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Everything posted by CaptainChar

  1. would a graveyard be fitting for an october release? :P

    1. Fighter
    2. therfiles


      Only with candy corn.

    3. CaptainChar


      what graveyard ahve you been too with candy corn?

  2. I seem to misplaced several of my forum threads

  3. I am suddenly tempted to make a crazy map

  4. i only once played JA with 32 players, when I hijacked out school room pcs for a period...good times
  5. oh, thank god, or was i reading on something else, whatever, as long as I can still run nonsense on my pc in the future, i dont care, lol
  6. supposedly windows 8 has a DRM in place, that unless the app or exe in question is microsoft secuity signed, will not execute, this is mostly applying to games, since the OS is supposed to support xbox live as well
  7. thats quite the regiment you have on the go
  8. I dunno from the sounds of things, I could care less about windows 8, especially if the DRM rumours are true
  9. nvidia is famous for that, the driver updates for them, allow a complete removal of the former driver, that can be an issue as well
  10. is there a better tutorial on how to make the sun/moon a light source then richdiesel's?

  11. We need a Halloween themed map, Like the nightmare before christmas or something

    1. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      There's several at filefront. Labyrinth - halloween JKA edition is superb but it'll drive you mad.

    2. CaptainChar
  12. have you checked if the catalyst control, has a game profile thing? My old Nvida had specific settings per game, not sure if this still exists or not in machines, but worth to look around in the 3D rendoring settings for the card
  13. hmm now I think we need a nightmare before christmas themed JA map >.>
  14. does your video card have a control panel?
  15. ah that explains why the master server never seemed to vanish then
  16. JA wont run in DX11, if i recall older games and apps have to run in an emulated DX10, unless they're engine will support DX11, recently on windows 7 pro, 32-bit ive been having some older games, have some interesting graphical issues, menus work etc, but when you get into a session, the game spazzes out and the models are basicly exploded and all rendored wrong, fun times in windows 7
  17. sometimes I wish I paid attention in programming class, i would have just made a drop and drag style menu builder
  18. Goldeneye Bunker 1.1 finally got released on JKFiles, 6 months after submission

  19. "needs more robots"

  20. its nice to see space theme taking a liking again, im very impressed with how it looks, may I ask what resolution your JA is in Szico?
  21. with it being october, ive decided to focus on my haunted graveyard map, its more fitting in theme

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