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Everything posted by Langerd

  1. Amazing! Their armors were different or they had different helmets only? I looked on the pics on google and .. i only see difference in their helmets. Maybe shoulders are little changed but nothinh much.
  2. i always liked phase 1 more. For what i remember only helmet was different. Right?
  3. Well emmm.. to think about it that would be a ton of work writing them down.. That is why this is immpresive @@Barricade24
  4. I may sound weird @@AshuraDX but i think there should be a topic where are lists of all of the models/maps that were made to prevent this double or even triple posting. Or.. i dont know . Sometimes there are a request about the model that was made but for someone who request a new version older version look bad or they just simply dont like it.
  5. I cant find any way to achieve this. I tried by giving the player the force_ammo items.. but in gtkradiant - i cant make it to spawn more than once.. even if i put the count key and type -1 - still one use and it is not spawning anymore.
  6. It works like that - you make a very detauled model first you even make a folds on the clothes and wrinkles scars on the face skin etc. To latere make a overlay model with simpler shape - the shape that will be optimalized for the game. And after that you bake these detailed elemnts of the first model ON the second model - that is secret of the magic. You put detail on the simple shaped model. Later with some techniques you add normal maps - this allows textures to catch lights and shadows on the realistic way so in the end resaults - you have simple model for jk3 with the textures that simulates shadow and lightning on the texture's details. Watch AshuraDX clone trooper on this site https://sketchfab.com/models/7a6eadecc3cd49a2ae39154c42b5a68f And look closely on the models details. At first they were like sculpture but later - they were changed to be more a texture of the model. - check the wireframe for better looking
  7. It is weird for me too.. we Havent seen a scout trooper in a long loong time.. and as far as i know there are more speeder bikes models (These from Endor) than their riders Ironic
  8. I will share with you soon with my latest WIP project. I am making ala ladder map but my main inspiration is th eblood palace from devil may cry 4

    1. minilogoguy18


      Last ladder mod I played was survival mod 2, pretty challenging. Probably forgotten about after all these years.

    2. Smoo
    3. AshuraDX


      I loved the bloody palace levels in the DMC Games.

