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Everything posted by kibasennin

  1. Then I'm guessing this is not gonna happen... still, coulda worked...
  2. So, audio we got. Now. Who's up for making a model? (It's just the face, keep in mind. The body, we can just give him traditional Sith Robes)
  3. Is there any way you could make THIS hilt from TOR? https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfl1/v/wl/t35.0-12/12767904_943070802407771_1066272754_o.jpg?oh=9a5a2ca6a6623ba475bcb1e09e4760fc&oe=56D60DEC
  4. OK y'all! Here's the Sounds (gloats, taunts, etc...) https://www.mediafire.com/?c5fclkxtlcdtpte The basic ones like "choke" or "push" is from @@Psyk0Sith's Darth Malgus, which u can find here: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2296-darth-malgus/ The gloats and taunts are from The Force Awakens audiobook, which I trimmed out sentences from.
  5. I got the audiobook for TFA, so I got some nice quotes read out in a weird voice. Gimme a sec.
  6. BECAUSE of him being so powerful, I'd say: Give him 500 force. 999 life. Lightning. Melee/Fists.
  7. And tbh, the model wouldn't even need to be gigantic. For all we know, Snoke could be a normal sized dude...
  8. Yeah, he totally looks like a mix between Gollum from the LOTR: http://www.nerdcast.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/snoeakol-2.jpg and Pyat Pree from Game of Thrones... http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/gameofthrones/images/6/68/Pyat_double.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120430030023 http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/gameofthrones/images/1/11/Pyat_Pree.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120424214419
  9. We don't need to know anything about him. We just need someone to make his face so that it can work on JK
  10. Recently been playing, fighting against Emperor Palpatine, imagining it was Snoke. And then I thought. We ain't got Snoke yet! So for thos who know how to mod: Snoke is pretty complicated, more than usual I'm guessing, due to his deformations... but imagine the glory u'll get when finishing it! If ur able to finish a Snoke player model / npc, you'll be, like, the next Haplash! Here's reference pics http://www.starwarsnewsnet.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/VFX-04-e1452756475755.jpg http://screenrant.com/wp-content/uploads/Star-Wars-VFX-Supreme-Leader-Snoke.jpg
  11. Yo I've been using benkenobi and cybernetic_maul, so I'm not sure if this applies to everything. But when I do playermodel cybernetic_maul, for example, if I go F3 (force speed), then something amazin happens So, the entirety of the npcs speed up, OK? Like, they move faster. A shitload faster. So they shoot you down in no time. But the incredible thing is your player also speeds up. Travelling great distances in no time (you know the speed you're at when you move quickly with noclip? twice that speed). But even though the movement speed was incredibly increased, the character's speed actually slows down. So your body goes slow mo, but u travel great distances in a second. This is funny as hell, and I wanna know why it does that, and how it does that
  12. OK... so, I think I did all the steps... still not working though... This is what I got... can you tell me if I missed something? https://www.mediafire.com/?fe819zz9x0pl3ju
  13. Ok, thanks guys! Helped! Also, I need to know which is the skin name of this file? Death_Watch_Maul (the botfile name) or dwmaul (the npc name) ?
  14. When I Open Pakscape and open "assets0.pk3" nothing is there. Like it's as if I never opened. Or if it's supposed to happen, then where do I find Extract "MENUS.str" to any folder.? Thanks a bunch. I'm basically trying to make a single player species from this. http://www.mediafire.com/download/a4ikf1c93co55wm/Darth_Maul%2C_Mandalore_the_Dominate.pk3 Thanks for the help really. My first time trying to mod something so I'm sorry for not being able to do this by myself.
  15. Hiya, I got these .pk3 files of Darth Maul and Savage Opress, but they only work on Jedi Academy Multiplayer. Can someone help me to make them work on Single Player, and make them appear on the character select list? Here's the files: https://www.mediafire.com/?a4ikf1c93co55wm https://www.mediafire.com/?2n8og3az7j63zzb Thanks in advance for your help!
  16. Hiya, I got these .pk3 files of Darth Maul and Savage Opress, but they only work on Jedi Academy Multiplayer. Can someone help me to make them work on Single Player, and make them appear on the character select list? Here's the files: https://www.mediafire.com/?a4ikf1c93co55wm https://www.mediafire.com/?2n8og3az7j63zzb Thanks in advance for your help!
  17. kibasennin

    Nug's Skins

    how do I take the appearance of kenobi?
  18. man, I'm really sorry to be asking this, but could you post the marka ragnos mod on jkhub.org? Cuz I'm unable to visualize anything from filefront in france cuz the website is blocked...
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