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  1. I agree with Circa. I don't even know the majority of these models exist because they're hiding in a very long forum thread. By actually uploading them to the site we can find them easily, they get exposure, we have better search options, and a more stable an organize place to host the files. You work is fantastic, it would be great to have them uploaded here properly.
  2. Fantastic work, a great likeness.
  3. Fantastic work, I still can't believe how quickly you're able to accomplish so much. Very excited to play this.
  4. Loved the flashing Christmas lights in the trailer, nice touch.
  5. The lighting in the archives looks absolutely incredible!
  6. Botdra

    Nightmares Skin Pack

    Very cool shader work on these.
  7. Nicely done, I'm surprised how well it handled these stone carving textures. What's your workflow like?
  8. The holograms look fantastic. I've been dying to see you take on the archives, this is a great start already. Always loved the cozy blue glow in those scenes.
  9. Absolutely. I replayed both in early 2022, but this giving me the itch to do it again already. They still hold up.
  10. Reshade is pretty nice for some basic adjustments. I often use it for ambient occlusion, light lens flare effects, and screen space reflections. For a small fee there are users who have released things like ray-tracing plugins for it as well, although I haven't tested those. Here's a link to the video, and some notes about what I did:
  11. This is a great take on a classic character. Nice work.
  12. The Droideka turned out really well. The weapon system sounds excellent too, can't wait to see what other weapons will be added.
  13. Always nice when we see an update that includes more than just bug fixes. Great work on these additions!
  14. These look great. Very nostalgic too, may have to replay KOTOR yet again. Based on the very even lighting, are these character stills taken from ModView? I'm looking forward to seeing what they look like with lighting and shader work.
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