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Everything posted by GaryTheStormtrooper

  1. Version 1.0


    Hello there, as I promised here is a Clone Wars skin. NPC/playermodel name is in the readme.
  2. Or I may release a Cardinal version.
  3. I may or may not soon release something Clone Wars related.
  4. 179 downloads

    This is my version of Commander Pyre, a new character introduced in Star Wars: Resistance. This is a simple reskin of Kualan's Captain Phasma model
  5. Where can I get the Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon?
  6. Is it possible to get the B1 Droid NPCs? Because I want to use them without replacing Imperials.
  7. Great job! It even works in Movie Duels, I used it to recreate Kylo Ren's betrayal at Luke's Jedi Academy.
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