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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. Updated: - DF2_assets.pk3 https://jkhub.org/topic/5538-mapping-tips-radiant-setup/ - Added "custinfoparms.txt" to DF2_assets.pk3 - Added information on how to use "-custinfoparms". This is in lieu of having to use a custom q3map2.exe.
  2. You can use whatever texture you want for the blade, so the core can look how ever you want it to look. You'll have to compile my code (from the link) to be able to use it.
  3. @@Noodle It's funny you say that, because Jan and Hera are voiced by the same person. She must have a way with men on-screen.
  4. I've managed to edit effects without issue. Camera shake and increased particle limit would be nice, but not necessary. Not having the source will become an issue though, if it ever stops working on future versions of windows.
  5. Updated: - DF2_assets.pk3 - opendf2_sp.x86.exe - rdsp-GL2_x86.dll - df2gamex86.dll The brown battery acid you see in the original DF2 game has now been added. Pretty much a clone of the green acid. For mappers to use this, you need to read https://jkhub.org/topic/5538-mapping-tips-radiant-setup/ .
  6. Updated: - DF2_assets.pk3 Added: - test_rend2.pk3 Added "test_rend2.pk3" which contains my test map. Features: - liquid shaders for water (standard water, green acid, battery acid, water fast, water very fast, ocean) - misc_dlights - GL2 sun - a few, quickly made PBR materials - 2 of Toshi's source engine models - AshuraDX's PBR clone - grass surface sprites (doesn't receive any shadows atm) - PBR glass which is breakable - cubemap mirrors - misc_model_ghoul - misc_model_iqm - misc_model_breakable (for animated MD3) To load, type "devmap test_rend2" into the console. FPS may drop inside where the misc_dlights are, it does on my machine. If the map is too bright, do "r_forcesun 1". Do "r_forcesun 2" for moving sun.
  7. Honestly, it didn't occur to me to have a mass conversation but I've now done it. As I said in the message, the link will stay the same.
  8. @@sebcrea , feel free to apply for the DF2 Mod.
  9. Looks better than the dust gradients in base game, thanks for the info.
  10. The gun in those shots looks nice but it's for the vanilla renderer, and we're using a more modern renderer that uses PBR materials. EDIT: If you can make a PBR version, that'd be great! What I'm curious about is the effect you have for the lights - is it some kind of fog effect?
  11. Updated: - Everything All DF2 Mod developers, PM me for a link to download the mod.
  12. This model won't deform very well, rigged against the standard player _humanoid skeleton. That aside, you need to decrease the quality a fair bit to get it to work in JKA and possibly OpenJK (not sure on this). 4k polys can easily be like 8k tris. I'd concentrate on getting a model that is optimized enough to work in-game and deforms the best it can, long before worrying about UV mapping or texturing.
  13. Ok so transparency seems to work, but I can't seem to have cubemaps working as well. Also found out that for cubemaps to work in a shader, the shader must have a lightmap stage. EDIT: Got something working, but need to tweak it. I'll post back when i'm done. EDIT 2: Nope, looks like shit.
  14. Well I tried it out the other day and my lightmaps were screwed horribly.
  15. Any ideas how to tackle glass? I can't seem to get a transparent png or tga with alpha to actually work ingame. The usual shader code for them doesn't look to work anymore, or there's something else I need to add?
  16. GL2's sun should help a lot with dark areas. Feel free to use whatever textures that work with the level, even if ported or from online. We will be redoing all textures eventually. Just an FYI - GL2 renderer doesn't support external lightmaps, incase you were going to use them. It should hopefully in the future, though.
  17. @@minilogoguy18 Any updates on this? The Gorc & Pic level is almost at early prototype stage, so would be great to have Gorc & Pic NPC's to kill.
  18. @@Psyk0Sith, any updates on the PBR version?
  19. Looking good. Yeah, don't worry too much about final details, lighting or texturing, as those things will be redone later. Most important here is the structure & entities (working doors, etc) to make a working level.
  20. Problem is, there's only a few bones to control face movement and some of what you're asking just can't be done very well (if at all) because of that.
  21. Thanks, but most of what you see in this section of the forums is old and was posted in a time when we didn't have access to a modern renderer. We do now, which means all art assets will need to be redone with the modern renderer in mind.
  22. Thanks, I look forward to see what you come up with. I'd like to welcome you into the DF2 Mod team. Now instead of having your name added to the DF2 hidden forums access list, I've decided that hiding them away was not really that good of an idea. I've asked staff to make all DF2 forums public once again.
  23. @@Jedi_Mediator JayJay21 had begun this level as I forgot to update level assignments. He's now moved to the Boc map, but has done some work that you may find of use: https://imgur.com/a/5cApV Please contact him if you would like to integrate his portion of the Sariss map into your own.
  24. @ Need to change your level assignment, sorry. Could you please do the Boc level instead? My fault - I forgot to update level assignments.
  25. After a very long search, I've finally found the source for the radiant importer - too bad it's in pascal, delphi or whatever instead of c. I'll see if I can at least compile it for use with newer versions of radiant. Anyways, looking forward to see your Sariss level.
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