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Everything posted by Langerd

  1. Amazing atmosphere here! Amazed by Your architecture skill here
  2. It works!!! Now He is shooting from the cannon now! Looked inside the model and i can see the gun now. Many Thanks @@Asgarath83 and @@AshuraDX Now i can work with the animations and make something cool ! ^^ My point is Is that it is possible to move the tag of the weapon (The flash and placement of the gun model) with the movement of the bone. It is cool for making an enemy - A Big droid with two cannones and in one frame weapons is in the first cannon but in the other frame it is in the other cannon. I will test it soon! ^^
  3. Here. As i said before - Worms works fine.. even if i didn't called properly his parts... This is weird. That is one good point... Worms is using models/players/_humanoid_worm/_humanoid_worm.gla skeleton but droid uses models/players/cloudy_sent/anim.gla... The models like Assassin_droid could have their skeletons coded in the game... I dont know..
  4. Still doesnt work... i dont ... I made this for Worms model - It works ok .... It has new skeleton and i didnt named hierarchy parts like they should be named... and it worked ok. Worms is holding a gun in his hand. But here i just cant... make it to work. I made ne skeleton and new model for worms... and it works just fine.. but not with the droid :/
  5. Ok! Listen to This - I just removed whole body of the saber_droid. I exported the model - Only skeleton with the tags. Guess what? ..... Model is his hand. I rly starting to believe that tagging system works only with the skeleton that is made in a properly way... I even removed all tags and left r_hand tag only - Model is there. So i believe it is working with the skeleton.
  6. I dont care about cutscenes... I care about the game. I wanted to put the repeater model inside of this droid. Now he is shooting from below .. even if i made skeleton with named bones.. i made tags *r_hand inside of his body - There is still no model he is still shooting from below.
  7. I want to make this model holding the weapon. I want it because it will allow me to make an animation with changing placement of the weapon model. I can make Two cannon vehicle that will be shooting rockets from two cannons - The bone will change place from one cannon to another and model of the weapon will change too This is not this two cannon vehicle but i just want to learn this... ijust cant acheive this.
  8. How to make this? Is this come from tags or bones names? How to make them work?
  9. Thanks! (This works with all cheat codes ? didnt know that OoO) Answer me.. Because You are One Mysterious Character here on Hub for me - Your posts are ALWAYS helpful and great to hear!
  10. Is there any chance to change the weather with the script? Or clear , freeze?
  11. Sry for late response! I only had time for like the comment You made... AMAZING WORK HERE! Holy Bananas. The only problem i see (Because You catched His style ) BUT dont understand me wrong! You rly catched the Vader. I only suggest to low a pitch a little Because Your voice is a little higher than James Earl Jones.. But this is not a problem. You made amazing acting job here! I have the same opinion on the EA Vader... Maybe sounded a little like him but he was talking cringy ... How they .... fucked it up is beyond me. Yeah.. i have a lot trouble with making dialougues and making Vader to sound like him - not in the terms of putting microphone on my desk nononon.. About how and what he would say. This guy is like Old Wise Samurai. The problem i see is that i wanted to finish my mod in terms of fightning bosses and enemies and later make cutscenes. The Player can wait with the loading after the cutscene - making it on seperated map will keep everything so much cleaner.
  12. @ShenLong Kazama It is time consuming, very tedious work but without it any great amazing model will look bad in the game... It is like contour line on the model - This connects model with the skeleton basiclly... the more of red the more of this area will follow the bone. It is kinda working like that.
  13. Yep Exactly! Yep!!! And i must say - this is one of the best topics.
  14. I suggest to weight the model in wireframe because You can see exactly through whole model. It is very possible that it is inside the head or there is some lost vertex and doubles needs to be removed. Less common issue is that You named vertex group (name of the bone) in the options wrong. EDIT: Ok... Emm... Wait what?
  15. Yes but i mean when i use the weapon jawa for npc to use other weapon models.
  16. Also!!! You can play with other scripts here. You can make enemy shot faster (SHOT_SPACING) but with lower aim . Downside is when enemy is shooting we cant change the sounds.. and it is 100% for script work :/
  17. There is a weapon called Weapon Jawa. This is not one of the main weapons. The weird thing is that spwaning it or giving it to player will crush your game because game cannot load the model. What is my point here? The point here is that when enemy is killed he drops the weapon. You not always want this to happen. In the ext_data folder we have weapons.dat which alows us (not 100%) edit weapons properties. This is my trick here - 1. - If You know how to model here is a trick. Player will not be using the Jawa weapon so we dont need a MD3 (first person model). What we mostly have to focus on is the glm model. So! Make a model with the tags BUT MAKE EMPTY MODEL! 2. - make glm and MD3 versions of the weapon with tags ONLY! 3. - put them in the pk3 in the base folder and in the weapons.dat gave the paths of the weapon to Your new empty weapons model 4. - make a script where You give this - - set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_WEAPON", /*@@weaponx_NAMES*/ "WP_JAWA" );set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ADDRHANDBOLT_MODEL", "models/weapons2/bowcaster/bowcaster_w.glm" );- 5. Make in the gtkradiant npc to use this script or runscript and give it to the named npc in the game. 6. Your npc should be using bowcaster that is shooting like crazy little projectiles. YOU CAN USE EVERY GLM YOU LIKE!!! The most important thing is the tags placement. Have fun
  18. Cooling System Room - ​ Played 2016 DOOM And it inspired me to make this place. If Someone knows - VEGA Central Processing (VEGA Core) Level. Very Hard One but had a lot fun with that game! I am also planning to make Some Wookie Warriors. I remember there are models in the Movie Battles Mod but i dont know if i can use them. Anybody knows?
  19. New Stuff Guys!!! Today i would like to introduce My New player model - New Rebel enemy - Bothan Spy. ​ ​ ​ ​ These guys will turn invisible and i wan to make them teleport in some way with scripts. Some fixes and added props to the engineer rooms. I Also started to make a room with two huge pipes. You need to be careful here! And first You will need to make fan weaker with the console somewhere to make Your way to the last big room. And.. the last room is still WIP but .. i am trying my best to make it fresh and interesting. I will not Tell what is going on here. But Here You have - Cooling System Room.
  20. Rly like the changes! You made amazing camera movement! Great style. The only thing that was funny for me was the 2:50 when Emperor is saying : the Hate is ... And Luke Smiles XD . I suggest to change hairstyle for luke because he had diffrent one
  21. HAte that SHIT.... DAMn... had the same god damn problem... Use Imgur i think that site will no turn into garbage
  22. Well glass yeah because it is clean glass but the black metal parts does not cast any shadows... For me it is like it is floating ... maybe because of the pic i dont know X) it is small notice here
  23. I mean to catch the posture of the Palpatine and his hand little movement. I HAAAAAAATE Shaking movement or animations where characters are just talking .... AND YET THE MUST MOVE WHOLE F@@king BODY FOR NO REASON!!! (Sry... my rant .. i rly hate this .. Ekhm.. Rebels) Rly Well made cutscene but if we have oppurtinity to make it more detail - I say lets try
  24. Amazing job! Specially Like the columns You made but i recommend making MD3 models because making this kind of columns with patches can cost more memory - Also with patches if You will look from the far distance the patches lose some verts and shape is more blocky.. it is good thing but for me it happens too soon (of course optimalization is one of the most important thing but this is small thing in that case in my opinion). And one thing - there is no shadow under that desk (last pic). It looks a little weird for me.
  25. I recommend using blender for creating animations.
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