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Yes it's me and my problems again..

This time I am working on Single Player and I am in need of coder assistance. I have 4 requests for some good soul to code for original JAsp (vanilla jagamex86.dll only) :

- Extending maximum number of NPC limit (including vehicles) to the highest value the game can handle without crashing / being unstable.


- Extending the number of customization spieces limit. This was done for OpenJK MP by Xycaleth. The whole topic is here: https://jkhub.org/topic/8158-bug-customizable-species-limit/page-1

- Increasing the string pool size limit. This was also done for OpenJK: https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/commit/cfcc97f3

- Extending the limit of lightsaber hilts that can go into SP

Many of you will probably think : OpenJK has all of it why not use it?

The answer is because OpenJK SP is not compatible with SP version of my mod. Besides OpenJK (for MP) has many drawbacks, it's pretty unstable and I refuse to use it at least in current version which is far from perfect. I guess it's the same for SP ( It launches but almost everything looks bugged; for example text loss, strange menu behaviour not to mention tons of errors while launching a map ). To sum up I simply cannot   use OpenJK on this one. That is why I request these changes to be made for vanilla JASP.

It's very important for me as I am stuck with the work and without your help I will never be able to finish the mod which many claim to be worth finishing.

Help me @@Asgarath83 @@Teancum @@MGummelt @@Ramikad @ @@Boothand @@Stoiss @@ensiform @@DT85 @@Wolfeye @T.Zealot @@Archangel35757 @@Xycaleth @@eezstreet @@JaceSolarisVIII @@redsaurus @ @@Darth Futuza @@Raz0r @ @@SomaZ @@Dusty @@ent You're my only hope...


"The answer is because OpenJK SP is not compatible with SP version of my mod." -- Why is that?  JASP doesn't support code mods in mod folders even, so this seems like a useless thing to try to get around.


"Besides OpenJK (for MP) has many drawbacks, it's pretty unstable and I refuse to use it at least in current version which is far from perfect." -- I call bullshit. If your excuses here are but I can't do "/qui gon" anymore or some other crappy console combo I will not see any argument from you as valid.


If on the other hand, the issue is "dismemberment"  The answer I have to that is: It never changed at all and more specifically never changed to "disallow" it.  So if you want it fixed, it needs to be investigated as to what crappy code no longer functions as originally intended.



The code in question by your request above was already fixed in OpenJK SP as well as evidenced by the very same commits you linked on some of them, and checking the commit history for the UI folder for SP.  I don't see why its so hard to port those yourself.  You are dangerously approaching help vampire status by @mentioning everyone for a request like this.

redsaurus, eezstreet and swegmaster like this
  On 2/21/2017 at 5:36 PM, Fire Phoenix said:

Yes it's me and my problems again..


This time I am working on Single Player and I am in need of coder assistance. I have 4 requests for some good soul to code for original JAsp (vanilla jagamex86.dll only) :


- Extending maximum number of NPC limit (including vehicles) to the highest value the game can handle without crashing / being unstable.


- Extending the number of customization spieces limit. This was done for OpenJK MP by Xycaleth. The whole topic is here: https://jkhub.org/topic/8158-bug-customizable-species-limit/page-1


- Increasing the string pool size limit. This was also done for OpenJK: https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/commit/cfcc97f3


- Extending the limit of lightsaber hilts that can go into SP


Many of you will probably think : OpenJK has all of it why not use it?


The answer is because OpenJK SP is not compatible with SP version of my mod. Besides OpenJK (for MP) has many drawbacks, it's pretty unstable and I refuse to use it at least in current version which is far from perfect. I guess it's the same for SP ( It launches but almost everything looks bugged; for example text loss, strange menu behaviour not to mention tons of errors while launching a map ). To sum up I simply cannot   use OpenJK on this one. That is why I request these changes to be made for vanilla JASP.


It's very important for me as I am stuck with the work and without your help I will never be able to finish the mod which many claim to be worth finishing.


Help me @@Asgarath83 @@Teancum @@MGummelt @@Ramikad @ @@Boothand @@Stoiss @@ensiform @@DT85 @@Wolfeye @T.Zealot @@Archangel35757 @@Xycaleth @@eezstreet @@JaceSolarisVIII @@redsaurus @ @@Darth Futuza @@Raz0r @ @@SomaZ @@Dusty @@ent You're my only hope...


So you have a version of the Jedi academy sdk/code ? and you want to know how to implement these features in to your code. Or you want someone to provide you with a set of DLL,S built from the Original sdk with these features already added?


If its the second option, its going to be difficult because the released version of the original SDK is heavily bugged and requires many fixes to make it stable or even compile able in a modern version of VS.

