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Everything posted by Langerd

  1. I just uploaded it. It is waiting for approval. Some screens. ​ ​ ​
  2. Is is possible to make script that change our saber into the other one when we turn off the first saber ?
  3. Version 1.0


    Flashlight by Langerd - Halloween Contest 2017 Simple flashlight model. I changed the draw and standing animations. When You walk You actually look like You are using the real flashlight. The only problem is the lightning in the MP - not sure if it works correctly but in SP it worked just fine. License - You can use this file free. If You want to add it in Your modification just type me in the credits that i am the author of this file. In SP type : -saber flashlight In Mp the flashlight is normally in the saber menu
  4. Yes.. this is transparent texture with the holes. The model with the holes would be very vert'y.. I am not into the programs for texturing.. i use shitty paint.net program.. i am standing in one place for years. Even is models are starting to look not bad - they are not in the qquaity of 3D models that are made this days.. Hand madeing and shading on texture is dying these days. Most of the newer programs use materials , substances or other things.. From what i looked it is 50% genereting method. The textures tho looks more natural and they going with the shape of the model.
  5. I use old ... amatures methods to make my models... They are low quality and not well made.. Here are the models i made for my mod... ​ ​ ​ ​ In matter of quality.. comparing the Dlt20a to Corto's E11 my model looks like completely shit...
  6. I am not huge fan of Clone Wars serial and overall outfits stories etc. But You Rly made amazing work here!!! I see much improvment in Your works.
  7. Well i made that gun for my Cloud City mod .. but it is nothing compared what Corto can actually make. His E11 was one of the best gun models for Jk. EDIT: Did i told You that i consiuder this weapon as one of the most beutiful one? Also i love how they made it in the EA battlefront (even if i dont like this game)
  8. You Too Many thanks
  9. Yeah patches are pain.. i hate when ragdoll bodies are inside them.. it looks weird and diffrent. I recommend this for Your trip mines. Make Your bevels like before and after that - use system/physics_clip texture for this pillars that are the same shape as the bevel . Ofc bevel is more detailed so you can make it more detail. Trip mines and guns, blasters work better on the brushes anyway. well it looks like it is all made of brushes on this pic but it is not. The white wall is one sided patch - bevel. Rest are traingle brushes
  10. The only thing (not including textures but models look.. avarage) that i just cant understand is scaling model in the FPS..
  11. The missle enities lose the hitscan after the enemy is killed. ... And i screwed soemthing up now... If i will shoot enemies chest - the whole model is like dismember without a reason... It was dismembering the enemies but no whole bodies .. it looks weird. How to fix this and activated hitscan for bodies?
  12. I always thought that it would be better thing to replace these guns with something diffrent - more star wars original style or to use the original weapons (blaster pistol E11 and even bowcaster are only guns that we see in movies ... and lightsabers yeah but i mean blasters only). I made new flechette model and Heavy repeater. But i didnt use any new texturing methods in newer programs. But i rly happy with the resaults.
  13. Holy Shit Ashura!! I just ... had flashbacks... You are Again One of the best Modders here on Hub and i remember Your older works. I remember this Jawa Pack of Yours. The Ion Jawa weapon was simple but i rly liked the idea of this weapon to replace the DEMP2 .. in my opinion one of the worst desinged weapon for jedi knight series.
  14. Nice looking model !! But .. i must say - the concept of this gun is a mystery to me.. how You are holding this gun. It is very weird concept
  15. Yep exactly . The only problem is that You rly need to look inside files to see the name.
  16. In a scripts folder there is something like a bot file. For example my Teensie mod has something like this (You can open Bot file with the wordpad)
  17. Remember that these blocking animations are made with purpose. They are for blocking like Ramikad wrote - single bottom left, single top right to block from diffrent angles.
  18. Well .. as far as i remember the weird position for MD3 is for Blaster E11 one and for the Blaster Pistol. Not sure why they are that way... It worked after i just changed the path to the other model in the weapons.dat. It is weird :/ Specially when repeater and bowcaster have normal and the same angles.
  19. This Weapon looks lovely! Are You going to change the scope texture?
  20. Holy damn @@Noodle !!! One of the best WIP's around here Cant wait for a Demo realease!!!
  21. I want to share with You with my whole holiday work! 1. The new battery variants. They have the same symbols as the code in the doomgiver jk2 mission. 2. Wookies (not my models) These enemies are very strong. Now every Bowcaster shot (because i changed the code) have splash damage which means that we get injured even if we block the bolt. It is important to grip Wookies to death or push them and deal with them quickly. The other feature is wookie's rage. Very injured wookie will drop his weapon and start punching the Vader. 3.Bothan Spy - These guys have shields and they disapear for a while with their cloaking device (i want to make them disapear and appear on the diffrent place.) 4.Cloud City mission first - overall fixed many issues, change textures and added the area to the next level 5.Cloud City mission second - this is the main event here. I spent a lot time to make this and design this level. It is not finished sadly.. There is a lot to do and i tested the spinning flaming reactor as the next boss fight area. 6. Javis and his droids - Javis Dlt20a is modifcated (i will change the look of the weapon to look more powerful). These are his droids that are not only in his boss fight that i made - they also supporting the bespin cops and elite forces ​ 7. Rebel soldiers - i made some variations. As Vader we want to deal with them - because of the Rogue One sce... You know what i am talking about ​ ​ I Hope You will like it ^^
  22. Listen!! I dont want to be nit-picky too much ;P I just gave my opinion on that! It just gave me feeling like this situation: You are watching the jk3 gameplay and You see the player model that You have never seen before. So You ask the author of the movie: -Where did You get that model? and author of the video answers like this -Here! <Gives us link> this is a Lobot model made by Psych0Sith. Enjoy Just a little tribute to the authors . I rly dont want to be called a prick or dickhead... I Rly enjoyed that video!! It is amazing work by Dash and i rly appreciate what he done! Many thanks You All for Your comments.
  23. Well i am not looking only on my situation. If someone make a video with the modification - giving the names of the authors .. i think it would be nice to see them there... I am not calling Dash about anythng. Modding is modding. I sent the file for People to play with. The problem is with the rights for the maps, files and my work. I think it is not the same situation as uploading the art on the special site, blog or even making something with the proper license. 8-10 years ago when i saw the map, modifaction or even small skin - i was looking at the authors name because i felt it is in some way a tribute to them. Living Dead Jedi , Sjc for example are modders that made me start mapping. I am just a little afraid about the future staff.. if someone with big amount of money will take my project (even if it is a mod) , gain a lot of fans and good ratings and he will license it that it is his work from scratch i cant do shiet...
  24. Ok! this is very important thing... Dont get this like double posting pls but the situatation that is confusing a little for me. I was very happy but later .. a felt a little weird.
  25. One Thing Guys.... The author of this video doesnt wrote who exactly made the modification or even tell. I am not the only one who made things for this mod - but i made 90-95%. How license of the mod works? Is this something like - i can add name of the author but i dont need to? I just feel a little bad that there is no Langerd or You Guys in the description of the video. There is a Link to the modification but with the typo..
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