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  1. This looks really amazing, Angelmodder! Well done and I look forward to the release :)
  2. I hope you eventually want to continue your workshop as you're a very talented modeler for this community! If not, I don't quite understand the reason for bumping this topic. Anyhow, I wish you good health and best of luck with any new projects! Weske
  3. I am blown away by the cheer size and quality of the map so far! I really love the aesthetics of the buildings and that skybox is subliminal! I look forward to your updates
  4. Great showcase! Looking forward to the next updates
  5. Great stuff!
  6. Welcome back Angelmodder! Looking forward to your updates PS it's Weske from JoF
  7. Amazing work! Will definitely try it out soon
  8. Holy shit balls, this looks freaking amazing! Can't believe this is Jedi Knight xD Looking forward to more updates!
  9. Hello everyone! Weske and I would like to share the highlights of this years JoFBall tournament. JoFBall is a yearly tournament, exclusively hosted within {JoF}, where every members can participate in. JoFBall is an upgraded version of Kyleball (original idea by ZantuS) where two teams contest for the ball by using their saber to score goals. JoFBall tournament 2022 final highlights : Ultras 10 - 4 Yes. Video recorded in Jamme and edited in Sony Vegas. In case you are interested in playing this unique event, you are welcome to join the {JoF} Public Server (IP: or JoF.JK3.in or JoF.JKA.io or Public.JoFHub.eu) where the event is hosted once in a while. If you are interested in joining our clan, feel free to make an application at https://jofacademy.eu/ If you have any further questions, feel free to comment or to contact me through PM.
  10. Good job everyone! Nice submissions
  11. 185 downloads

    *************************** JEDI KNIGHT III MODIFICATION *************************** Title : JoFBall Author(s): PreFX, Weske Credits : Atlas, Perso, Gnost, ZantuS File Name : {JoF}Ball.pk3 File size : 164mb Website : www.jofacademy.eu JoFBall is an upgraded version of Kyleball (original idea by ZantuS) where two teams contest for the ball by using their saber to score goals. JoFBall is a popular event for the JKA clan ‘Jedi of Freedom’. Events are regularly held on the {JoF}Public Server. JoF members have the privilege to participate in the yearly JoFBall tournaments and have a chance to compete for the Striker title. The {JoF}Ball.pk3 is a bundle consisting of the following maps: JoFBall JoFBall_tournament JoFBall_skillgames ‘JoFBall’ is the first custom map and upgrade for the original Kyleball. This map features a central hub with teleports leading to 3 unique maps. Each map is different in size and has a different theme. Arena should be played 3v3, Streets 4v4 and Stadium 6v6. ‘JoFBall_tournament’ features a central hub with teleports leading to three identical Arena’s. In comparison to its predecessor, the arena has an upgraded look, substitution area (dug-out) and spectator room. Thanks to built-in triggers (admin room), the host can simultaneously initiate the start/stop of a round across all three arena’s. In addition to this, in-game messages are displayed for players to keep track of time. ‘JoFBall skillgames’ is a map which focuses on individual improvement presented in a set of fun and challenging minigames. Thanks to built-in triggers, the map allows repetitive practice in the core mechanics such as passing, shooting and keeping. Each minigame is supported with a tutorial and there is a distinction between basic and advanced to make sure everyone, regardless of skill, can play. JoFBall is designed to run on any JA+ server and requires the below server settings to work as intended. g_speed 300 g_saberdamagescale 1.75 g_saberdmgvelocityscale 1.85 jp_allowSaberTouchDMG 1 d_saberSPStyleDamage 0 The four JoFBall Rules Gameplay video’s Installation Just put the pk3 in GameData\base in your game directory. Write /jofballon in the console to load the 'JoFBall_skillgames' map and simulate the server settings in local Multiplayer. Best played in TFFA gametype. Known bugs Due to fast light compile, player models tend to look darker. Final words JoFBall is a project that we have been working on since late 2019. We hope you enjoy this map as much as we do! For any questions, feel free to contact us on discord PreFX#4386 and/or Weske#6740 or visit the {JoF}Public Server.
  12. Mind blowing result Willemoes! One of the best looking custom models I have seen for JKA! Congratulations man
  13. Such an amazing project The model is very unique and almost unreal for such an old game as JKA. Great job man LL{JoF}
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