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Jedi Home III - Temple Edition

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:P Its pretty nice, a little trippy though, so much grid space XD I feel more like I'm in autocad!

I've got to admit I'm excited the maps in it's finishing touches stage!

Hah, we're excited too, though the veil of secrecy will have us salivating wondering what will be revealed!


Atm the latest alpha is not up and running yet, will probably be about 2 weeks before it is, Atm, the server is running Jh3-Demo 1. (you can find me near the top of the server list "A.m.'s Cantina ") Plan is the next Demo will focus more over towards the Casino part of the map. Allowing the folks checking it out via auto download every week as more and more of the map becomes available to them leading up to Beta XD. There will be "some" area's I don't show till release ofcourse but this will be a fun time to get peoples opinions idea's and trouble shoot any problems as I go through the final stage of development

I do however require some assistance however, I need some one who can help me with the server CFG etc or atleast help me learn to control it better. For instance I'm having difficulty getting the server to apply the .cfg's changes after a refresh etc, although I may be doing the refresh wrong. <---- See I need help. Wouldn't be a whole lot mostly just some questions I cant really find the right answer to in tuts. Specific shit.

Any ways stop by the server (it was formerly a clan but I'm converting it over to a community modding server) so never mind all the old clan crap on the bots and MOTD atm. Those are things I'm trying to remember how to change XD! For any one wanting to speak to me directly my discord is Amodder #3768

ZanderNao likes this
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Project canceled -  I just don't want to work on mapping any more. Too many years spent in fact wasted doing it with little to no pay off. I will be deleting the demo asap. Sorry, I don't belong any where in this community any more so theirs really no need for me to continue working for it. 

Wish you all the best - AngelModder


Please... Please don't do it this way...

You don't have to map any more, but don't purge your progress... Share what you've made, share the incomplete files, share the demo, please... What you accomplished should live on.

Captain Leeroy and scp_chaos1 like this

Well I always really liked these maps, so like any thing else I am trying to give it all the attention and quality it deserves. Today was spent mostly fine tuning and doing a LOT of texture work. As well I spent a bit of it planning out more of it's overall layout etc.

The courtyard being the main spawn point for the entire map imo is the thing that will really set the tone for this project. Please remember while the map as far as overall design is 75% finished (it's layout and different sections) now begins the longer and more difficult part. Putting them all together nicely. Detail's shaders, texture creation and adjustment. Theirs a LOT more to go. So here is one more screeny of the Courtyard as she is tonight. tomorrow she'll be given a whole new level of life using artificial shadows and bloom effects. And hopefully if I can find some one to make them, or I can find some I can import, she'll also get some new tree's. I despise these ugly old things.


No map image has ever filled me with more anticipation than this one. It was art, beauty, perfection personified... Thank you for the dream at the very least.

NumberWan likes this

Project canceled -  I just don't want to work on mapping any more. Too many years spent in fact wasted doing it with little to no pay off. I will be deleting the demo asap. Sorry, I don't belong any where in this community any more so theirs really no need for me to continue working for it. 



Wish you all the best - AngelModder

I don't know what the hell happened, but seriously...? Have you ever tried reaching out instead of acting like this? 


Did something happen IRL? 

Delmi likes this

Project canceled -  I just don't want to work on mapping any more. Too many years spent in fact wasted doing it with little to no pay off. I will be deleting the demo asap. Sorry, I don't belong any where in this community any more so theirs really no need for me to continue working for it. 



Wish you all the best - AngelModder


No, no no no, no no. Mapping has a pay off. I personally use it to de-stress, You're helping to keep JKA alive and well in the process, 


Please take a break but don't delete your work. especially this beautiful map. Work of your caliber is incredibly rare. 

TheWhitePhoenix and Delmi like this

Project canceled -  I just don't want to work on mapping any more. Too many years spent in fact wasted doing it with little to no pay off. I will be deleting the demo asap. Sorry, I don't belong any where in this community any more so theirs really no need for me to continue working for it. 



