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It's ok, I just realized that I need to pick the feet up more.


Anyone else? Would like to get as many opinions as possible. While this model could have easily reused the animations from the base AT-ST I chose to make new ones and I want them to be flat out better looking.


Also keep in mind that the speed of the animation is easily changed, mainly looking for opinions if the movement looks fluid and natural.

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Looking great. Yeah the feet did look like they weren't up high enough, not that much off though.


I noticed is that the timeline is a lot longer than the original which is 38 frames for a walk. Also, the walk animation is also the run animation so just use an additional animation to create the run from the walk. :D

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That's because my walk start and both standing animations are in front of the walk cycle, it's 38 frames though just like the base one, look at the start time in Softimage.


I fixed the feet so they come up higher, looks way better although I may not go through the trouble of uploading another video just yet for this small edit.


Maybe we shouldn't add a run, AT-ST's don't ever seem to run, while the code may support it the devs probably just duplicated the walk cycle and made the walk and run speeds in the VEH file the same to pretty much make it so the AT-ST can't run.


Are we going to implement the code needed for turning animations? I could make them if we re-enable them, remember reading that like they exist or something in JK2 SP but were taken out of JA but I could be wrong. The base AT-ST has animations for it but they never play in game.

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The thing that bugs me most of the base AT-ST animations is that in comparison to the movies (and to a certain extent to those in DF2) it seems to stand way too vertically. The static AT-ST model used on Artus in JK2, for example (models/map_objects/imp_detention/atst.md3) has a much better stance, much more like that in the movie, that is, the upper part of the legs is much more horizontal, and the lower part is a bit more oblique. Just my two cents.

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I'm almost certain that cockpit views are possible, if I'm not mistaken Lightninja made one for the AT-PT.


Is that a pic from the rogue squadron series? It's worth buying a gamecube just to play the second one.

That's Rebel Strike ithaik, the third one

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@@AshuraDX The hips do move up and down but I can try to make it more noticeable and the weight thing I think I can fix that.


@@Barricade24 Head bobbing is a no go since game code animates the head by allowing it to swivel using player input for aiming.


@@Ramikad I know too about what was mentioned about the base versions walk, the legs were like almost straight and stiff looking.




How's that? The jiggle in the head is gone btw, fixed it as I was uploading.

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Thanks but without Ashura's help on the textures it wouldn't be nearly as good, good textures really make the model pop. If you look on my sketchfab account you can see the model with normal and specular maps applied that Ashura made as well.


I also made the hips drop more at the end of each stride so it isn't standing so straight up when walking.

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Well the crazy thing is that there are bones for the barrels having recoil and even on the base model the barrels are weighed to these bones. Seems like something that is either broken or never implemented in the final game. I gave my model these bones and weighed the barrels to them in case this feature is either added or fixed.


Since for the most part people are liking the current walk cycle unless anyone else has any input (will have to get Ashuras opinion) so I wanna talk about the death animation. Not sure if I should make something new since that could be tough to think of something that looks good or just make one that is pretty much identical to the base one for simplicity.

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