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    KOTOR, medieval stuff, Julian Smith, Josh Groban, One Republic, JKJA(duh), Mount and Blade Warband, Goat Simulator, and Doctor Who.
  • Modding Interests
    General Modding
    Jack of all Trades
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  1. 821 downloads

    I saw this concept art for what looked like Galen Merak from The Force Unleashed, and I really liked it, so I decided to make it. It has a few bugs, and does not have player select or multi-player options, so if anyone wants to add those feel free. NPCS: Starkiller_concept Starkiller_concept2(hooded) His lightsaber, I think https://jkhub.org/files/file/1686-starkillers-lightsaber-ashuradx/ May the Force be with you, and God bless.
  2. Both waiting now waiting approval.
  3. 1,654 downloads

    Starkiller's Sith robe from The Force Unleashed. Been working on this one for years, never got around to releasing it though. I hope you all enjoy. May the Force be with you, and God bless. https://jkhub.org/files/file/693-sith-stalker-single-saber/ I believe this is the saber the model uses.
  4. 863 downloads

    Starkiller's Jedi Ceremonial Robe from The Force Unleashed. I have worked on and off for years on this one, it still has a few bugs and kinks. Hope you all enjoy using it. Includes the original version from the game and a version based off of a figurine. May the Force be with you, and God bless!
  5. I have waited a long time for this, my little green TRIATOR!
  6. https://imgur.com/NSVmLhv I have had a lot of people request this model after releasing my Clone Wars Anakin. I wanted to release it in time for the tenth year anniversary of the show, but I don't think it will be ready by then. The model still has quite a few kinks in it, lots of clipping, and the face needs some work, so I don't know how long it will take to take care of those, but I hope to release it fairly soon.
  7. https://imgur.com/RN8JksH https://imgur.com/1goQ9NT I have worked on these two on and off for years. I plan to release them fairly soon.
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