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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. Could load the Sulon Star as an MD3, loaded by the renderer. What was that last screenshot of a map you were working on? Where I said that we needed to redo parts of it due to GL2.
  2. Spectacular visuals and looks to have a good story. Very impressed, DICE.
  3. @@Ramikad, didn't you start this?
  4. Could be Luke's hand, part of the flashback scene we're going to see most likely. He may have had a different outfit before things went to shit. The book looks charred, so Luke could be going back into the burnt down (possible Jedi Temple) building to recover what he can.
  5. Added: - 07yun_gl2.pk3 Updated: - df2_assets.pk3 - df2gamex86.dll - opendf2_sp.x86.exe - rdsp-GL2_x86.dll Changes: - latest code from SomaZ has been compiled into a release build (most notable change is AO from RMO "specular" textures now is used)
  6. The guy looks like he needs some roids. Anyhow, nice start.
  7. Trueview 1 shows the entire player model, which looks pretty bad when it's as upclose as that. Much rather to see just the legs of the player model, and still use viewmodels.
  8. I'd say 2,000 tris max total for both arm meshes, and 2-3,000 max for the weapon itself? Open to any thoughts here. @@Archangel35757 The only trueview I'm interested in is 2.0, where it shows the viewmodel & the lower half of the player.
  9. If there were enough developers interested to team up, then I would totally move DF2 over to UE4.
  10. I already have a plan to get realistic facial animation. It's just implementing a full set of facial bones, animating the talking in Max/XSI, compiling it as a cinematic GLA, then playing the talking animation & voice file at the same time via ICARUS.
  11. Just an FYI - I've implemented Ghoul2 viewmodels so when you're done, send it over to me for rigging. @@Psyk0Sith Regarding Kyle. Do you think for now you could just make high quality viewmodel arms, all the way up to the shoulder? Any neutral pose you choose will do as we're not using the player model GLA for viewmodels.
  12. My last 4:3 monitor was a CRT, so long ago now.
  13. Yeah, I'd personally LOVE to redo those cutscenes in-game but I have plenty to do already.
  14. It's pretty good, but Ray Park isn't that beefy so my Maul head looks a bit out of place on the torso you have there.
  15. Yeah, remember the Mos Eisley map that was made in UE4? This kind of quality, if it's done right.
  16. Looks great, but would look 10x better with PBR.
  17. The code is largely @@ent 's and its upto him if they want to implement it in Openjk. I've added support for widescreen resolutions in the r_mode code, so we aren't just using that custom resolution method. While the toggle for widescreen works, the menus just became too much of a hassle to make sure they worked for both 4:3 & 16:9 so we've the dumped 4:3 option in setup. You can always set the r_mode to be a 4:3 resolution, but beware the menus won't always display correctly. EDIT: When the 1 level PBR demo is out, the menus will be there for anyone to play with. I have the 4:3 resolutions commented out, so you could just un-comment them and the 4:3 aspect ratio option. Maybe one day down the track I'll come back and make sure the menus look fine using 4:3 resolutions, but there's just so much to do right now and very little man-power.
  18. I think I read somewhere that Kyle uses a modified bryar blaster. I'm wanting to keep as close to what we see in the cutscenes as possible, so just use them as reference.
  19. FINALLY figured out the correct shader for using misc_models (the ones that turn into BSP, not static). Only issue now is apparently, misc_models do not show marks for sabers or blasters. @@SomaZ, would this be a q3map2 thing or GL2 renderer?
  20. Tempust85


    Not broken for me, just tried it.
  21. Now we just need it to look as good ingame. Can't wait for SomaZ to finish the lighting, this game will look so great.
  22. https://www.dropbox.com/s/9ym1c6eys81zl3a/zzz_heavy_repeater_json.pk3?dl=0
  23. Kinda hoping you would stick to the posted size, so I can just do an easy replace. Looks like I'll have to redo the map texturing, as it's set to the posted resolutions. Anyhow, looks great. I take it you'll send them all in a pack when done?
  24. I should have it somewhere, I'll look through my stuff.
  25. I've mostly redone the gorc and pic level, and it's basically done. GL2 lighting hasn't been sorted yet, so we're still using lightmaps. When we have it sorted, I'll use my 07yun level as a "how to". The most important thing we need done is the level block outs, which are still done in radiant. I don't think the sariss level has been made, so go ahead with that one. Don't worry about texturing right now though, just caulk everything.
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