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The Inquisitor looks nice but he looks also old. Any way to change it?


It's the dark side, man. 


But I think he's lacking those vertical lines on his forehead.


It's a small problem,  but I thought I'd mention it. The models shoulder pads are a bit uneven.


@@Noodle Yes, the texturing isn't done yet. Because of the way the texture conforms to the mesh, it can be a bit of a struggle to make any modifications to the face (the tattoos above his eyes took forever to get right, as they actually split between two different parts of the texture file). It's being worked on though.


@@Bek The shoulderpads are just placeholders for now anyway so I wasn't too attentive to their placement. Going to find some alternatives that allow me to add the Imperial insignia to them with a little more ease.


@@JAWSFreelao No luck trying to put together one of Satine's guards, but I did come up with a new Senate Commando - more screen-accurate than my last effort.






He's probably fairly close to being released - this and the Shaak Ti model I posted a few pages back. Might give him some face options under the helmet though, and a little bit of texture touching-up.

Bek and Cerez like this

The Inquisitor looks much better than in Rebels. He has a more serious look and is closer to original Sith (previous) concepts. Darth Sidious would always remain a unique Dark Sider, so there is no need for this one to look as any other Dark Jedi. Jerec for instance looked vey much like an ordinary Human (back in 1990s he was believed to be a Human, rather than a Miraluka).


The Senate Commando needs a bit of work with the form of the helmet perhaps.



However a texture closer to the UV layout might correct the appearance as well.


That actually looks pretty good. If I had to make one suggestion it'd be to really emphasize the edge on the lip. I can see that the edge is there, but it's not prevalent. 

If you were to enlarge the shoulder pad, I bet you could just copy paste the original spad, rename it, scale then re-map as necessary. I even have a texture ready.


I think the main work that needs doing on the helmet at the moment is a little more reshaping - on the image @@NumberWan posted we can see it is wider at the bottom and than it is at the top. The current model is the opposite.


@@JAWSFreelao The shoulderpad currently is slightly larger in the image I posted, but I plan to make it bigger still - it's just a case of slowly increasing it and testing it out to make sure it isn't going to cause a lot of clipping issues.

JAWSFreelao likes this

Okay, worked on these guys some more today, and created a variation for a Commando Captain. Overall, quite happy with these guys now and will probably prepare for release some time tomorrow:





Cerez, DarthStiv, Langerd and 2 others like this

I had an idea- if you made an alpha channel over the visor and turned on the face texture underneath, would it not be showing his face? Like with Captain Argyus.


I had an idea- if you made an alpha channel over the visor and turned on the face texture underneath, would it not be showing his face? Like with Captain Argyus.


I actually tried that! Unfortunately there was no way to make the helmet 'fit' a face (I was using Spanki's head as a standard, since it has so many customisations) without resizing it into the same sort of chunky bucket-head that the original Neomarz models had. Either that or reshape the face to fit the helmet, which just causes a derpy lack of visual continuity between it and other models.


True. But weren't Senate Commandoes non-clones anyway?


Aye, I wasn't using the clone head though. I was using the Spanki head, due to the wide range of customisations available for it. However to shape the helmet to fit that face you end up with the helmet looking too chunky.


I might revisit it at some point, but for now I think these guys are ready for a 1.0 release.


Got on a bit of a roll and uploaded the updated Shaak Ti model too. It kitbashes the old JK2 Shaak Ti head by Aaron Smith with a few more modern torso/robe meshes.


Next on the list is the 'Clone Wars' Plo Koon model. I managed to resolve the deforming facemask issues and he works pretty well in-game. Just need to source some custom sounds for the guy.

Cerez likes this

Plo Koon has been uploaded to the site (coincidentally the file was being uploaded at literally the same second I was receiving notifications telling me Shaak Ti and the Senate Commando had been approved).


Republic at War seems to have some good sounds for Plo Koon, from TCW.


Aw man, I have that mod sitting on my computer and you're right. These are perfect! Once he's been approved I'll upload an update containing some new sounds. Thanks for the advice!




Going to PM @@Barricade24 with an updated file for the submission. Hopefully he'll see it before the file is approved. Thanks Ramikad!

Cerez likes this

Even Piell has been uploaded to the Hub. I hope to revisit my earlier Adi Gallia and Depa Billaba kitbashes next, and update their current versions.

Cerez likes this

Okay, had some spare time today so decided to make a new Kylo Ren kitbash from scratch, with new meshes and textures since the @ 's current one seems to have run into some bugs. This has NPC support, and is confirmed as working in MP with no bone errors. I'll upload soon after some more testing.








The NPC will also use @@AshuraDX 's crossguard lightsaber, so long as the player has that installed. Seems to work fine in-game, just going to touch up some textures (like the boots) and it'll be ready to go.


EDIT: Just realised I never learned how to add Bot support. Might as well do that for this guy as well.

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