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Filling model requests

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Alright, so what I noticed (tested in OpenJK Single Player only) :


There's an unknown alphagen parameter to start, plus the playermodel for some reason makes the saber hilt huge! Not sure what's happening there.





The other thing I noticed was when jumping around, the models hand doesn't hold the hilt, so the hilt actually clips through the models hand.




One other nitpick I'd mention is the tail in the walking/movement animation. the tail just seems to hang left always, where I feel it should wiggle left to right respectively (or at least up and down like a snail).


Amazing work so far! Jabba is a great character and this is phenomenal progress.

ChalklYne likes this

Ok. Ill adjust his tag bone in the jump. The walk I was thinking if making a couple different ones and letting people decide because theres a few that would work besides what i made. As for the alphagen who knows lol. I wasnt focused on the shader i just copy and pasted something from base.

As for the huge hilt... I dont know how im going to fix that yet. I modeled him and animated him too small. Way too small. I didnt even look at a reference tag or anything because i figured the scale option would back me up. It was... Misleading. Maybe i made the tag too big? Maybe too small? Its... Being worked on lol


Things i noticed that i could use some help on fixing...


Look at his strafe. His stomache rips. Like his tags are being used in the strafe code or something. I have a way to fix it, but was hoping his strafe animation would be used for strafe lol for some reason he has a strafe anim but the game prefers to bend him at the hips.


Look at his saberthrow. He has a throw anim... But its not being used?


Look at his top to bottom saber swing. Why is it only loading half the anim? I didnt give him a right to left swing yet btw.


The saber special. What all are we looking for exactly?


Im planning on doing a bunch of dialogue next. Talking and just conversational gesturing. Anything i should do in specific?


If the aesthetics are holding you all up ill just spend some time on texturing and shaders and clipping... I was more focused on getting the anim set built and getting him bugless before i went there.


Well, I downloaded the mod, and the first thing I saw was an animation.cfg file outside of the .pk3, not sure if that's supposed to be inside the pk3 or not if that affects anything. One thing I didn't look at was Jabba holding a gun though:




Again, the weapons are just oversized, plus Jabba seems to prefer looking up instead of looking forward (pictured next to stormtrooper for reference).


Lmfao XD

oh my

Ok. Gun anim needs... Work. Lol. Ill get on that.


Oversized weapons are a known issue im kicking around


As for the external animation.cfg... Thats his full anim set. Use that in modview to see anims im not using at the moment and info if youd like


Yeah ill just go back and do the textures so everyone can move past the aesthetics and we can get these anims done lol it doesnt seem like anyone is going to be able to look past it for now. Ill go repaint him but after this im done with the textures. I specifically made him easy to retexture. Ill go paint him now but then lets figure out his strafe and stuff. Also any ideas on making his weapons smaller would help. @@AshuraDX maybe i can mask off and spec some drool on his chin. Hes always glossy as hell right there XD


I appreciate the comments about his shape... Ill go rerig a few areas as well to get him a little smoother.


Heres an issue... Jabba normally has chong eyes. In my model... He looks more like oogie boogie man. I was hoping to do some eyelid texture on the actual ball. But it took away from his emotional range. Hence the need for the last minute eye swap i did. I think im going to have to adjust all anims to make his eyes droopier.


Well, I downloaded the mod, and the first thing I saw was an animation.cfg file outside of the .pk3, not sure if that's supposed to be inside the pk3 or not if that affects anything. One thing I didn't look at was Jabba holding a gun though:




Again, the weapons are just oversized, plus Jabba seems to prefer looking up instead of looking forward (pictured next to stormtrooper for reference).




Problem with weapons is this (NPC file)

	scale		250

It will scale everything on the model. The same thing happened to me with Kazdan Paratus but in the opposite (they are scaled too small).


It'd seem that the weapon size issue is related to the fact that the model is much smaller than the usual JA humanoid character. Maybe re-scalling it will fix it. Also, can't wait to see a Ziro skin of this, the animations are top work (they can obviously be improved, but I love the emotional range!)

Jeff and ChalklYne like this

I rebuilt it on a new skele with accurate scaling and stepped up my anims. Expect moar


I really appreciate all the kind comments about the anims... but they look wonky tbh lol. I reconstructed the mesh a bit and created a new skele with custom parameter sets and real nice controls all around. I figured out the saber combat system and how it calls anims and I plan on making him a blast to duel. I looked through the code about saber swing angles in relation to dismemberment, locks and parrys, I think I can have everything looking and feeling professional except possibly the melee... but ill work something out there. All in all I only released it as a proof of concept, but if you're enjoying the progress, expect the next release to be polished and as bug less as possible. Kowakian monkey lizard is in its beginning stages, and happabore was rebuilt and is slowly gaining it's anims.

