DTIII Posted August 27, 2016 Posted August 27, 2016 Someone took a screenshot from the trailer and It would appear that Chirrut has a kyber crystal in his staff. KyleKatarn1995, NumberWan and Śăļvõö like this
NumberWan Posted August 30, 2016 Posted August 30, 2016 Confirmed. I wish it were otherwise. Emperor Palpatine isn't in the film. At least not played by Ian McDiarmid. He confirms it here
Circa Posted September 16, 2016 Author Posted September 16, 2016 Alexandre Desplat is no longer scoring the film. Due to the reshoots, his schedule wasn't free for it, so they brought on Michael Giacchino to do it instead. This is kinda big, because whoever is scoring the film, will be the first to score a Star Wars film besides John Williams. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/star-wars-rogue-one-replaces-929387 .!¡!.
therfiles Posted September 16, 2016 Posted September 16, 2016 Crazy. I'm actually a big Giacchino fan, so this is awesome. Still, would have loved to see what Desplat would have brought to the table. Circa likes this
NumberWan Posted September 16, 2016 Posted September 16, 2016 I also expected much from Desplat, and there are several really good tracks, which I keep nearby. However Michael Giacchino is also big news, though I thought he was a friend of J.J.Abrams. I know him mostly for the Lost soundtrack, which was an amazing one. However, I feel it's strange this news appears now, when the film is so close to be released. therfiles likes this
DTIII Posted October 12, 2016 Posted October 12, 2016 Trailer on GMA tomorrow. z3filus, Smoo and Circa like this
Barricade24 Posted October 13, 2016 Posted October 13, 2016 Trailer #2 This looks so much better than The Force Awakens and I loved TFA! Smoo, Lazarus, swegmaster and 5 others like this
NumberWan Posted October 13, 2016 Posted October 13, 2016 The trailer has so many details in one place. Some are already known from previous videos, but there are a few, which draw my attention especially: -There is a large Jedi (Obi-Wan-like) statue in the desert, crashed there, probably by the Empire -Galen Erso seems to be on a very a planet with dark soil and green grass, and sea, where he lives in a farm with his Jyn (and he is taken from there, without anyone in the Empire knowing about his daughter -Jed'ha planet seems to be destroyed by the Death Star, -Saw Guerrera uses metallic legs, -Various Rebel fractions are present on the briefing by Mon Mothma, including the new female representative (reminds Kin Robb, Taris Senator from The Clone Wars a bit), -Death Star is just one station, but there is also a different space station in orbit as well, attacked by the X-Wings. Smoo likes this
DrXann Posted October 13, 2016 Posted October 13, 2016 Its a shipyard or part of the Deathstar's construction site.
NumberWan Posted October 16, 2016 Posted October 16, 2016 A few new creatures have been revealed. And more pics. Pilgrims on Jedha: Lazarus and Smoo like this
Lazarus Posted October 17, 2016 Posted October 17, 2016 "Save the rebellion ... save the dream ..." More like: burn down the rebellion .. make it a nightmare I should just stand outside of the cinnema in my stormtrooper outfit, shouting ... "Move Along .. nothing to see here .... dont support the rebellion" ... and I do hope they are going to make also a movie on the stealing of the DS2 plans... Just so I can see Bothans being annihilated
Ramikad Posted October 17, 2016 Posted October 17, 2016 How is a fur ball going to use a gatling gun practically? It's enough for one of those hair to slip into the rotating part to get it jammed, or explode, or to rip his fur into a flying carpet z3filus likes this
NumberWan Posted October 17, 2016 Posted October 17, 2016 Some people critisized the phrase of "Save the dream", that it's out of place and has nothing to do with the plot. But I think, most people misunderstood this one: Saw Gerrera seems to have suffered too much from the Empire, so his fight is not for freedom per se, but rather a fight for the sake of a fight, especially brutal, bloody and terrible. I think, that when he meets Jyn Erso, he sees her and her team as a very naive group of teenagers looking for an adventure, while struggle against the Empire itself will take from you all you've got and even more. He might even regret ever entering this battle and warns Jyn from following his steps, right now until she can. Her life as a criminal is already far more of a decent life than joining Rebels, which forever closes for her various doors of opportunities, such as family, normal life and happiness. DarthDementous likes this
Noodle Posted October 17, 2016 Posted October 17, 2016 Did I see some hammerhead ships from Rebels along the rebel fleet? z3filus and NumberWan like this
NumberWan Posted October 17, 2016 Posted October 17, 2016 Did I see some hammerhead ships from Rebels along the rebel fleet? It seems you're right. The shot, where rebels run to the ramp looks very much like the one seen in the Rebels show. The space battle also reveals a few ships similar in design. Personally I don't mind the usage of the design from KOTOR era, in fact these could be the last generation of the ships of the Old Republic, used some 70-150 years before the Clone Wars... Not the ones, seen in KOTOR or SWTOR.
