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Everything posted by biggs

  1. biggs


    Version 1.1


    castle on the ocean not compatible with jaMP. requires the newest version of rend2. .bsp names: castellaris castellaris_duel
    very interesting to see someone approach mapping for jk2/jka in such a unique way. The fps is not great but I like the overall look and feel. A better structural design will help with fps on future maps.
  2. I've got a similar setup to Kessno with around 120 fps as well. This isn't running on jaMP btw but it is labelled as not requiring OpenJK.
    a clean aesthetic and good brushwork
    looks fantastic, nice port. I look forward to more ports from EF2
  3. 25 downloads

    a yavin themed ctf map .bsp name: ctf_yavinValley
    I appreciate you doing this for the people. I was unable to decompile hoth2 but I did a quick search and found you'd already done it so I am eternally grateful to you. 5/5 excellent decompiles.
    an exquisite map that I'm sure will inspire other creators for many years to come.
  4. I'm still waiting for the new file to be approved, added a note to the description.
  5. biggs



    ported over from SP to MP with some additional detail and remade terrain. ffa/tffa, no items, no bot support. jk2 version has all models removed. jka map name: yavin2 jk2 map name: yavin2_jk2
  6. biggs


    cheers, Asgarath83
  7. biggs


    the water at the bottom is not actually water; it makes no sound and does not slow you down.
  8. 159 downloads

    This is a Duel map; there are no items or weapons. It works on JKA and JK2. .bps names: thermae thermae_jk2
    These fascinating designs are something I've never seen in a JKA mod before; I love the intricate textures and use of colours. I look forward to seeing what you'll come up with next.
  9. Version 2.0


    UNDERWORLD MOD CONTEST 2022 WINNER Inspired by Bladerunner. Originally named Underworld, released April 2022 Version 2.0 released June 2024. .bsp names: spice FFA/TFFA spice_classic FFA/TFFA (an updated version of the original map) spice_duel DUEL spice_skirmish FFA/TFFA spice_towers FFA/TFFA
  10. biggs


    Cheers for the kind words. This map was originally far more detailed, but I ended up removing a lot of patch work for the sake of better FPS.
  11. Version 1.1


    Release Trailer Inspired by Greek mythology. This is a Free for All map; there are no items or weapons. It works on JKA as well as JK2.
  12. biggs

    SC Island

  13. biggs

    SC Island

    Did you make this in blender or something?
  14. biggs


    Version 1.2


    Kame House from Dragonball. This is something I've thrown together for the Summer-themed Mod Contest. Credits are inside the .pk3
  15. biggs


    Thank you I would have liked to have fixed the portal water before the submission was closed, but I unfortunately wasn't able to
  16. biggs



    The inner sanctum of the walled city, Calodan, from the series The Mandalorian. Created for The Mandalorian contest. This is 1v1 Duel/Power duel map, but it also works in FFA and TEAM FFA gamemodes.
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