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Jedi Home III - Temple Edition

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Wow, this map series coming back again. I spent so much time on Jedi's Home II, be it on lugormod, JAplus or OJP, this is like a nostalgic trip. Are you going to try and emulate the Jedi Home feel, with the very well done lighting and smooth shading? I always felt jedi's home had a very soft feel in terms of colors, I hope that's the look you are going for.


Very much looking forward to this map.

swegmaster, Cerez and AngelModder like this

(This is your conscience speaking. Don't let all the praise get to your head. Keep working at it with a critical eye, passionately and diligently.) ;)

I see a lot of flaws believe me. I don't like (looking at the picture) however blurry the skybox is, the fact every single window is lit up, how the ones that are lit up are all the same tone/brightness in appearance, how the white strips around the raised beds doesn't look very realistic it needs to be actual lights not just a white glowing texture, I really hate these damn trees... XD


While I do appreciate praise, I appreciate honesty (worded politely) more. We all have very easily wound-able ego's, but some time's I completely run out of idea's, or worse; I have too many idea's...

Cerez likes this

Wow, this map series coming back again. I spent so much time on Jedi's Home II, be it on lugormod, JAplus or OJP, this is like a nostalgic trip. Are you going to try and emulate the Jedi Home feel, with the very well done lighting and smooth shading? I always felt jedi's home had a very soft feel in terms of colors, I hope that's the look you are going for.


Very much looking forward to this map.

Keeping to the original(s) overall design theme and color scheme is 100% my top priority, however I also wish to take it a direction that due to the time period of jka in which they were built and or Skill of the craftsmen (no offense intended) & and breath a fresh breath of realism and sanity to it.

Where the original(s) had nothing outside there windows, this one ground it's self more to realism by adding thing's not only to see, but to go interact with. While this map combines area's from V1 and V2 and try's to emulate there overall layout it also expands and adds onto the previous idea's. Where some time's thing's were done in the original's design just because they looked cool, now I try to give legitimate reason for what is. Honestly I would love to take this to Rend2 and take it up another notch once this variant of V3 is finished.


So to answer simply. Yes I will do my best to remember what this is, but I also want to bring it to life and add onto it. Over the coming weeks I'll upload a layout of the map, explaining it in detail. From this you'll be able to see the original(s) and how I've expanded on them and given even more reasoning to be there.

The courtyard for example in this map will be the main spawn point. With 4 directions to go.

A: The Jedi Temple it's self. I consider this more like a small Jedi's Enclave in a sense, sort of like a private tutor with maybe a couple dozen Padawans under his belt because of there unique chosen path or abilities. (This has original area's from V1 And 2 + more).

B: Republic Hanger AM-1321 - As this Enclave is just part of a much larger city visually this specific area has it's own hanger for Padawans, Masters, and even Senators to arrive and depart while dealing with the Master of this enclave. (NEW)

C: Public Hotel and Cantina (unamed so far) - This is primarily for civilian use when visiting the enclave and occasionally for the Master of the enclave to blow off some steam (anonymously of course) by swoop racing civilians.

D: Republic Training Center R-29 - An area I can't wait to show you guys, you'll actually get to this area via a train thingy. This is a fully realized combat and event area. Lets just say this will really give the map a LOT of us...


Cerez, Onysfx and TheWhitePhoenix like this

And what if it's not?! o.O No more Jedi's Home.... like... EVER!!!! :o


(Also, I really think we should retitle the map to "Jedi Home", as would be the proper English name for it. It's something that's always bugged me, and I believe was the result of a language mistake on the original author's part.)


(I propose "Jedi Home: Temple Edition" -- that way when people search for a "jedi temple" map, they'll also find it. :))

AngelModder likes this

And what if it's not?! o.O No more Jedi's Home.... like... EVER!!!! :o


(Also, I really think we should retitle the map to "Jedi Home", as would be the proper English name for it. It's something that's always bugged me, and I believe was the result of a language mistake on the original author's part.)


(I propose "Jedi Home: Temple Edition" -- that way when people search for a "jedi temple" map, they'll also find it. :))


Interesting thoughts, this would be some thing I'd like to take a poll on.

Does it have the Sith Lair like the other two.

Yes, yes, and yes... XD

ZanderNao and Cerez like this

Fancy as fuck, but also an FPS killer. I don't like the Bespin theme, Shadowstone's maps used the Bespin skybox, sure, but I always thought he chose it because he was making a sunset themed map. Matter of point of view I guess... This map you're working on lacks the soft round shaped architecture of the JHL2. Looks more like a random Bespin Jedi Academy map that has been influenced by JHL2. :mellow: so, instead of saying that this continues Shadowstone's JHL maps, I'd say that this is just another Academy map. Maybe release this under a different name? Not that Shadowstone copyrighted his maps, but this just doesn't look like Jedi's Home to me. Except for that 1 hall but even that area looks like JHL1 (which was basically Shadowstone's  baby steps into the project)


