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Everything posted by CaptainChar

  1. never played the doom games, so it looks like a generic space station to me, but so far, I do like how it looks, Szico always seems to be a master when it comes to picking lighting for a map
  2. hmm there sone, without images, might have to take a whack at it....
  3. im assuming your using widescreen? ive played Halo CE on my netbook, which is always like 1200 x 600 something resolution, halo at 800 x 600 does not have a border effect for me
  4. Is there any menu modding tutorials out there, if not could someone possibly make one that has some images to it, since visual aid is prefered method to learning, thank you all for your time
  5. I hate cold weather

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. spior


      *spior sent a request for your "Cold weather" in exchange for his "Warm weather". Accept/Deny?*

    3. MUG
    4. CaptainChar


      SO thats two boxes of november air for warmer, sounds easy, who wants my air conditioner for their furnace? :P

  6. been under the weather lately, hence my lack of trolling

  7. thanks ash, I dont think i'll be tweaking the size to much though, im just planning on adding the generations scafolding, but I want it to be at the ideal hight for the robot can still melee you while your on it
  8. rain and coldness, it must be fall

    1. Jango40


      you don't say

    2. therfiles


      Sounds like winter.

  9. i'd just need even a static model thats to scale, just so I know what im working with but alpha, etc works, just so i can tweak the stage sizes if needed
  10. I need to stop putting the Normandy off, I have a nearly complete graveyard, and the Death Egg is on hiatus for now

  11. so roughly 600 polys it should be when im done, I might even redo the barrel with less segments so its only a 12 sided cylinder instead of a 24 sided, the detail reduction wouldnt really be that noticable since its going to have a plastic look to it anyways the gun is currently 622 polys so it might be a little less then 600 when done, look at dreamcast models, its still rather high poly since most character models on that system were around 1k
  12. good ol arthritus or carpol, both suck equally

  13. personally, I can barely see this, I disabled the background
  14. on a revisit on this thread, i didnt realize you used the concept version, thats "way past cool" sorry but its dam interesting to see that this is the prototype/original I cant wait to see it in action though
  15. yeah alot of stuff was missing when I decided to revisit it, I had the entire map almost done, with details, the huge room you were in was the Ball room, the Original Map, had a small cemetary, a library, a servents housing or dorm like structure, and the castle had lots of detailing on the outside, to make it look more Neo-Gothical, the portait in the Keep/throne room is from Castlevania judgment, the throne room is based off the PSP Castlevania, but I understand your points really, the bridges in the original were adorned with lanterns and suspension cables, and the one turret originally was enterable, that had an iron maidon and other torture devices, I might re-add these elements back to the map improving apon what ive learned in this year from mapping, and Id like to give Death his own place in the clocktower. If you were interested in castlevania 64, Darth Zion made the keep/throne room, I also have the unreleased beta for that still, which included the entire stair claimb from the clock tower Today: the map shows it was peiced together with various artistics, I need to fix that, add more rain sound, etc, maybe even wind when on the bridges as well, the moon in the skybox is in the proper position beleive it or not, but yeah, much can be improved, not bad considering this map as you can tell by the BSP name, was a clocktower v2
  16. canadian turkey day...or something

  17. yeah, no idea how to shape that without that yet, working on it though
  18. yeah I noticed that, its a cone, so i gotta either delete it and make a new one thats just 1 segment, or mod the existing one, the trigger loops? i have No idea what your talking about tbh, but im appreciating the feedback since how the hell else am I gunna learn?
  19. time to learn UV wrapping

  20. got my original right here for that, that heavy trigger sound was classic, im also just mapping it in my mind, im just using 3d max as if it was GTK, so my mapping knowlage, is basicly 3D knowlage in general the actual firing sound will be the either the ship firing sound from defender, or the super smash bros 64 raygun sound sfx. both are retro sounding and powerful at the same time 692 is the final polycount with more segments removed >.>; I should have seen each "box" as a "brush" per say
  21. Removed the segments, dropped the polycount down to 760-720 polys
  22. Ash, you model dam fast you know that, maybe you should be the blue blurr of modelling
  23. today I hit 26, and it feels like a normal day, still jobless, lol

    1. spior


      years? Happy birthday then!

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