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Everything posted by CaptainChar

  1. I started dozing off, turkey does that

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. therfiles


      The animal or teh place?

    3. MUG
    4. CaptainChar


      turkey, as in that bird ate on thanksgiving, here in canada ours is this weekend/monday

  2. a good example of what Crimson says is some of the mods around FF7, I can remember when shit hit the fan over szico's mods and I dont remember whos mod actually got shut down, I think it was almighty_gir's stuff at one time. but some companies will hold these IP's for a trump card, rule of thumb is just email anyways, only reason i have Konami, Nintendo, Sega, and capcom on my email list
  3. for possibly the only time in existance, I agree, the guild was meh to begin with
  4. is there a fix for the q3map2 for 32-bit OS Szico? (I know most use 64, some machines im forced to use 32, eg my laptop)
  5. interesting model, kinda reminds me of robocop but more steamlined
  6. hmm installing JA on a CD-less system, guess its time to use steam

    1. eezstreet


      Or Daemon Tools + virtual CD

  7. umm not yet, i need to remember how to edit segments again, lol
  8. Christopher lee was the handler if the red bull in the movie if I recall, sure its before my time, but its a good animation movie. anyways back to the gun, if I remove the segments it'll lower the polycount, then I can start learning the UV map, at lease with this model its not much needed, so the learning process should be easy
  9. the ROQ video maker should support images as the source or an AVI, at least the program i used was like that
  10. im supposed to go to a halloween party this year, and im sadly tempted to get an episode 3 robe and go as a jedi >.>

    1. MUG
    2. Nihilus


      You know you want to go as a Gizka.

    3. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger



      Why sadly tempted? Go for it! Not sure how Jedi fit in with Halloween though...

  11. ive only ever done one ROQ video with reasonable quality, the gun barrel sequence for my Goldeneye mod
  12. that harpy is from the movie, the last unicorn and street, I already got that from Inyri, but thanks for your time
  13. I ment interface wise, im not used to anything but the 1.5 im running, so everything else appears cluttered to me, and im lazy and dont organize icons etc, so the mess followes me everywhere, as does the bad spelling
  14. theres several codecs you can download for free, divx, xvid, CCpack, etc, but some didint work for me, it all depends on the compression ratio
  15. you know something is wrong when a yoshi looks like a fireflower

    1. Lilliandil
    2. Lilliandil


      I know mario is old but i don't think it ever had that problem.


  16. actually i find 1.4 a clusterfuck compared to 1.5, I maybe able to work in clutter, but only clutter I create and its easy to use if you were trained on 1.5, same motto could be said for tne 1.4 users or 1.3 users, its all preference though so, try all 3 or 4 whatvever and see which one suits you best, thats the only way you can do it
  17. there is on the hub here, a 1.5 with all the stuff of 1.4, so I dunno on that either >.>
  18. personally I only touch 1.4 for tools, personally i use: GtkRadiant-1.5.0-2006-03-02 its got the easiest layout of them IMO, but yes, its all prefernce really
  19. I only have 3dmax6 >.>, i have maya laying around here, but thats not really for JA I may just stick to models then export em as 3ds files
  20. I really need to look for a real job, and stop applying to imaginary jobs

    1. MUG
    2. CaptainChar


      yeah, at least there I can land a paycheck still, even if its paid in polygons

    3. therfiles


      Polygons are worth a lot. Check the exchange rate...

  21. err no, i prolly missed inyri a tad late, aw well i can keep mapping before i go back to "school"
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