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Everything posted by kibasennin

  1. I'm having the same problem. Grey rectangles/squares where the menu is supposed to be.
  2. All I've got is the Linux/Windows/Mac folders, and the KotF folder. Where can I download the launcher?
  3. On a PC, tried installing KOTF but it won't run because "MSVCP220.dll is missing"and "MSVCR120.dll is missing". I got JKA installed on Steam. Can anyone help, please? Thanks
  4. I got SKA installed on Steam. Followed the instructions, and got this message. I got macOS High Sierra. Anyone got any ideas? Thanks
  5. Boom Updated version http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/File:Prime_Jedi.jpg Edit: Actually, nevermind, it's the same one but smaller U_U'
  6. wondering how you'll be able to fit the crait luke in the conversion's story mode :/
  7. I've been looking at the head.jpg file and I take it back. It's perfect. Also, is this just a skin conversion, or is there anyway you guys can make Luke have 500 Force or something?
  8. Could be that, yeah. I mean, in any case, I think the original face worked better.
  9. I think you could shrink the eyes just a tad dude I get the feeling the eyes are the only thing outta place.
  10. Also u might wanna make him taller, I'm talking Desann size at least.
  11. thanks mate, BIG help one last thing: Do you know if FirePhoenix' Knights of the Force 2.1 Alpha and the Jedi Academy: Enhanced mods work on Mac?
  12. OK, so I tried to do it the regular way, that is, spawning npc player + meditate + mindtrick4, but my character immediately gets back up and after a while the mindtrick ends. If I mindtrick4 first and meditate after, then the spawned npc player sits down and meditates whilst under mindtrick. How does one go about making this new force power anyway?
  13. Anybody got a clue?
  14. This NEEDS to happen. How would one go about doing it? And how would it be installed in the game?
  15. Got it on Steam.
  16. I agree and am ashamed.
  17. Yo My previous computer crashed and burned, but my mods and skins were saved. Got a Mac now, where do I go to install my mods? Can't find any gamedata/base directory. Anyone got a clue?
  18. Dem darth vader scenes tho
  19. Not luke's son,just a descendant (it happens 100 years after episode 6 ) still! a good design!
  20. OOOOooooh. that explains it. cheers guys!
  21. The file in question is 'Master Dooku'.
  22. Thaaank you gentlemen
  23. where the dropbox at?
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