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Everything posted by CaptainChar

  1. I downloaded them off the wayback and just shoved em into an archieve, the only downfall was a few tutorials are a tad messed up in Microsoft office 2010
  2. even 4 weeks later, im still battling with my cat's curse, fleas

  3. my bayonetta prologue map will crash GTK on another map's compile process >.> its oddly shader related from the sounds of things, you might have some ghost entities, sometimes when you delete an entity, it'll still exist in the entity viewer for some odd reason
  4. im actually better on paper then i am digitally
  5. its not hard to get used to drawing, its just that first of not looking where your hands are is what got me
  6. yeah I noticed things get borked easy
  7. dont think I forgot about the Normandy as a map

    1. KDR_3XILE


      Very excited!


  8. and to the above, whoops, i just noticed my typo.... yeah, i got her off some jawa's on tato....
  9. It doesnt look limted, well not when Szico is at the helm >.> most if not all his maps inspire me to up my own anti
  10. eh, close enough, back to calibrations
  11. actually im postive there was an AI in phantasy star online, with the name Caelum
  12. ironcily, when i bought my gf, a replacement pen, it was for the wacom 5, but also worked on the Cintiq
  13. my gf used to use the bamboo series, and the wacom series currently, and shes a graphic artist just consider the reviews of a product, and personally Id make sure durability is high on the model you choose, cause of constant friction of the pen, nubs wear out on the pen, and depending on the model some have inter changable nubs for different thickess of strokes, etc.
  14. I got bored, and started playing with music samples again >.>
  15. skin texture wise, it does seem realistic
  16. another question, will it work with an animated skybox?
  17. so its the same as when I place an Origin on say a rotation gear, cept in this case, that "origin" is the sun or moon in this case?
  18. I knew I should have paid more attention in mapping class >.< well at least to Darth Zion, my teacher
  19. I understand that, but my main issue is finding out in the shader, where the postion of the sun/moon is
  20. im looking for something that explains better then richdiesel's tutorials, (as the sample images for the lesson are missing) for a light emmiting sun or moon, perferably one with images, sue me, i cant follow a wall of text anyone who can help me with this will get the credit for their help on this map
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