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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. Just bought it on PC, downloading 56GB on Australia's potato net.
  2. I can give it a go tomorrow. Does it support PBR materials?
  3. Updated: - opendf2_sp.x86.exe - rdsp-GL2_x86.dll - df2gamex86.dll
  4. Well, I can't wait to play it. I only got a few mins to play as a b1 battle droid during beta.
  5. "Like" this comment if you would play with or make mods for the updated renderer from df2 mod on a fresh copy of OpenJK MP. Just to gauge interest.
  6. Clones....PBR.....wanna port GL2 to a fresh copy of openjk for people to start modding and playing with. #letsmakejkagreatagain
  7. @@Circa can you please double check that @@Nupol has dev access to the forums?
  8. Does jamp.exe work? May be an openjk issue.
  9. If I remember, it's quite a low poly face mesh. Custom normals could help somewhat.
  10. I think they're part of the sky shader, so have a look there.
  11. The idles happen randomly when not moving, there's no set time they play. You can't change this without a code edit.
  12. You need to run the openJK build that has rend2 included. Unfortunately, you can't just move the rend2 dll over to any openJK build and expect it to work.
  13. I'll have to upload a new copy to Dropbox later for you. All I did though was place 1 light (rest are dlights) and then jumped around where I put it.
  14. on my test map, shadows 4 (md3 and glm) are sometimes on the ceiling as well as where they should be projected. Still get that pass error too when jumping at the light source, possibly the ghoul2 code being screwy?
  15. So while patches are good for openGL 1, they suck ass for openGL 2.
  16. Use an entity called fxRunner I think.
  17. Using a lot of patches together may introduce mesh holes when they switch LODS. Why not just export them as ASE/MD3/OBJ to be misc_models?
  18. Please tell me this somewhat resembles Luke.... https://www.dropbox.com/s/64p1zt813foctka/Luke.png?dl=0

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AshuraDX


      that's pretty good! Without putting up any ref shots next to that I don't see anything that's off in particular. And it's instantly recogniseable.

    3. Noodle


      Nice to see someone is modeling Slavoj Zizek!

    4. Corto


      Somewhat Lukes like look.

  19. I did that because I couldn't find where to add shadowplane to md3 items, misc models, etc. So this just disables that check. EDIT: Tried everywhere possible to add RF_SHADOW_PLANE (drawmiscents, createmiscentfromgent, misc_model_static), and no luck. :\
  20. Speaking of pshadows, ioq3 has theirs working well. I've got a branch for porting it, but nothing shows up still and I think it has to do with the different sorting. @Xycaleth, you busy bro?
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