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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. Added to this. I've fixed misc_model_static's to cast a projection shadow with the Z component of the shadow correctly planted on the floor (was in the middle of the model). Can't do it for misc_model_ghoul though (shadow Z component is screwed), so to get shadows for them we'll have to wait until pshadows work.
  2. You should come help out on DF2mod's renderer, wz looks sweet!
  3. Later versions of Max use python I think, if that helps.
  4. Just about every weapon in jkg has been slapped together, and have poor optimization. I wouldn't use any of them.
  5. Sounds like either radiant or q3map2 is screwed, or maybe both. Try a fresh download.
  6. Speaking of Gorc, how's the PBR version coming @@Psyk0Sith ?
  7. Can you please post a few screens of it in a 100% dark area with no other lights around?
  8. Luke Skywalker, cuz he's canon. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  9. Honestly, if you want q3/jka maps go play the games. Take the time to build something beautiful in UE4 - something you can't do with q3/jka (at least not yet).
  10. Shouldn't the light get blocked by the light fixture with or without the dlight shadows? Its like the game thinks the fixture isn't even there in the first place.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Corto


      I think the whole grey thing is about what you do with the force and not about what side of it you use. The force has no sides, the force users have sides. I like the idea of somebody finally destroying the old concept of dark versus light and admitting that even those with the best intentions can screw up very badly. It´s time for the story to move ahead and evolve the concept of the force. In my case, I'm bored of the same old story of good versus evil. I would like them to explore more...

    3. Corto


      The "from a certain point of view" vision of things Obi Wan had. For me, he's by far the most interesting character from the movies. I hope Luke steps into his shoes and admits nothing is just black and white.

    4. Ramikad


      Using planet-destroying devices seems kinda black to me :P

  12. Not sure why, but the ceiling is still getting light even though the light fixture should be blocking it from the dlight ent.
  13. Each ent has a comment of what it does in the code, so you could go through and check each ent and make sure it's description is up to date.
  14. Just played the PC BETA and the first thing I think of is, we really don't need Moviebattles II anymore. Classes is a decent improvement, for sure. I played as trade fed on Naboo against Clones + Rey and it was great. The icing was seeing leaves blow around the streets, just made it all the more realistic. Combat-wise it feels like the first Battlefront (dice) which to me, was a Star Wars CoD experience with a few differences. I'll be buying this for sure.
  15. Came across this shader generator https://github.com/Unvanquished/Sloth
  16. ShaderED also becomes obsolete with a modern renderer. Could really use the source code.
  17. Perhaps look into making the editors in-game, like Id Tech 4.
  18. You can set up the constraints in your 3D package, then bake it so all movement is keyed onto the bones. It's how I managed to get the pistons on my t-800 to move right years ago in both source and JKA.
  19. Unless they have PBR materials, can't really use them. P.S If you want something smaller to do, how about a DF mod MP? Much less work.
  20. But how does WZ handle larger, outdoor maps performance-wise?
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