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Revival of JKA's modding community

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But I actually stopped taking you seriously at "Base is essentially jump around and hope to hit".

My bad. Base also involves you spinning your mouse left and right to deal more damage, because that makes so much sense and makes the game so much more fun. I had played it for a month or so but interest ran out and I only sometimes turned the game on. Maybe I still would if there wasn't MB2.


It's confirmed. JKA will never have a better than average mod besides MB2 because the modding community, while capable, apparently already consider JKA to be so great that it barely needs improvement. Or rather, is just brainless.

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I shall address several things now.



@@Ping, it's one of my habits when people are being stupid. Don't think it'll go away.

@, so your "so many" is relative. Gotcha. Because in general it's not many at all.


Anyway, what one considers fun may not be fun to another. It's more likely that one will consider some realism in a system as a pro than a con. I don't think I'm the only one can be put off with such a thing as launching a Star Wars game and be forced to run and jump around to avoid getting killed instead of emerging in a proper saber fight which makes you go "oh, well this makes a lot more sense. It works as I would expect it to had this been real". With that you get much more fun because you get to do more things than move, jump and LMB.




You do realize the implementation of any "Realistic" system is not only beyond every existing project that is going on right now, but is beyond the game engine itself?

---It is already apparent that you have no understanding of the core combat system. Base is central to it all, and everything else is built off of it - to certain degrees. I do ask that you empty your cup and actually look at the core game a bit more. Throwing around "It is just jumping and randomly swinging your saber around hoping you hit" shows that you have no understanding whatsoever of the core system. Which, knowledge of the subject at hand is required when discussing it. Otherwise, you are just blowing hot air.


If you want something "Realistic", I recommend you go to a Kendo Dojo near your location. If you want something like that in J.K.A, I suppose I could give you a link to the School of War. Moving on, considering how old this game is...The fact we can find a couple hundred players online at the same time is simply amazing. We still have people modding for this game, professional coders. That itself is also amazing. We have this fancy web forum. Yet another amazing thing in our box.


MB2 may resemble, when people are "Playing around", and from a outsiders perspective a bit of the cinematic feel. But internally, it is quite messy. The cuts are not, clean. MBII is itself quite "Spammy" and from a inside perspective, when people are playing to win and not to look pretty, isn't exactly "Realistic" either.


Empty your cup.





The core game system is fine. OpenJK/Rend2 need to be finished/Put in a "Decent-ish" state. A better central site(Which is in the works and is coming), is helpful.


*Easy to read tutorials are required.

*A solid core game. (Rend2/OpenJK).

(Internal in-game Manual. Hugo/Masta/Etc here. A lot of internal, in game resources.)

*A welcome, decent, mature community.

(Put into the game a link to Jkhub/Etc.)

*The Resources availiable to get into modding.


A few better Modding tools wouldn't hurt. But what we have is mostly fine. As said before, JKA cleaned up with the fancy graphics/Tons of shiny pixels/Same saber combat system(And or perhaps some slight minor fixes, such as OpenSaber did - Unlikely), will attract a lot of people. It makes me a bit sad, but a lot of people are attracted to things based on Graphics/Shiny pixels/Etc. A internal achievements system would help a bit.

---All the core game Skins/Models spruced up. Better/New UI. I prefer Raz0r's HUD, but perhaps some ideas could be taken from Blade Symphony...

---Advertisement. A active presense on Twitter, FB, and those other horrible sites(Tumblr included), showcasing the best parts of JKA. Repeatedly.

---Actual Leagues/Tournaments/Etc. Get the main core clans together(Jawa, KR, W/E), and start coordinating them. Break down the barriers and get things moving.


---Tons of Episode 7 Skins/Models/Whatever. Get the above/Below done, and then use this and a active social media presense to ride off the movies and attract a hell lot of people.

---Active JKHUB Servers. Get people playing the game. Doing events. Fun things. Scheduled things. Find charismatic people. Do things.


---Perhaps some sort of Apprenticeship system. I.E, a official system wherein inexperienced new people signup, and are taken under a more experienced persons wing. A workshop setup(For Modding). Just throwing random ideas out here off the top of my head.

---Just refine everything we have as much as it  can be done. Then add the little things. (Voip inbuilt, etc).



Some sort of central system like the old Blade Networks wouldn't hurt. Refine the game. Add shiny pixels. Ride off the movies/Attract people. Have fun events to keep people. Create new things to do. Did I mention shiny pixels?



I do think we all have a decent idea on what we need to do. What we should do now is start coordinating and bringing these things to fruition.


No big massive super duper project. Just a few small things that come together.

eezstreet and Wasa like this
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Pretty much any MB2 duel will look more realistic than Base duel. Both from the side and from player's perspective. Why? Because you don't jump around swinging and dodging but instead stay on the ground and actually exchange saber blows with your opponent until mistakes are made. It is great fun.


I never said in Base you swing randomly.


Hopefully you're not a modder. I have some false hope that my last sentence in #104 is yet to be proven wrong.

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It's clear to me that the modding community it NOT dead and most likely will never will be (despite it shrinking in numbers every year, remember we see new people entering the modding community almost monthly), I feel we should focus equally on getting more people into the game as well.


There are far too many awesome mods out there and more coming in by the minute, and again, not enough players.

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In my opinion, another thing we need is for some of the celebrated modders of the past to stay active. These people have a lot to offer, it would keep morale going, and they can help the next generation of peeps.


But unfortunately, most of the well known ones from the days of JO and early days of JA have moved on with life. I didn't even get to meet most of them, and I joined this community in....2005 I think.

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Wasn't there a stardestroyer map with space battles made by raven?


Yep. mp/siege_destroyer.



Although the Star Destroyer is nearly the correct size, you could only put a VERY limited amount of them in a single map, with the current limits. Using ALL of the available space, only 4 would fit on the X-Y axis, and 5 or 6 on the Z axis - and that would fill a lot of the space.

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It has been mentioned before... Besides the sheer size you'd likely run into performance problems due to detail; with such an open map you want varying levels of detail and possibly realtime occlusion; BSP isn't going to cut it. I generally love the idea though.


I'd also love vehicle handling with proper 6DOF; I think that too has been mentioned here. In short; give me Star Citizen: Star Wars edition.

Sentra and Archangel35757 like this
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It has been mentioned before... Besides the sheer size you'd likely run into performance problems due to detail; with such an open map you want varying levels of detail and possibly realtime occlusion; BSP isn't going to cut it. I generally love the idea though.I'd also love vehicle handling with proper 6DOF; I think that too has been mentioned here. In short; give me Star Citizen: Star Wars edition.

Can a map do/have a global scaling parameter that would scale all map objects, EFX, etc.? If that's possible then maybe space combat missions could be a reality?

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  • 2 weeks later...

@@mrwonko, Of course but the program is obviously lacking some shit that was added in 1.5/netradiant then it needs the capabilities to do those things here.


The codebase is undoubtedly a nightmare.  NetRadiants is at least mostly C++ but its over-engineered C++ IMO and it looks just as bad as the mixed interface in 1.4/1.6.  But nobody really really wants to be the 1 person to make a new radiant from scratch when so few use the tool.  Which is where one should start first anway.  q3map2 essentially has to stay or else you won't get the same resulting maps.

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