RAILBACK and Onysfx like this

Fancy as fuck, but also an FPS killer. I don't like the Bespin theme, Shadowstone's maps used the Bespin skybox, sure, but I always thought he chose it because he was making a sunset themed map. Matter of point of view I guess... This map you're working on lacks the soft round shaped architecture of the JHL2. Looks more like a random Bespin Jedi Academy map that has been influenced by JHL2. :mellow: so, instead of saying that this continues Shadowstone's JHL maps, I'd say that this is just another Academy map. Maybe release this under a different name? Not that Shadowstone copyrighted his maps, but this just doesn't look like Jedi's Home to me. Except for that 1 hall but even that area looks like JHL1 (which was basically Shadowstone's  baby steps into the project)



I somewhat agree. I'm really tired of the default Bespin sunset textures. Either use the full daylight textures or maybe choose other non default textures.


I can understand the previous points expressed, about diverging from the original or wanting something new, but I do have to say that I really love how this map is being executed. It's got an aesthetic that I'm really looking forward to seeing completed. I wouldn't mind seeing other maps breaking away into newer territory, but I love this one so far!

AngelModder and Cerez like this

Hmm those are all good point's however. This map has had many peoples input from day one, all of which were greatly in love with the original Jh's. From moment one we knew we had to go above and beyond the original two while at the same time NOT killing FPS. We do have to take into consideration lower and pc's but also the capabilities of most pc's these days. I can assure you I have finely balanced this map. We use a 2 gig gpu for most of the buld however it has been tested on a 256 mb gpu and all the way up to a 8 gig gpu all have reported through the map an average of 60-90+ fps on server with bots and players. So please rest assure this wont kill your fps. Most look at places like the walls and see multiple layers for the different texturing. I choose to combined these into one texture. This being practiced in multiple area's along with false shadowing and bloom effects has done wonders for controlling the fps.

The new version is greatly different then the original 2 as far as aethetics go, however I'd point out the V2 was greatly different then V1. The same feeling's were felt about v2 over v1 during it's initial release and testing. Many felt v2 was too different in many ways and lacked the same imagination and creativity of the first and aimed more for realism. Most and the others overtime where won over by the V2 through immersion. I feel some opinion may be being a bit biased sdue to me NOT being Shadowstone. While I can respect this, SS admitted himself that he was only a novice at mapping and did so mostly as a hobby part time and it's lay out and area's were greatly for that of his clans needs. Not so much for the community at large. I would ask that you give it a chance. I can't see how even just on the premise of what it is that it will disappoint.

There will be more photo's coming soon, possibly tonight; I've been taking everything all of you have said into consideration and have been working the texturing and architecture more towards the original's. However you must acknowledge that the overall idea had to grow. While some may argue that the facility was NOT on bespin, I argue it was due to the fact it not only used it's skybox, but it used about 50% Bespin texture's aside from SS's personnel textures. As well SS himself stated in server that the original concept was a hidden Bespin facility. Whether this was his original intent OR one he excepted and adapted to over time who will ever know.
A few have also questioned the reasoning behind so many new area's in the map. V2 actually cut out a lot from v1 and had area's v1 didn't have, this is not only a combination of boths ideal's but and extension. Natural progression.
Any who here is a pic of the nearly finished main lobby. I still want to replace the statue's but that will more then likely be a last minute addition before release.


Thank you for your support!


Cerez, ZanderNao and swegmaster like this

here is a few more shots, This is a re conception of the main entrance chamber. in the original you came in and it was all "Welcome home Jedi" and had the cantina up above. In this one as we're sticking a little more to an authentic jedi image it has a sweeping stair case that leads up to the student cafe you can also go through the cafe and go into the main lobby. The entrance beneath the sweeping stairs leads into like the original an antech chamber with elevators taking the students down to there classrooms etc.

A quick note on the overall concept, this map is While tipping it's hat to JH3 as far as overall theme and name sake, does tip it's hat also to a more gounded realistic jedi academy as well as the original's location. to sum it up it's the rend2 to vanilla of JH... XD

Lighting and such is not final etc etc you know the drill. LOL





These hallways will contain doors on one side leading to a simple student bedroom section. Nothing fancy or fps/compile wasting just for a bit more Rp a tribute in a sense to the fantasy/roleplay of the original V1 Jh.


I look forward to this map. Although, are you putting the spawns in the courtyard? Wouldn't it be more authentic to put them at the entrance of the academy? I liked in JHII, when you spawned and got to enter for the first time and be welcomed inside, that would be great to see again.

AngelModder and Cerez like this

Ok so time to reach out the public, show me some pics, concepts or share idea's for what sort of secret area's you would like to see. The original(s) had very dream like out there and unique designs for it's secret area's. Low poly though unique in design and meant for a challenging duel.

Tell me what YOU the public would like to see, pics, drawings, w/e helps get the idea across. :D

Hope to hear from many of you on this!

Noodle likes this

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