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Everything posted by CaptainChar

  1. this help is mostly going to be used firstly to fix my Haunted Graveyard map, then any other outdoor maps following this. Im just trying to get the basic understanding of this shader, so I can make the light souce better in my maps, indoor maps are getting better, but can still use lighting improvements as well I ge tthe feeling im going to be redoing the Map's sky shader entirely
  2. why look for all the crap you'd need when you can find it in one bundle?
  3. "we need more power captain"

  4. anyone else finding the site slow today?

    1. Szico VII
    2. CaptainChar


      I blame that stupid hurricane

  5. its fairly accurate, just could use some more deph or you should have used a cell shaded version, but overall it does look like Ashoka
  6. 3 hours of sleep dun cut it anymore

  7. I test all my maps in Solo, never had an issue with the devmap command etc.
  8. I remember the original, its floating somewhere deep in the forums
  9. theres a difference here though, its a constructive review, not the normal run of the mill "I dont know what this map, so i googled it, it looked pretty, etc"
  10. well i kept hearing all this talk about CVAR, and my perspective is, if we can have more, then do it, it even if we cant use em, it just gives that extra slack some people need
  11. Some songs ive done synth covers to: (mostly VG music) More at: http://www.youtube.c...as?feature=mhee http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bouTIxPSmLo Cover: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ah7mFXpBO0Q&feature=plcp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dQM2AfSM1I&feature=related cover: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oyc6FfVJDNA&feature=plcp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnNozy34pYk Cover: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9XqBdNhOaE&feature=plcp Cover:
  12. Ever start playing a game and then realize its been like 6 hours? and you forgot what you where going to originally do

    1. CaptainChar


      my cousin's been playing that, and I have no idea what it is

  13. Not a problem Inyri, though whenever I turn on the Xbox, I get at least 3 requests to play ME3 >.> its like people, I do own other games... but whatever, lets go do this, ...8 hours later.... yay done, time for, aw screw it, its sleep time, thats basicly my experience in a nutshell
  14. I think he needs black leather gloves, dont quote me, im waiting on Slender Source
  15. you Know Aki, when i saw first conact after playing mass effect, i never noticed the design >.>; but more mass effect stuff, yes...
  16. Szico is tough one to please, but it makes me learn new mapping techniques, especially when it gets a a good critique or whatever that word is >.> but it helps in the rating when someone takes the time to actually write a review for the mapper
  17. with that review in mind, its helpful, so the invisable walls, cept the outer walls well be removed as well in the next version, the lighting i really want the moon to be the map's main light source, with the random candle lanters as backupsources
  18. I do apoligize that its only a public beta, but I did plan to have it released in its full state before Halloween
  19. Version v0.5


    Just in time for Halloween, The long awaited Haunted Graveyard map, loosely based on ghosts n goblins, Castlevania, and Left 4 dead 2. The map is a nice large map, with good hiding spots, it would make it an ideal size for CTF, and with its maze like layout a possible challange. tha map is flat with some minor varients in elevation in areas, still personally needs alot of work but neverless Its an original map
  20. i wasnt aware we're allowed to host assets from the game in a sense, and i've never played any of these mods
  21. I swaer I havent forgotten about my maps, but being sick tends to put you off your game

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