to make additional helmets and including a phase 1 style helmet is not that big of a deal
  17. @@Lancelot nailed it, incase you were wondering YES the mask will change here's a shader test: Patterns are stock images, the game version will be updated with more movie accurate patterns EDIT:
  18. Let's see if someone, excluding those I've allready told, can guess who this will become seeing that this sculpt is allmost finished it shouldn't be too hard to guess
  19. @@Seven there may be a way to do the covnersion in Blender - but you'd have to look that up
  20. that's the physical Reaver, the file OP is looknig for is the ghost form
  21. @@Seven do you have normal maps for the TFU heads? if you do you can use them to improve the currently very flat look of the textures. To do that get Xnormal first, once you have that export the head you ported as a .obj (hair and what else mgiht use the same textures included). Open Xnormal and go to Tools and look for the Object/Tangent space converter, run that and load the exported head as the lowpoly mesh, load your normal map as the input normal map and set the converter to "convert tangent space to object space". if done correctly it will produce an image that looks similiar to this. if you have that, open the head texture and your new object space normal map in Gimp or whatever else you use for skinning, first take a look at the Object space map. Disable the Red and blue Color channels (leaving you with the green channel), you should see that the upwards facing areas are lightly colored while the down facing areas are dark. Select everything and copy this over to the head texture (on a new layer) set that Layers blendmode to "soft light" and decrease the opacity to about 60% Now you'll do the same with the blue channel of the object space normal map, copy it over to a new layer and set that layer to "multiplay" and about 30% opacity, this should darken the backside of the models textures. sounds doable?
  22. @@minilogoguy18 any chance you have the spectral reaver saber?
  23. going by other pictures from that album @@Jeff might be your man
  24. If my theory about what causes this is right, a shader with the line "cull disable" or "cull twosided" should be able to fix it. Just identify the texture that's used for the crest and if it allready has a shader add the line to the entry for the used texture or if it does not have shaders: create a new folder "shaders", in that create a plain text file (.txt) and write the following in that: models/players/"modelname"/"texture" { cull twosided q3map_nolightmap { map models/players/"modelname"/"texture" blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO rgbGen lightingDiffuse } } Just replace the "modelname" with the nme of the folder that holds the samurai vader skin, and "texture" with the name of the imagefile used for the crest.
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