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JA: Enhanced Code Base

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I'm assuming you're still getting the layout of the menu figured out as well? It looks great as far as function, but could flow better with the default UI.


Nearly done codewise…but need to add extra slots and also proper dual / staff saber support.


You have a .csab file in ext_data/sabers that looks like this:



saberbuilder_1 //this is the name that is in the .sab
saberlongname "Ashura's Saber" //this is the name shown in the menu
foldername Saberbuilder //this is the name of the folder, i.e. if the model is in models/weapons2/Saberbuilder/
skin1 emitter //what .skin files to look for. will search for e.g. models/weapons2/Saberbuilder/emitter_blah.skin, models/weapons2/Saberbuilder/emitter_1.skin etc.
skin2 pommel //what .skin files to look for. will search for e.g. models/weapons2/Saberbuilder/pommel_blah.skin
skin3 rest //what .skin files to look for. will search for e.g. models/weapons2/Saberbuilder/rest_blah.skin
skin1name @SPMOD_EMITTER //what to show as header for first category
skin1desc @SPMOD_EMITTER_DESC //what to show as description for first category
skin2name @SPMOD_POMMEL //what to show as header for second category
skin2desc @SPMOD_POMMEL_DESC //what to show as description for second category
skin3name @SPMOD_HILT //what to show as header for third category
skin3desc @SPMOD_HILT_DESC //what to show as description for third category
Mert-K likes this

I think it's just that my fork was using an older version of OpenJK where texture clamping on some gfx cards in OSX didn't work properly…updated now.


Idea: making it possible to swap hands due to the heads via .headswap file syntax would be really great thing (to avoid rodian- headed model with human hands)..
Also, is it possible to change the .skin files syntax to make it work like both .headswap and .skin files?

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

npc head switching is a future plan, shouldn't be too much more work


apparently a couple of weeks was optimistic. realistically i only have a day or so's decent work more to do before i release a beta, but not sure when i'll do that :/ aiming for end of the week

katanamaru and Circa like this
  • 4 weeks later...

@@redsaurus for the holsters feature, didn't we say if a saber had a tag on the bottom of the hilt, you could bolt it properly? Would that only require new saber models with a new additional tag in the correct spot? Or am I crazy?


@@redsaurus  :ph34r:


haha very sneaky @@Circa


Can probably already shift the bolted position, but would be best if the saber had a tag, yeah. Need to get back to this soon!


haha very sneaky @@Circa


Can probably already shift the bolted position, but would be best if the saber had a tag, yeah. Need to get back to this soon!

Perhaps @@Rooxon can work with you on that, since he's making the new sabers. I may need to talk with you on Steam about the Gold Pack and how your mod will fit in.


Well if it's just ... adding tags, that's really no problem. @@Circa, I just made my first release sabers public, have you checked it out yet? Oh, and what tag schould I add, named like what? and where exactly?


Well if it's just ... adding tags, that's really no problem. @@Circa, I just made my first release sabers public, have you checked it out yet? Oh, and what tag schould I add, named like what? and where exactly?

We can discuss this more when @@redsaurus gets back to working on it. 

Rooxon likes this

Gotcha, I'm doing near to nothing these days for my mods also anyway, the college takes its toll.


@@redsaurus alright, so hopefully you've looked at the new focus of the project. Would you like me to move this thread back to WIP, and maybe you could start a new one here with the holster and saber builder portion? If you'd like to keep it all in this thread, that's fine as well.


Basically we will need to combine the code for holsters and saber builder with @@eezstreet's code, but if you want to wait until you're finished, that's also fine. Not quite sure how that works honestly. :P


Actually, I was thinking about taking red's code and working off of it. I can simply redo the changes I've made to JK2:HD, and make the JKA code work for JK2. (I've done it before using engine hax, should be easy with actual source code :P)

Circa likes this
  • 3 months later...

still working on this apparently; now have five things to choose from. ui temporary (still). release in the next week.




  1. fix UI for this
  2. NPC headswaps done: "playerHeadModel" and "customHeadSkin" in the .npc file
  3. optional holster tags maybe done: probably needs testing. looks for "*holsterorigin" (just like "*flash", so i suppose it'd be "tag_holsterorigin"). not sure if works properly!



anything important i've forgotten?

Stoiss, z3filus, NumberWan and 3 others like this

Simply awesome! This is incredible! Nice work man! :D


Quick question: what did you improve in regard to entiry spawning? I've worked with that a lot and it's frankly terrible. What did you fix?

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