Omicron Posted November 28, 2014 Posted November 28, 2014 I actually think the new lightsabre blades and hilt design looks pretty cool. The design is fairly logical ==> Prevents getting wrists cut off when doing a lock, and the blades is a nice fresh design imo, sorta remind me of t he Revan book front cover, which blades I was thinking of replicating at some point * I swear I saw that same hilt in jediknight3.filefront...I'm also looking for it NumberWan and Ramikad like this
Ramikad Posted November 28, 2014 Posted November 28, 2014 The design is fairly logical ==> Prevents getting wrists cut off when doing a lock Except that the emitters of the saber in the trailer are far too long to not be cut off (along with the user's hands) if the saber swings through during a lock. Which makes me think that it could be more of a symbolic design than a practical one. Angel Soul and BruceJohnJenner like this
Archangel35757 Posted November 28, 2014 Posted November 28, 2014 I'd like to know the fucktard that came up with the concept for that dumbass lightsaber... it looks more like blowtorches than a lightsaber blade! They need to edit that ScHIT out in post-production! BruceJohnJenner likes this
hleV Posted November 28, 2014 Posted November 28, 2014 Is the idiotic SWR Inquisitor's lightsaber a relic? I don't think so. Those silly new sabers are there just to look cool. "Hey look it has two short blades coming from the side, kids will dig it! Who cares if it's absolutely inpractical and wouldn't be used in favor of a usual lightsaber by any sane person". The makers are desperate: the story they're telling is not good enough so they have to make up additional shitty stuff. BruceJohnJenner likes this
NumberWan Posted November 28, 2014 Posted November 28, 2014 I wonder if the lightsaber serves two purposes: one is to fight of enemies as any classic lightsaber, the second function is ritualistic - the main blade turns off, leaving two smaller ones on, thus this weapon serves as a hammer-like dagger to crush the skulls of enemies at your mercy. As if this guy was a Prosecutor. I definitely like this shot:
Tempust85 Posted November 28, 2014 Posted November 28, 2014 Yeah, I'm not a big fan of the lightsaber but maybe it will be ok once we see the whole movie. I'm willing to bet @AhsuraDX will be all over this saber for JKA, he has form for making cool weapons. Just an FYI - I WILL be making the new stormtroopers once we can see full body shots. Circa, z3filus, Angel Soul and 1 other like this
z3filus Posted November 28, 2014 Posted November 28, 2014 I still strongly belive that the short blades are meant to extend to a tri-bladed lightsaber, that brings a new form of fighting to the franchise,since every single SW film has done it so far, New Hope introduced us to the lightsaber, ESB showed the very first lightsaber duel, if you don'tcount in the Ben kenobi swoosh-im-dead scene from ep4 -- and in the ROTJ we see the use of force_lightning for the very first time.Darth Maul's two-headed saber, Anakin dual wielding sabers against Dooku, and Grievous' 4 saber fighting style, even if he was robotic. Once again I must remind you all, Disney can't ruin much since Lucas himself has said that his part in the movie making is mostly saying" yes you can do this" or " no, that doesnt fit the star wars universe, because...." so this saber can't be made to please kids, as @hleV said.
BruceJohnJenner Posted November 28, 2014 Posted November 28, 2014 Honestly that trailer looked like a joke. I stopped to double check that it was an official source when I saw it on youtube. Literally nothing but weak CGI. For this we lost the EU?
NumberWan Posted November 28, 2014 Posted November 28, 2014 @I agree. When all this acquisition happened, I thought that Lucas wanted to get rid of certain responsibilities, so that he had more time for more creative work, while the newly appointed people don't actually answer for what we see in Star Wars - they are faces of the company, not the franchise in most situations. Having watched the trailer one more time, I tried to understand what actually happens in each seen. Boyega's character in the desert The latest spoiler was saying, that he is a friend of Jona (Adam Driver) and after something happens to him, Bouega's character tries to find Kira Solo in order to save her brother (or stop the villain responsible for bad news). The other rumour was that "Boyega" is a stormtrooper, who left the Empire. The scene in the trailer can be true in both the cases - he escaped the Empire as a deserter to warn Kira on a desert planet, that might be Tatooine. I don't think the sound of a probe droid is actually heard in this scene. Most likely not. Little orange droid in the streets The music suggests that the small mech guy is in a hurry to some place, though I guess it's a deception. It's more likely that it's several shots when the main party is walking through the streets and Kira (rumoured to be its owner) is actually behind the small robot. The streets have some parts from ships or podraces - possibly this is Tatooine. One concept art revealed the hangar here to have pillar with blue stripes and some additional decor, thouth tatooine didn't have such markings. Stormtroopers The introduction of Gwendoline Christie character perhaps. Or this is a time right before battle when we see ships landing and stormtroopers walking into battle in the dark. Daisy Ridley character on... This scene shows what some concepts look like in the film now. Perhaps she knows already about her brother here and runs her unusual swoop bike to the nearest city X-Wing The scene with starfighters above water reveal more differencies between this new model and older versions from Episodes IV-VI. The coloring is different and material is newer. Unknown world. The helmet of the pilot suggests that he is piloting the very discussed black+red X-Wing stationed in a hangar on yet to be named planet. Villain Difficult to add anything else, the most discussed is his lightsaber. Strangely I feel, that someone is following him from behind. And he feels it and ignites the saber to turn around and see - a Jedi perhaps? The last scene with the Millenium Falcon proves that this desert planet might be under influence of the Empire.
Circa Posted November 29, 2014 Author Posted November 29, 2014 Honestly that trailer looked like a joke. I stopped to double check that it was an official source when I saw it on youtube. Literally nothing but weak CGI. For this we lost the EU? Well considering they just finished filming a couple months ago, I'd say they did a great job so far. With the tiny bit of post production experience I have, it's crazy how much they've done so far just for a 2 minute trailer. .!¡!.