  9. I will drop my latest WIP project.

  10. Not being rude to the author of that model . He did a model from scratch but if helmet is .. not right.. than it doesnt catch the feeling of the original design.
  11. Hmm sorry fo bad info - maybe i changed it and thought that it is set to 100 by default but i changed this value. ... Well sorry to tell You but i am not 100% exactly sure what You mean . The thing i have done worked .. But i will keep it on mind and try to understand what i need to change to fix this. If increasing this value may cause problems - i will try to what You showed me or find something new. Many Thanks for answer!
  12. No. It only happend after multiple enemies on the map - already spawned - around 20 but it acted kinda weird. When 30 npc's were spawning in the begining of my map (so instantly when i play the map) it is random which npc will be like kebab and which not. (but not exactly.. as i said before - every enemy i killed on my map i remembered which will lose arm and which will not) The game is removing this likely to optimimalize itself... And it happens only with the lightsaber.
  13. I found the issue! in the code we must change this value file wp_saber.cpp #define MAX_SABER_VICTIMS 100 to for example #define MAX_SABER_VICTIMS 600 It works for me. Every enemy is now dismember able !
  14. I FOUND THE ANSWER!!! The change of the code is simple In the beginning of the wp_saber.cpp we have line like this - #define JK2_RAGDOLL_GRIPNOHEALTH #define MAX_SABER_VICTIMS 100static int victimEntityNum[MAX_SABER_VICTIMS];static float totalDmg[MAX_SABER_VICTIMS];static vec3_t dmgDir[MAX_SABER_VICTIMS];static vec3_t dmgNormal[MAX_SABER_VICTIMS];static vec3_t dmgBladeVec[MAX_SABER_VICTIMS];static vec3_t dmgSpot[MAX_SABER_VICTIMS];static float dmgFraction[MAX_SABER_VICTIMS];static int hitLoc[MAX_SABER_VICTIMS];static qboolean hitDismember[MAX_SABER_VICTIMS];static int hitDismemberLoc[MAX_SABER_VICTIMS];static vec3_t saberHitLocation, saberHitNormal={0,0,1.0};static float saberHitFraction;static float sabersCrossed;static int saberHitEntity;static int numVictims = 0; We must change : #define MAX_SABER_VICTIMS 100 i change to 600 and it works fine. No issues so far - And for bonus i played entire cloud city map with corpseremoval time set to 0. Every enemy is dismemberable with the saber! Many thanks (i will check the second thing - what will happen if i will set this value to 1 or 0) .
  15. Parm is as far as i know - it enables to make script much much more - universal. With one script we can parent it to the multiple entities. Or we can make script like this script that makes parm1 - give a 20armor parm2 - this guy(s) die parm3 - they freeze later in gtkradiant - select the npc_spawner and in the key type - parm1 value- firstguy and select the other npc_spawner and make another key - key type - parm2 value- secondguy - select the scriptrunner and from what i remember - in the script runner you also need to type parm's. For this scriptrunner parm1's will be targeting enities with the name - firstguy and parm2's - secondguy it is hard for me to ... emmm describe.. maybe because i feel weird and my language is weak sorry EDIT: it doesnt need to be script_runner - in the npc_spawner you can add deathscript,spawnscript
  16. Cool idea here! (also i rly like this deleted scene. Normaly lively scenes is something i miss in prequals.)
  17. The point is i always had this issue in jk3 - but not in jk2. Check it by yourself - spawn 20-30 enemies and just try kill them all. I bet that some guys wont dismember. I rly hope to find a way to remove this code fence. It mostly happens on the large maps too.
  18. You can just simply make everyone undying. It will make them to 1hp BUT it will load deathscript. I suggest two things - One thing is adding the effect to the animation.cfg some explosion or something) and make deathscript that teleports everykilled person to the box somewhere in the map where is simple trigger_multiply that removes entity that it uses.. but it is something weird. It might work (because body cant disapear). I had a problem with scripts with kill or remove because i had to always type a name of the target entity.. i wanted overall effect - not just to one enitity only. The second thing which i less recommend is - give them undying on and deathscript to every enemy to just remove. about the effect.. i remember that Szico made barrels in his moonbase lab map that used the effects on the map. He made a script that was very comlicated - after the the death of the barrel the effect of explosion was taking origins of the barrel and showed up where barrel was. It was a little buggy in SP and it wasnt working everytime.
  19. @MrGummelt Ok! I Am 100% sure that this is code issue. And i may found the issue: In the wp_saber.cpp i found this lines and most importantly i found one line that i will select here with red font (I am not coder but maybe We will found a solution to fix this) Ok now the observations - THIS Line is (i am 100% sure) for the entities (Mostly for npc's because they have hitloc system) that are one of the 20th - 40th etc. loaded glm model on the map. I dont know if this for optimalization purpose but for some reason game turns off the dismember for npc's completely. It hit limit but i dont know what is this limit and where i can increase it. The best solution would be to remove this system COMPLETELY. And now some weird stuff.. i was checking some things and see how they works in the game and i end up confused... When i removed these lines from the code - wp_saber.cpp 2275 to 2299 something weird... happend. The enemies are now completely not dismember able... ALL of them. So it screwed up the npc's that were working. I turned on the g_debugdamage code and i see this Hitloc shows -none- so game doesnt reconize the saber hit as the dismember hit. .. and the this is not the weirdest part... in the begining of the code i changed the Aaaaaandddd... this is the part i am 100% SURE that these lines in this code optimalize the game to turn of the dismember for reaching the limit or bytes that game is using. Blocks only for saber.. of course. The enemies after this change.... are completely invincible because the hitloc on the saber .. shows (null). I created a bug (for observation purpose of course) and i cant kill the enemies... THIS IS NOT TRUE because ENEMIES with working dismemberment (as i said in one of the threads .. i played my cloud city map so often that i remember which enemy i can dismember and which not) ARE DYING WITH THE SABER *Mindblow* Soooo the enemies with not working dismember are not dying with the lightsaber hit but the guys with the dismember working - are dying.. with dismember. Here are screens to prove it to all of you. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ AAAAAA how to fix this!!!! Grrryyyyrrrrrwwrwrw
  20. I dont know if this thread is no longer active but i have a small question about dismember the enemies with the saber. If I will spawn 20 enemies on my map not all of them have working dismember - not like the Jedi Outcast .. this game has no limit with that. But i found out that Jk3 has this weird issue only with the lightsaber. When i dismember someone with the guns (I coded weapons to dismember enemies) and when i use script - everyone dismember. Lightsaber has this weird issue - when i kill 20 enemies the hitloc for lightsaber turns off. How to fix this or how to increase the limit of the entities that has wroking hitloc system to make saber work fine every time?
  21. Ok i just checked the Jedi outcast ... and after i turned on the dismember g_saberrealisticcombat 3 which no longer works in the Jk3 i ... spawned 30 imperial officers... Everyone of them were .. lost limbs. So i am 100% sure that Jedi Academy has some code block for the lightsaber ONLY. I can dismember every enemy with my guns - i can dismember them with scripts .. but i cant do that with saber. Anyone knows how to fix this annoying shit? EDIT: In Wp_saber line 2276 i found this //Get the hit location based on surface nameif ( (hitLoc[hitEntNum[numHitEnts]] == HL_NONE && trHitLoc[numHitEnts] == HL_NONE)|| (hitDismemberLoc[hitEntNum[numHitEnts]] == HL_NONE && trDismemberLoc[numHitEnts] == HL_NONE)|| (!hitDismember[hitEntNum[numHitEnts]] && !trDismember[numHitEnts]) ){//no hit loc set for this ent this damage cycle yet//FIXME: find closest impact surf *first* (per ent), then call G_GetHitLocFromSurfName?//FIXED: if hit multiple ents in this collision record, these trSurfName, trDismember and trDismemberLoc will get stomped/confused over the multiple ents I hittrSurfName = gi.G2API_GetSurfaceName( &g_entities[coll.mEntityNum].ghoul2[coll.mModelIndex], coll.mSurfaceIndex );trDismember[numHitEnts] = G_GetHitLocFromSurfName( &g_entities[coll.mEntityNum], trSurfName, &trHitLoc[numHitEnts], coll.mCollisionPosition, dmgDir, bladeDir, MOD_SABER, saberType );if ( trDismember[numHitEnts] ) It is annoying .. i believe not only for me.
  22. That would be a good thing to change.. it is annoying.. stupid and i rly dont like it... And it is weird - there is nothing new happening on the screen than caps showing up when we cut someone. Anyone knows how to fix this with some code work? EDIT: From the observation - this happens with the saber only because i made weapons to dismember .. and.. guess what... - They dismember everytime with guns not with saber so there must be some block in the code.
  23. @TheJokesterOfEarth3 Dude stop with this spamming. This is not a messenger and also it is not like every jkhub member need instantly know about new changes to this model. AshuraDX told You that in the last comment:
  24. To fix this i recommend making the same player model using the normal _humanoid and later when making cutscenes - make new _humanoid_cutscenemap just to make cutscene animations. With this method we can use the new playermodel with diffrent animations and make him play animations in the cutscene
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