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Everything posted by CaptainChar

  1. JA could use a little chaos, or randomness, its easy to transition complete chaos into something, eg: mario galaxy
  2. well im determined to learn how to get this in game, why eh, I gotta finish my goldeneye project sometime, it would be awsome with guns, that and I have some original ideas of my own for weapons, wait... i have something original for a change, dammm
  3. Yeah I cant remember 100% I use swissknife partitioner myself for my externals, since I need large externals to be fat32 to playback on my xbox 360, wii, and blueray players.
  4. edge loops? you mean the sections? yeah I can see this will be difficult on the forums >.>
  5. I think that site should be added to the tutorials as a reference tutorial
  6. mac's use ext3 if im not mistaken, and windows cannot recongize that, depends how it was formated etc or if it was formated on the mac as well, i worked with macs for a bit
  7. CaptainChar


    is your avatar darth Bobo from trippin the rift?
  8. inyri, you just lost me, Noob on models here, i can make things look like stuff, but functional, eh....yeah
  9. that was prolly the best thing ive heard all day
  10. you might need to go to managment, and possiblly activate the partition, i dunno if this is an issue in win7 etc, in xp it will not show up peroid unless the partition is activated, and usually requires a format of that drive as well
  11. in school I was taught lightwave and 3dmax, who woulda thought it'd pay off oneday, lol
  12. I havent gotten to the UV part, i dont even know what that is, like I said, I can build things, but finsih/get them in game... errrr...ya... i'll back to you on that
  13. kid me if im wrong, is this supposed to be the ship where Kirk finds Kahn for the first time?
  14. well this is the first model ive actually completed, so im technicly wrong, and the ones i did in high school dont count, a frying pan....but yeah making the model is one thing, actually getting it in game, errr thats a whole different game so yeah, i could have worded it better, lol I never said I passed english, i bribed the teacher for that class >.>
  15. Bingo Chalk! except if I get it ingame, id use the ship laser sound effect from defender as its firing sound, I got inspired partially from the "throwback pistol" in transformers fall of cybertron, which is a generation model of megatron, anyways.... it needs some work, but its starting to shape up to the Zapper Red version with a few fixes, surprisingly its 1156 polygons
  16. thats it this is starting to creep me out, come on reapers, take me already
  17. I remembered how to model in 3dmax...

    1. Lilliandil


      well may be then you'd like to make a model for me, since i am too lazy to weight it for myself. >_>

    2. CaptainChar


      hey i can make crap, shape wise, but beyond that is kind of foggy, lol

  18. I figured, hell everyone else can do it, why cant I? A cookie to anyone who knows what gun this is >.> the handle and rear sights arnt modeled yet, took me a bit to get back into my 3dmax chair
  19. im no bronie, but the fact you got a pony to work in JA actually amazes me
  20. id say its Max's own lighting sources screwing with the vision
  21. ravensoft was absorbed into activision, its also why CoD has their logo as an unlockable, I miss old raven for permissions, it depends on the age of the material in question, if its modern, as in the past 2 console generations say, likely not, but if its older then that or if the game licensing for what your sourcing from hasnt been renewed or expired, its generally green lit from who your asking the permission
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