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Everything posted by Psyk0Sith

  1. Good question, i think Scerendo is planning a Kylo Ren so there's a good chance you'll see a proper model if i don't do it myself. As for other choices...it could be Shaak Ti (TFU version), Darth Sion, an aqualish merc thug, a barabel, Xesh, Dash Rendar, a prequel character...who knows.
  2. Model released, pending approval: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2763-eg-5-jedi-hunter-droid/
  3. 3,136 downloads

    The EG-5 Jedi Hunter droid was a deadly droid created by Count Dooku during the Clone Wars. Its sole purpose was to eliminate Jedi. This model is based on Jeremy Love's concept art with some improvisation on my part.
  4. The high poly model you have in the scene has sketchy vertex weights, it should be ok in most situations but you'll get glitches unless you fix the issues by rotating bones around to see how the mesh deforms. When you rotate the metacarpal bone for example, the wrist / lower arm portion doesnt even follow correctly...it leaves a big hole because the verts are not shared at that border. If you look at the low poly version, the mesh deforms correctly, it doesnt need anything complex because it's very basic...you can't do the same with the high poly version. I understand the need to split the model in sections but you need to do your rig before you split, that way you'll have uniform weights no matter how you split the model. Also watch this if you haven't already https://youtu.be/GhA83jzPl3M?t=16m57s
  5. You only need something that will compress to .zip and a cheap ass text editor.
  6. Oh no the video is private . Fun fact: one could also use the kinect for mocap, not sure what the results look like or how easy that is.
  7. Try the help file, always works.
  8. It happens both in single and multi player? Have you tried with a stock saber? If in single player, have you started a new game or using a previous save game?
  9. 1.When it's done 2.Swap a robot for another robot, i don't see why it wouldnt work
  10. First thing to check...how did you rig the hand tags and hand bones? -Make sure that "lhang_tag_bone" is not named "lhand_tag_bone" -Make sure that the "l_hang" and "r_hang" bones are not deforming any vertices but are added to the skin modifier list. -The l_hand and r_hand tags have to be weighted to their corresponding l_hang and r_hang bones. If you are using a JA model, #1 is probably not the issue and #2 would have stopped the compiler.
  11. Also check you shaders in the shader editor, simple alphas will work in modview (doesnt need code to display but engine does need it) if something is wrong in the code shadered will tell you right away.
  12. @@Xeby Easy fix is to have two heads in the .glm, when the hooded version is used you switch to the 2nd head with the back of the skull removed and nothing will clip through.
  13. All signs point to yes.
  14. Minor glitch spotted: there's a stray vert on the left foot.
  15. Before you start rigging that extra head, unlink the mesh, place the pivot point at the origin 0,0,0. then reset xform. Re-do skin weights.
  16. Pending approval https://jkhub.org/files/file/2680-ithorian-jedi/
  17. 1,960 downloads

    The Ithorians were a sentient species from the planet Ithor. They had a unique set of twin mouths on opposite sides of their necks. The Ithorians were believed by many to be only peaceful gardeners and philosophers, but those who had encountered the bounty hunters Bulduga and Onca felt differently. Ithorians had two mouths and four throats, allowing them to speak in stereo. Female Ithorians had two humps on the back of their head, while males had only one. They had glossy, usually brown flesh. They stood roughly between 1.8 to 2.3 meters from eyestalk to toe. Their reflexes and coordination were somewhat slower than that of average humanoids. This model can be customized via the species menu, NPC's and bots included.
  18. Surely you have a smart phone (or digital camera)? Just take pictures and boom you're done!
  19. Isnt there a female jedi pack with swappable components to make this? Looks very generic.
  20. Let's not get carried away, i knew someone in a good position for that to happen
  21. Glad you like it, peeps. @@Metatronicks No just small companies. I did get an offer to work on Halo 5 but couldnt due to schedule conflict. @@AshuraDX Don't worry, the glow shader is there, i switch stuff around and sometimes it's not in the screenshots, if you look at the orange version the glow is there.
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