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Kualan's Kitbash Workshop

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Some of the "drama" can suck the fun out of a community, but ultimately I try not to let a bunch of people who live in my computer dictate what I do when it comes to modding.


That said, I am currently taking a break from the Skyrim Creation Kit (far too much time spent staring at that screen) so I might do a little JKA project or two. Will go with the flow.

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I recently did an overhaul of a lot of Jedi models for my comic (mainly adding accessories like sabers-on-belts, comlinks on the wrist, etc) but it gave me an opportunity to revisit and tweak some long-standing WIPs, as well as update some old releases.


For example, Plo Koon has been given a higher-resolution head texture as well as some model adjustments to his robes (he has a longer tunic design than most Jedi):








I've also made progress on the rigging/weighing of Shaak Ti and Jedi Doctor Rig Nema, so they will probably be on the cards for release soon too:









And lastly something for the casual clone fans. Will probably be part of some future follow-up pack of clones:







Jeff, Noodle, AnonMC and 4 others like this
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