Wish you all the best - AngelModder


I understand the cancellation, and I'm not one to judge your decision. However, I do feel like instead of purging it completely, you could've made all source files public for anybody else to work on. That's only because I hate to see such talent wasted, but alas, it is not my decision. I hope the best for your future, take it easy, man.


How can somebody end this project and just delete it even without posting us source map file? After days of hard work? Braindead decision.

Uhm excuse me, because its MY work, and NO one touches my work... I designed every texture in that project by hand ergo my property and I can do with my property as I see fit. I will use my legal rights to the fullest extent if I find ANY of my property used and or released without my permission. Which will not be given. Ever!

Wasa likes this

Uhm excuse me, because its MY work, and NO one touches my work... I designed every texture in that project by hand ergo my property and I can do with my property as I see fit. I will use my legal rights to the fullest extent if I find ANY of my property used and or released without my permission. Which will not be given. Ever!

I sympathize with this mindset. It's his work, let him do whatever he wants with it. Considering how you seem somewhat distressed when you mentioned how you wasted years on mapping, I also understand why you would want to delete it. I've got respect for you man, getting your priorities straight in life is a very good thing. Good luck to you in life, hope you find a fulfilling calling.


And it's just a mod, albeit a very impressive looking mod, yet still just a mod regardless. There's plenty of other good ones, guys.

Wasa, Daedra and AngelModder like this

Uhm excuse me, because its MY work, and NO one touches my work... I designed every texture in that project by hand ergo my property and I can do with my property as I see fit. I will use my legal rights to the fullest extent if I find ANY of my property used and or released without my permission. Which will not be given. Ever!

I'm sorry Angel but I can't understand such decision. I understand that you don't like modding anymore and that it took lot of free time from you. But If you remove it all, you will just throw your spared time, hundreds of days possibly, out of window. Our time on this planet is really limited and this would such a waste. I think people would definitely enjoy your work and if you just don't want to continue on it again and you plan to leave community, just leave it to somebody else who can finish it. 


NO one touches my work


Disney can, apparently.


We do not claim ownership to your User Generated Content; however, you grant us a non-exclusive, sublicensable, irrevocable and royalty-free worldwide license under all copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, privacy and publicity rights and other intellectual property rights to use, reproduce, transmit, print, publish, publicly display, exhibit, distribute, redistribute, copy, index, comment on, modify, adapt, translate, create derivative works based upon, publicly perform, make available and otherwise exploit such User Generated Content, in whole or in part, in all media formats and channels now known or hereafter devised (including in connection with the Disney Services and on third-party sites and platforms such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter), in any number of copies and without limit as to time, manner and frequency of use, without further notice to you, with or without attribution, and without the requirement of permission from or payment to you or any other person or entity.


Unless the EULA was modified since then and I didn't know.

Delmi and the_raven like this

People one thing on mind - @@AngelModder is artist and modder . Yes he dont own us everything and yes we cant say that his decision was awful. He has rights to do whatever he wants with his works. And his account here as well. 

I personally understand this decission. Modding and making projects are not always made to share with others. It many times ends with unfinished projects for artist who made it as well. I have many projects i havent finished and i might never finish them at all. 

And we are people. He has some personal live problems and things on mind. Maybe we dont share here with this kind of stressful topics but i will say - if anyone has problems like this just share you have very not ok time lately.

I dont feel that most of us here were looking only on your map AngelModder. But we looked at the member of this community who worked hard on his own project - i personally think you are creative and you made some amazing stuff. But we are not modding machines and i am not treating you like one. And i think most of us are thinking the same way. 

AngelModder and Wasa like this

People one thing on mind - AngelModder is artist and modder . Yes he dont own us everything and yes we cant say that his decision was awful. He has rights to do whatever he wants with his works. And his account here as well. 


I personally understand this decission. Modding and making projects are not always made to share with others. It many times ends with unfinished projects for artist who made it as well. I have many projects i havent finished and i might never finish them at all. 


To add more your point it can be pretty disrespectful towards the artist to suggest them to let somebody else finish his own work. 

So some of you really act entitled like he says.

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