Archangel35757 Posted November 29, 2014 Posted November 29, 2014 @@NumberWan -- I don't believe Adam Driver is Jonah (Han and Leia's son)... earlier rumors said it was Oscar Isaacs and he was the one piloting the X-wing. I believe Driver is the black-robed Sith we see with the suckass saber... because of his lanky walk... and the movies I've seen him in. NumberWan and Tempust85 like this
Onysfx Posted November 29, 2014 Posted November 29, 2014 I've been talking to fellow MBII'rs, and I can say, episode VII has a lot of mixed reactions, a majority negative it seems. A lot of people are hating on the saber.
z3filus Posted November 29, 2014 Posted November 29, 2014 Just hating the saber for the sake that it looks different, is stupid in my opinion, given the fact that we don't know if it even works like a standard lightsaber.Why don't we try to come up with ideas on how the 2 short ones are meant to work? I doubt they exist only for the looks, or to protect the saberhand, since ; there has been no need for such in the star wars universe so far, and that the hand cover/ guard, originates to medieval iron swords, so why shouldthe ancient sith use such an old concept? - if we would say the saber is a relic - it would be a direct attack against the lightsaber concept itself. What if the 2 short ones are meant to power up step by step? - first one being what we see in the trailer, second phase would make them align with the hilt,creating 3 bladed saber, and the 3rd phase would somehow unite the 3 sabers into one badass berseker lightsaber.... there's much room for speculation NumberWan and Onysfx like this
NumberWan Posted November 29, 2014 Posted November 29, 2014 @@Archangel35757I actually hope you're right. I like more the possible scenario we discussed about 2 weeks ago before Jonah appeared in the rumours. There I speculated, that the Sith is a Sith, while Adam Driver's character is someone else, who becomes the new villain by the end of Episode VII. People, who haven't watched the trailer, were like asking - "Are Luke and Leia there?", I also sked myself why haven't we seen any of the classic heroes. Perhaps the intention is to show the new guys, without drawing too much attention to what we already like and and admire. Meanwhile, a possible concept for Imperial Tie Pilot was revealed: There are also several drawings of what we've seen in the trailer. One being: About the saber - I don't pay much attention to this item right now. There are other things that I enjoyed in the video. But with the love/hate disputes over this weapon, I thought, what if the saber was a weapon of the ancient Sith, which was also a "key" for that larger weapon, mentioned previously? I mean, what if the evil guy disguised it to be a mere saber with strange "decorations", while in reality it's what ignites the superweapon?
CaptainCrazy Posted November 29, 2014 Posted November 29, 2014 Watched the teaser trailer last night with my girlfriend. Pretty much went like this.. Me *sees Millennium Falcon and says "FUCK YES!!"Her: ...................Me: Uhhh.. Hello... Millennium Falcon...?Her: What's that?Me: Han Solo's ship...? Her: Who's that?Me: WHO'S THAT??Her: I've only seen the prequels and one time I saw this scene where you find out that they're brother and sister..Me:\ Yep we're sitting down tomorrow and watching A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi!! Ramikad, z3filus, Omicron and 4 others like this
Grab Posted November 29, 2014 Posted November 29, 2014 I found better drawings: hleV, z3filus, Omicron and 3 others like this
z3filus Posted November 29, 2014 Posted November 29, 2014 while people are freaking out about this new lightsaber, I must say we had this same uproar when Darth Maul revealed his weapon, remember?there were opinions like; " that looks like a bo used in Martial Arts, rather than a lightsaber " while others felt it was " really badass and AWESOME "especially since back in 1999 when the film came out, there had been only 1 type of lightsaber for over 28 years - that's happening all over again.. I also want to point out that, the character in dark robes seem to be staggering; he may be hurt, or some sort of sith lord awaken, who knows...the original working title of the film was " the ancient threat ", this may or may not be related to the saber seen in the teaser, but one thing is sure; - if indeed that is a sith lord and not some kid with an artifact, he must've mastered a very unique style. Onysfx likes this
Boothand Posted November 29, 2014 Posted November 29, 2014 ESB showed the very first lightsaber duel, if you don'tcount in the Ben kenobi swoosh-im-dead scene from ep4 Of course it must be counted in That is when lightsaber battling gets established after all. Also it carries over a lot of meaning, expectations and suspense to Luke's duel in ESB. NumberWan likes this
Jango40 Posted November 29, 2014 Posted November 29, 2014 We know next to nothing (Still over a year, and the trailer didn't exactly reveal a lot) and you're writing walls of texts on how terrible this is. Way to go. NumberWan and Onysfx like this
z3filus Posted November 29, 2014 Posted November 29, 2014 We know next to nothing (Still over a year, and the trailer didn't exactly reveal a lot) and you're writing walls of texts on how terrible this is. Way to go. that's the meaning of this topic By the way... does this look like the place seen in the teaser??? NumberWan likes this
NumberWan Posted November 29, 2014 Posted November 29, 2014 @@Jango40While I see it the same way, I can't ignore the fact that this "hatred" towards the new saber is also an impetus for creative ideas, just like the positive reviews. Sometimes people act of course like some "starpyors" denying new things for sake that they are new, which automatically means they are in bad taste. About the little robot also seen in the trailer, there is a concept and schematics, which explain how he moves. Onysfx likes this
z3filus Posted November 29, 2014 Posted November 29, 2014 lol what? you did that with paint.... by the way, it shows just how popular this movie is, that when I posted the video here, it had about 30 000 views - now it has almost 17 million views and still counting.I bet this teaser is going to break some records, no wait, this trailer breaks the internet. Suck on that Kim.
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