z3filus Posted October 18, 2016 Posted October 18, 2016 The trailer has so many details in one place. Some are already known from previous videos, but there are a few, which draw my attention especially: -Jed'ha planet seems to be destroyed by the Death Star, Darth Sion, Smoo and NumberWan like this
dark_apprentice Posted November 11, 2016 Posted November 11, 2016 A new trailer perhaps in Japan with a lot more details and dialoges, with an extra view on Darth Vader from different angle.WARNING DO NOT WATCH THIS TRAILER IF YOU DON'T WANT SPOILERS, Watch at your own responsibility!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UMrTk1T8tw Smoo likes this
dark_apprentice Posted November 20, 2016 Posted November 20, 2016 Also some new spoilers, but this is an amazing mobile game that have A LOT of the Rogue One content inside!Links to my 2 albums in IMGUR so you can see them (SW Prequels, Rogue One, Original Trilogy & The Force Awakens content).Link 1: https://jkhub.org/albums/etvJiLink 2: https://jkhub.org/albums/is5py Smoo likes this
Darth Sion Posted November 20, 2016 Posted November 20, 2016 Dang. That's awesome. We have some hints at the plot, though I think some of these were suspected, they are now confirmed: http://blogs.disney.com/insider/2015/04/19/6-things-we-learned-about-rogue-one-today-at-star-wars-celebration/?cmp=SMC%7Csws%7Cnatural%7Cblginsider%7CInsiderApril%7CFB%7Crogue6-Disney%7CInHouse%7C2015-04-19%7CesocialmediaPersonally, I hope she dies in the movie. Kill her off, at the hands of Vader. I don't wanna see no dumb broad in there, who's gonna be another friggin' "Mary-Sue" Rey. Her acting is wooden as fuck! Get rid of her!
Noodle Posted November 21, 2016 Posted November 21, 2016 Personally, I hope she dies in the movie. Kill her off, at the hands of Vader. I don't wanna see no dumb broad in there, who's gonna be another friggin' "Mary-Sue" Rey. Her acting is wooden as fuck! Get rid of her! How do you know so many details about her performance and writing, is the movie out already?
Circa Posted November 21, 2016 Author Posted November 21, 2016 If you think Daisy Ridley or Felicity Jones are bad actresses, you clearly have some other crazy weird reason for thinking so, other than their acting. They are both great. And if you have that opinion simply because they are women, I feel really bad for you and how you were raised. eezstreet, therfiles, DarthStevenus and 1 other like this .!¡!.
Darth Sion Posted November 21, 2016 Posted November 21, 2016 If you think Daisy Ridley or Felicity Jones are bad actresses, you clearly have some other crazy weird reason for thinking so, other than their acting. They are both great. And if you have that opinion simply because they are women, I feel really bad for you and how you were raised.Well, her acting seemed so false and put on, in the trailers.. For her sake, I hope she's better in the actual movie. But then you also have that really dumb, cheesy line from Forrest Whittaker saying; "Save the Rebellion.. Save the dream!" What?!
Noodle Posted November 21, 2016 Posted November 21, 2016 Well, her acting seemed so false and put on, in the trailers.. For her sake, I hope she's better in the actual movie. But then you also have that really dumb, cheesy line from Forrest Whittaker saying; "Save the Rebellion.. Save the dream!" What?! What's wrong with that line?
JediBantha Posted November 21, 2016 Posted November 21, 2016 Y'know, Disney's take on Star Wars seems more like hate-bait for the real fans out there the more I read into these things... Could just be me, though... Aside from Disney, I think it's more of whoever's writing this shit that's at fault here, rather than the actor/actress delivering the lines. I've heard some of the same shit about Hayden Christensen when he played Anakin in the Prequels, along with people bashing George Lucas for his ideas behind the films, and one fan saw fit to sing "George Lucas raped my childhood" (look it up on YouTube), so it's not really anything new to me. kharg likes this
Darth Sion Posted November 21, 2016 Posted November 21, 2016 What's wrong with that line? What's wrong with that line? I think you mean "What's right with that line?".. It's cringey and sounds false as hell. It's dialogue like that, that can essentially ruin moments in the movie or the movie, itself.. Depending on how much of that sort of dialogue is in the movie. Chances are, though.. It will just be a "trailer limited" line, so it'll either be said differently in the movie (and not sound so cringe-worthy) or it won't even be spoken at all. kharg likes this
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