Most of the fixes are already implemented in Openjk  making that the logical choice.

However if your having issues with openjk then maybe you have a version of the original SDK/Code and you have managed to implement the fixes required for it to compile in a modern version of VS and also be stable --(Dream code)-- .If you do have this then it would be worth its weight in gold.


If you do have a dream code, then all you have to do is provide a download link and I would do it for you just to get my hands on this code. But if you want someone to download the released version of JKA SDK/Code then fix it up and add the features you require, this is a tall order.


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but unless someone has a clean original unspoilt and fully compile able in VS 2010-2017 copy that is totally stable in SP+MP then I cant help you, but wish I could.

Asgarath83 likes this

Apparently there are some good people over here : )
I would definetly prefer the second option because I have no idea how to code myself. Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought that with Revansoft releasing the source code it's just a matter of adding the features to that code. You say that it's "heavily bugged" but isn't that the same that original JA SP uses? Because the game looks as stable as possible. Again forgive my misunderstanding but I have no experience with these things. 

  On 2/21/2017 at 6:51 PM, Fire Phoenix said:


Apparently there are some good people over here : )

I would definetly prefer the second option because I have no idea how to code myself. Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought that with Revansoft releasing the source code it's just a matter of adding the features to that code. You say that it's "heavily bugged" but isn't that the same that original JA SP uses? Because the game looks as stable as possible. Again forgive my misunderstanding but I have no experience with these things. 


As far as I am aware the released SDK/code was compiled in an older version of VS or even a different compiler. I downloaded the released version of the SDK and I have visual studio 2010,2013,2015,2017 and its an absolute mess in all versions.


Openjk compiles just fine for me as does SJE however both are unstable  and crash at various points and have other errors I'm unable to find and fix.


If I could just get an unaltered stable version to compile I would do this for you with pleasure , but sorry I don't have the means to do this for you.


I never worked on strings limit but for SAB and NPC file limit edit that:

// NPC parameters file : ext_data/NPCs/*.npc*
#define MAX_NPC_DATA_SIZE 0x80000 // original is 0x40000
char    NPCParms[MAX_NPC_DATA_SIZE];

for sabers... now i not remember, i need to search. 

for single player:


change into that value:


#define MAX_SABER_DATA_SIZE (10 * 1024 * 1024) // Max value original is 0x80000

on wp_saberload.cpp


bg_saberload.c for multiplayer

#define MAX_SABER_DATA_SIZE 0x80000
static char SaberParms[MAX_SABER_DATA_SIZE];
Smoo likes this
  On 2/21/2017 at 7:13 PM, Fire Phoenix said:

@@Barricade24 Will do! Sorry for the mess.




I will try to get it . But tell me what if you got an older version of visual studio for example from 2002, 2003 or around the time when JKJA was being made. Wouldnt that work? 


No idea, but I think someone would have already thought of this. I don't even think VS 2002-3 would work on windows 10 ?


well, just my personal opinion: 

i am using again windows xp. and i have visual studio 2010. soon i will update to seven. ten is too much for me at moment.

i know is difficult to understand why many people have obsolete OS and programs, but... i suppose there are personal obvious reasons. i am basically forced to go to seven just because many program i want to use are cutted out by XP. but i love XP interface. it's not a guilty i think.

personally i think software change too fasty, too speedy. not all peoples of worlds can adapt their selves to these continuos change. and is really sad that older program are ever cutted out for force people to buy ever the newest OS.

Ramikad and Smoo like this

Ive got vanilla code but it has lots of bugs that need to be fix before it will even compile lol and only fixed some for mp code, havnt tried to code sp at all yet


To me, the original KOTF was by far the most ambitious, exciting and impressive mod as much visually as in terms of possibilities for the players to create his own worlds of all the total conversion mods I tested for this wonderful game that is JK, so please dear coders if you have time to give to make this new KOTF come true, please do it ! Not to mention that the popularity of the previous one was so great taht a huge community of fans litterally fell into despair when they learnt that the old creator decided to abandon the project...


Thus, it makes no doubt that the popularity of 2.1 will spread extremely quickly after that because the galaxy will say : "KOTF is back but in better, updated and SAFE now" !




I am a fan of the project and I won't stop until it is finally done !!!

Asgarath83 likes this

I'm fine with being tagged, but I'd just like to clarify that I am not a coder. I'm just a combat researcher and really, really bad mapper. so Idk why I was tagged o.o

Smoo likes this
  On 2/22/2017 at 4:22 AM, DT85 said:

Sorry to keep off-topic, but Caelum's post made me spit my drink in laughter because I read it as "For god's sake. Don't make me dismember users tagging in this forum section next" :teehee:

Never underestimate Lord Caelum.

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