ZanderNao, Noodle, Psyk0Sith and 1 other like this
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


I appreciate the reminder. Heres the issues i have with gleam eyes... And if we can come to some sort of compromise than ill take it on since you were so patient.


Issue 1- Dog legs. Dog legs wont work well with base ja skeleton... And i wouldnt want to have to make an entire anim set over something trivial like that. Any ideas? I could maje you a custom rig for it... And send it back to you to animate in Dragon or whatever if youd like.

Issue 2- Tails. Tails dont work well with base either... Id give the same suggestion in regards to a custom skele and you animating it in Dragon.


If you dont really care how the legs deform, or about the static tail just kinda stuck to his butt... Then i can just build one and rig it to base... If you want quality its going to take quite a bit of effort from one of us and my slate is full for a few weeks. LMK what you think.


Issue 1- Dog legs. Dog legs wont work well with base ja skeleton... And i wouldnt want to have to make an entire anim set over something trivial like that. Any ideas? I could maje you a custom rig for it... And send it back to you to animate in Dragon or whatever if youd like.

Dog legs can look decent, you just have to set the knee at the appropriate location (centered on the tibia's pivot point) and maybe play with the rest of the leg's alignment so it doesn't look too extreme. Not perfect but not bad either.

Delmi, Droidy365 and ChalklYne like this

I can visualize what youre saying and maybe I should interject something before I accept.


The reason I did a T3-M4 is the same reason I took on the Jabba model, and the Kowakian Monkey Lizard... I figured if it were a cannon Star Wars character, and we don't have them correctly represented in the game by now, that I would do my part to get that done. Id like to point that out now, as to avoid any other non-canonical requests in this particular thread.



Every Time I say "particular"... I think





So maybe I'll go adjust the OP and we can move forward from here. That being said, because of the assumed difficulty of this model, and the fact that it slipped by my canonical rant, Ill try to take this on. Somewhere in between I'll do it. but for now I'm doing Jabba the Hutt, T3-M4, Kowakian Monkey Lizard, Klattooine Paddy Frog. I'd like to attempt animating a General Grievous, but dont want to take the time out to model him right now... I'll think about it. So let's keep it cannonical from now on plz.



@@hhunter6 The Vorkskr looks interesting, but the Kell Dragon I cant really tell which is which. Every picture of it looks different.


Could we post reference pics in spoilers of future requests? What are we, savages? Ill go adjust the OP right now laying some rules for requesting and this will go smoother.

JAWSFreelao likes this
  • 1 month later...

Hey Chalklyne, I'm not sure if you're still working on this request thread, but I wanted to get your input on the possibility of a member of the Pyke Syndicate. I know they are humanoid, but they're pretty distinct on some of their geometry and you've always had a way at capturing the unique. The various criminal syndicates haven't had a lot of love mod wise over the years.



Dark_Reaper likes this


That would be awesome. Im animating the happabore and jabba first... then I have a kowakian monkey lizard id like to try... but I can totally see myself taking this request on as well while working on the kowakian. I have a habit of letting fully completed models just hang in limbo over something small so im really trying to focus on the cloth animations, happabore, and jabba for now. i also tend to work on something as soon as its asked about... someone asks about starkiller ill go sculpt starkiller pieces... jabba, ill go work on him... tie facility... ill go map that. I tend to find myself getting interested in whatever is publicly interesting at the time... just keep reminding me of this and ill light some fire under my ass to complete some of the ones i have open so i can get to him. Cool request thank you!



That would be awesome. Im animating the happabore and jabba first... then I have a kowakian monkey lizard id like to try... but I can totally see myself taking this request on as well while working on the kowakian. I have a habit of letting fully completed models just hang in limbo over something small so im really trying to focus on the cloth animations, happabore, and jabba for now. i also tend to work on something as soon as its asked about... someone asks about starkiller ill go sculpt starkiller pieces... jabba, ill go work on him... tie facility... ill go map that. I tend to find myself getting interested in whatever is publicly interesting at the time... just keep reminding me of this and ill light some fire under my ass to complete some of the ones i have open so i can get to him. Cool request thank you!

An excuse to remind someone to keep working? I'll hold you to that, haha! Thank you for liking my request! I look forward to seeing Jabba and the Happabore too!

ChalklYne likes this
  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I don't mind having it on the Humanoid skeleton, but I would much prefer to have a custom skeleton, as that's the reason why I requested it here. I guess it depends on how much it deforms on the Humanoid skeleton.

Sorry for the late response, by the way. I first read that post late at night, and for some reason I thought that you weren't going to do it - that being your final answer. I must have been tired, lol. That was a while ago, and I've only just reread it.

  • 2 months later...

Shaders are so weird... I wanted to try and play with the Jabba model to get some color variants, and any change I make makes him disappear completely.

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