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Everything posted by CaptainChar

  1. what has caelum started, his own version of the nyan cat among the nerds?

    1. MUG
    2. CaptainChar


      this is XP caelum, i havent installed W7 yet >.> i have it, just havent backed up all mah shit

  2. Its a Classic, though my remakes arnt as good as their originals sometimes.
  3. at the point were mere caffeine wont help me stay awake

  4. seems youtube is borked this morning

    1. CrimsonStrife


      works for me <.<


    2. CaptainChar


      yeah, but through the first half of today it wasnt letting me post comments, like to dislike, post new videos etc, just said "this function isnt avalable at the time"

  5. I cant say ive never had an issue with minecraft, then again my tower pc an i7 quad runs my server and my client, my netbook is even powerful enough to run minecraft, but again that too is a quad core
  6. ah MoonDog, tis how I play all my horrow games
  7. getting up at 4am wasnt my best plan

  8. getting up at 4am wasnt my best plan

  9. even though I can draw myself, I kinda just wing it in 3d, since its easier to tweak then having to erase lines and redo crap, only time i draw is when im with other people on a design team, so to speak
  10. its about desktops, not the dam language we program or work in, try to stay on topic >.>
  11. "fixing the ship is easy, now reading klingon, thats a different story"
  12. disney made pirates though, and I got nothing against tim burton, or was it tim curry? *shrugs*
  13. as long as its not johnny depp as han solo
  14. never played a doom game, but I wanna try this map, and theres noting wrong with a shiny map I expect most space dwelling maps to have some shine and some grit to them
  15. anyone else ever have great ideas for mods, until you actually start doing it then your like, what was I thinking?

  16. I need to stop sleeping all evening

  17. the last super hero movie I saw was when toby whatshisname was still spiderman, lol
  18. If he cared, 7 8 and 9 he had originally planned way back when, but Ford didnt wanna play Han again so geroge kinda toss the whole story to the side and went to the prequils, I dont remember where I heard or read that
  19. I can voice micky if anyone needs me to reply to vader in this case >.> actually with the weather lately, I need to take time to get into character >.< http://www.mediafire...7nml0qj55ybv84c yeah I suck now >.>, aw well good for a lawl
  20. Disney kinda died when they announced they wouldnt be making any more animated movies, but CGI has replaced traditional animation Sadly, disney games tend to suck something hard, they havent done a decent game since SNES era, so i'd hate to see a new starwars game by disney, something about is wrong, this literally is a disturbance in the force. though you can bet the purest fans wont take this laying down, thats for sure only way the could royally fuck up, is if they made the bad guys a bunch of klingons by accident
  21. Something is very wrong in sci-fi land, I didnt realize Captain Kirk, Spock, and Mccoy were in the starwars universe as a cameo, this hurts my head

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CaptainChar


      Battle Star Galactica, The Original Enterprise is part of their fleet. WAT... >.>

    3. eezstreet


      crack is one hell of a drug

    4. CaptainChar


      never doen crack, done other things in my time

  22. Trying to get ahold of the main mapper, and seeing if this community would be better for Vampire Blood Chronicles

  23. I have a library of textures for the now on hiatus Castlevania aka Vampire Blood Chronicles mod, not really useful unless people want alot of stone and brick varients
  24. Star Wars VII in 2015....by disney

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